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GO TO MONTANA VIA THE St. Paul, Itapolis & Manitoba. RAILWAY. A MAGNIFICENT Daily Train Service! "The Montana Ezpress," WILL BE INAUGURATED NOVEMBER 10, 1888 Elegant Dining Cars, Drawing Room Sleepers, Handsome Day Doaches, AND ' FREE Colonist Sleepers WtTH KITCHEN AND LAVATORY THE ONLY LINE TO THE THREE GREAT CITIES OFMONTANA, GREAT FALLS, HELENA AND BUTTE. For Maps and general information ioquire of your own Ticket Ageut, or F. I. WHITNEY, Gen'l Pass. and Tk't Agt., St. Paul, Min. EIHSKY & SláiDLÍ 2STO3. 6 A.J5TX3 8 Washington Street, Ann Artooi Michigan. Hapo alway on hand a complete Stock of o ei; thint u to GROCERY LIP: Teas, Coffees and Sugars AU prime Article bought for CaD and can se. atlow figures. Our requent large invotces c Teas ts a sure sign that we give bargains in QUALITY AND PRIOE. Weroastonr own coffees every week, alwaj fresh and good. Our bakery turnB out the ver. best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali am seeHP. New Advertisements TO ADVERTISERS AlistoMCKiO newspapers dividcd into STATE3 AND SEC1IONS will be seut on application - ïo ihose who want thcir advcrtisine to pay, we can offer 110 betler medium for ihorougü and efleelive work Ihan the varlous sections of our hlct Lur 1.11. ... .„ Newspaper Advert sing Burean. 10 Spruce street. New ork. BEST AND CHÉAPÉST ORANGE LAND IN THE WORLD. Tor I'arlieular nnd "encriptlve iriilir Hllr' the BARTON LAND AND WATER CO., I.OIS AMeBliEI, 'AI JS IV KToodw 3 ae. DetioM Midi. IAm, %- f jfo&to;-- W. B. WARNER, 24 STATE S?. HFW - - STÍlBf No better place in the city to bny your GROOBRIES Business conductei on CASH basis. No Goods Küki on creüit to anyone, but prices are low enoiiüh lo make it a object for yon to trade with him. Telephone Connections. A II Goods delivertd. ate. PENNYROYAL WAFERS rá"S Are snccfssfully usiil nijnthly by ovi-r KV,IO ■ ÍRIjMlles. Are Sufe, Effii l u,i aml rleaxunt. I 7 M f pa1 box by malí, or at drugglats. Seuletl Far. tf íícuar2 jíostaiít: stjitnps. Adaross l THE KtliEKA CHKM1CAL Cü.Ml'ÍNY, . FiRlmr Block. KU Woodward ave., Detroit, Mkh. IU by II. J. BNMWa C. LAOIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS! I lii' .rrat KiikünIi l'r-sTil ion w'U resí that l-t Vita'ity and a Rugged, I Healthy Ondtioii folio w its use. Buy at yonr drug si's, one packaue. (fl ; six for $5 EUKKKA CHEMICAL 00., DETROIT, MK.H. Sold by 11. J. Bnncn Je Co. "CHICAGO TRUSS." tNew Spiraí Spring Tntí. Hard Huhher Patl ; Clean, ïw Durable. Cheap. Approyed S Dy the highest Medical Anlliority. Worn day and niiht [y an Infanta week oíd or an Ailult 80 yearb. Ea.iHp ailjuKted. It met' all forma oí Hcrutal Kermorrtf, Inguinal and Umbilical Hernia, i both Infante and Adolts. Siitisfaction guaranteed in all case. Any desirable pressiire obtaine1. If your drugífiNt does not keep this Tiuss, eneldfie siamps and addrcss. VB'VAAO i it i ss O., I limito. III. OFFICE AND FÍTT1NG RWM, 123 E. Raiuiíiliih St , T. Y. KAYNK. Manaoer. Sold by Aun Arbor DruggistB. Tino nADrDsonfllenPh"s4erWs I S1Ü rSlüítialni? ARoney ÏÏ Hnm N. W. AYER & SON. our authorlzed agenta. THE MARCH OF PROGRESSf OUR LATESTIMPROVEMENTS "CoiiiprtUlonifHhrlifcoftradi-,"ani)lfyo have noi seenourhitestlmprovedgooas, yoacanixx, imagine how Uvcly tradc Is, or huw bard OU coiniieUors have to work to keep withln siaht ot us. AskyourretailerfrthoJani's Mcans J Knoe, er the James Mran' Ï4 Shoe, acamliiur to jour in. l'ositivelv none toiiuine unle&s liavinK our name and pricc stumpod rlainly on U.e solos. Your retóltor will supply jou wiih Bhocs 80 slnmpi'd If jon hiw upon his dolng so; if jou ilo noj insist, somt: rulnilei mIU coaxyou into bnvlng inferior bíkws ujjuu wbick tueymakeatoerpruflt. Mr kMC' I tF JAMES iAEANi 'IL $3 SHOE I oN tíPvKUN EX CELLED IN W C VkSTYLE UNEPUALLEÜ TkiNDURABILITr iiUrn s]V_ "?" AND !ülr& ERFECTIOK JAMES AEAHS'fl tery Bnch hm bwn tho recent proKTM In onr jf industrv Ihal wt are now able to afllrm that the J"n Wfaii8''$4 Shoe is In every respect equal to Mhlch only a few years ago were rctuiled at fllLr ten dollars. If you will try on a pair }Ott wili bo ooovinced that we do not exaKKcrate. ,i.__i_ OuraarcthcoriKiiial $:laml t4shoes, and tnoeewl Imítate our system of Imsiness are unable to compete with us In qaallty of fketory product. In our Unes we are tlie largeiit manufacturera In Bio by wiile-Hwake retellen in all par of tho country Wo will place them easily wlthln jour reïïf in .ny state or territorj f you will InveM Ce cent in a Dostal card und wrile to us. i t,. U ril lier. !■ LP% Friendo J)1.M I NICHES & "K í)ANGt ToLlf K or HOTHüKCHlWO, BRADntLD.REGUUTOR CO., 7" you Aat'e anyttnng lo seV. or to rent; ij ynu Knv list any vuliuible íhing ; if tou havefound any valuablethiny ; it you want room.i board ivirk r nnilfí'w under the sun, advertixe ií in the ' W'n'il. aAutn t qf The ííi gií'tkk.


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Ann Arbor Register