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WOMAN'S RIGHTS. Hüsband. - Mary, won't you mend this horsc blanket ? I have only had it tvvo weeks. Wife. - I will mend your shirts and pants, but I draw the line at horse blankets. They smell bad. Husband. - If you will mend this one, I will buy a 5& Horse Blanket ncxt time, and you won't have to mend it. 5A Five Mi.e. - Hal Flve Mllei of Wrp Thred i. t ff 5A Boss Stable. PSk ff _ Ctrongest Hone BUokot Kado. éjêk 5A Electric. 'JygM JaitthetWngforOut-Doorüi. LJ 5A Extra Test. # AT n Bomtthing Bew, Very Stront. 30 other styles At priccs to snit evsrybody. For sale by all dealers. None genuine without this 5L Trade Mark sewed inside. [Copyrighttd 1888, by W. Ayres & Sons.J O 02 W C5 02 H PW 3 L ■ - I ü ■tí & & t. Sí . Dj ai ö i YOU CAN GET IT AT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. LEGALS. STATE .;F MICHIGAN. - Williah II. SlATiiKR.Complaiiiant - I J.G. Baii.ey Executor of the will of Julia A . Reyiiolds. deceawd l and K.iza Momgomery, ) auls. The twen ty-seeond Judicial fircult in Ohancery, Ruit pending in the ■ : rcalt Court for the couiry of Washtenaw in Ch&ncrry. at Ann Arbur, on the Beconri day of November A. D. 1888. In Ihis cause it appearins; from atfidacit on file that the said "efendant. J U Bailey. executor ol the will of Julia A. Keynolds, decea-ed. is not a resident of this state. 6 it is a resident ot Santa Ann, in Lus Angeles Oounty. in the .State nf (,'alifurnia. On motion of complauiant's sollcltor, it isord red that the appearanue o; said non-resldeii' defendant. ,T (t. Baile, eXfCBtor as aforesatd, bo entered herein within four montiis Innn the date of lilis order; and in case of hls appearance he Cnuse his answer to the bilí of compiaint tó befiled and a nopy thereof to be served on the compiamar.t's snlictitor within tnrenty days after service on lum of a copy of said bill and notice ol tliis order; and in thereof said bill ill 1) taken ns eo fe sed by said nou resident derendant And it la further ordered that witnin twenty days the complaiuant cause a notire of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Registeb. a newspaper printed, published and circ.uatinginsaid rounty and that said publication be coutmued the ein. once in each week, for six weeks in uocesslon, or tnat he cause a copy of this order to be personally served on raid nonresident detendanl at least twenty days beiore the tim 2 abuve presvrib'd for his aupearance PA1K1CK McKERNaN. Circuit (Jourt Comiesioner for NOUI W. rHEvaKR.e"aWC'0U"lyMiehiBai!Solieitor for Coraplainant. Probate Notlee. State of MlCHIGAS, ( COUNTY OF WASHTENAW j SS" At a eJIOD of ihe Probate Court fur the County of Washte aw. holden at the Probate Office in ihe city of Ann Arbur. uu Weduesday, the fl th day oi Deci mber. In the year one Ihuiiaaud eight bundred aud t-ighty eiglit. -Tesent, Wilhaw l). Hiirriman. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Cari Sehliramer derejised. John C. Mead the administrator of said estáte comes into coart and represent, tiisit heis iiow' prepured to rcuder tiisliual account os such admiiiistrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Friday, Ihe 21st dav ol December instant, at ten uVlock in the foreiioon be assigned for txamining and aliuwine such accouiu, a-d that the lei-sees, legatees and heire at law of said deceased. and all other persons interesled in (.aid estáte are lequired toappear at asession ol said Court, Uien tobe holden at the Prubate Offi.e, In the City of Ann ArDor, m said CouTity, and show cause' if anv there be, why the said account slmuld not be alluwed: Auditis furiher ordered that said Administrator give noiice to the persons Intarested 111 said estáte, of the rendency of said account and the hearing taereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publlshed in the ann akbor Rsgistkr, a newspaper prmted arid cinMilating lnaidCounty,twosiM!cesiTeweeIu previuus to said day ot hearing. ., , íViii.iamD.Harriman. [A true cipy.l Juuge oí Probate. W H. ,. Doty, Probate Register. lrobnte O ril er STATE OF MICHIGAN,) COUNTY OF WASHTESAW. ƒ mAtasession of the Probate Oourt for the Gerant; of Wahteniw, holdeu at ïhe Probate Í J; m the city of A tm Arbor.on Wednesday, thehtth day ol Decemb. r, in the vear one thousand eight huiulrcU anl ehjhty eight Present, WILLIaM U. UAKKIMaN. Judge of In the matter of the Estáte of Xelaon Slrone deased. """s. Se.igwick Den, pxecutor of the lat wlll and testament of sai.i deceased, oomes into court and representa that he is now prepared to render hls nual aeount as such executor. Thereupm il U Urdercd, That Monday, the 31st day of December in-t., at ten o'clock iú the forenoon, be assigned for examlning and allowiiiKSueh account, and that thedevisete leeaiees andhcira at lawofsaid deceaed. and aU oiher persons linerested in 8aid e-tate. are required to appear at a sesión of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor in said county, and cause, if auy there be' why the said account fchoui.1 not be allowed-' And ii is further ordered, that said executor eivê nouce to the persons interested in said estáte of ine pendeney 01 said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pubhshed in the Aun Arbor Reghtkr a newspatj.- prinied and circulaing in said county tnr. e suceessive weeks previous to said day of WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, M.r?, Probate RegiSt.'ige f MorljfiiKe; Nulo. ,'aatta Whereas. William A. Mason and Elizibeth Ma. son, bis wife, of Noithfitld, in Wash;enaw Couiity, Michigan, ixecut. d a mortgage to Edward Treadwell and Noah W. Cheever, eiecu.ors of the will of Hiram Arnold. deceascd, to secure the nav ment oi eertain principal and interest therein meiitioned, wMch montage bears date January5th 188H. and was recorded in the office ot theHee' isier of DecilB for Washtenaw Cnuntv Michiuaii on the 2ith djy of January. 1886 at S&o'clock. p! m.,In Liberes of Mortg ges ,upage 74 an.1 wheré as default has been.made for more than sixty davs in the paymeut of au instailment of interest which became due thereon on the Tjth dav of January, 187 as well as the succei ding i stali ment of interest which became due thereon January 25th, I8S8, and by reason ibereof and pnrsuantioihu termsofead mortiiage, the principal sum unpald oi said mortgaee of iwenty-one húndred and ien do.lars with all tlie arrearagc ot interest thereon. at th option of t-aid mortEaeees became due and payable immediately thereiiiter and the power of t,ale contained in Raid mortgaee became op rative, and the said morte Keel do hereiy declare iuheir option an I do hereby elèet to hare the principal sum oí said mortgngeand all jnte-est theeon become now due and i.ava ble. And whereas there is now claimed to be due and payabie as aforesaid upon said mortgnee and the note secured the'eby at the rtate of this notice the mm ot two thousand tour hundred and fiftv five doli&is J2.IS6 üoi iu additi.,n to all other Ie gal costs. and no iuit or procecding in law or tquity having been instltuted to recoier the debt pecured by said mortKage or any part thereol, N) . tice is therefore hereby given that said morteare will be foreclosed by a sale ol the mortgaeed premibts therein described or ►ome part thervo to wit: All of the following described land Is tuated m the township of Washtenaw County Michlian. viz: The Nr rth East miarte" of theSouth-We tquarterof Sectlon No.thiriv one ,81) in township No. One South, in Range No. Six, Eaet; also the South seventeen il7) acrpK nf the West half of the North-Kast qt.arter f said Section No. I birty one, it being d.v'isforf. No one two. three. four, and one acre off of the south' eirieof dlyMnn No. Five in the parïition of 'the estáte of Patriek McMahon. deceased, as appears by the report of the commissloners on file In the Pr. bate uffire tor Washtenaw Cou-.ty all in township one soutii. in range six east. and con temine in all sixty-etsht acres of land. more or less. at public vendue on the twenty third dav of February. 1889, at ton o'clock in the forenin cSoSfi ,sjr of " th ciDated, November 25th, I88g. Edwakd Tkbadwkll and ceSfed10" f Uie "■I"lA"fWHiraHmKlnK,:d, Sillo. Defaiilt havlng been made in the condition. of a MortgaKe executed by Jeííers,, L 'w s a,rf Rachel Lewls, hls wile, to Adelia c "he-JS beanuï dnte Oetober 21. l8G and recordld ín Sun?" Sri 'm Reterof eedsfor W,L, i Couni Mlcblgtn. etober vl, 1886. in Liber 7 of Morteagcs. on page 102, whl.h Morteaiewï assBiK-d byaid Adelia (;. Checver lo "e Tovt? Noble by deed of asügnment. dated DeSmtór 6 } lil aundfr'coriled In ald Peglster'8 office 1 Libel . of asignments of morteaKes on dukTkux by which def.ultthe power of %X cö niSi i ni eaid M.TUage became operative, and no Tsuit or prnceeding in law or equiiy having been ïnBtiiuted to recover ihe W fecured by l d Mnrigage or any part thoreof, and the ram o,?7'-n'".1le1 an" th "S-tbree and 60-100 dollars (1288.60) beuu now ulaimed lo be due upon sid MongHtre. Notice U therefore üereby ij, tht jaid MortgaRc wiU be foreclosed by a Ie of the Mongaged preraises therein tócrib1 ar Bome pan thereof. to wie AH the followini deboribed land situated in the City of Ann Arb"r MJ.-hlgan.vH: Lot No. Threein Block No Fire North of Huron Street in Kauge No. Fourieen Kast aeiordmg to the recorded plat ol tüp U.aeSt!ix,èPd,d.hiürt tOEafid vflty' at pubIi; vèndue on the bixteeiith day of Novembi r next, at ie o doek in the forem.oon, at the Hurmi street en" trance to the Court House, in the Citv of An Artor in aid Cnunty of Washtenaw, tía ; bei CüeunPtyaCe bOldlUg 'he Clrouit o? in safé Dated August Hth, 1888. N. W. CHEEVER, AtrEney.Y ' NBLE' AfSigneeIt is to be gaid of the best cooks tfaat they re known by their soups and sauce.


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Ann Arbor Register