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KP ,. Central 1 Ï?jn SS2SR!5 8 S2SS3 i ss ïïï puu dsa p,'j .--om-in : SS -S !ir-ooo o o - - (O h -Anna -dxs ii? ■ ans jdflDxa o.' ■■ sssjdïa Aa gg2s ; ; : g sss?;;? ij a" rf aï ■nnsjdaaxa ■ o, ' i i ! i 1 ! j lili; s 4ií ii! jal eo "f t : 15 to tO f ; "afLa 8 ;833S Ï3 Ï8SS88 È fAo 8S SI ij :SSLg g jjn_ : n : icoo ang id33X3 t. o; o; rssajdxa ma SS2S?S S 1 iSSSS aoo o l ---{no 5 ï if-OCCO CO aoaON(NtO I ifiJ 1 1 J ! I 6 1111 3lsSs Toleflo,Ann Arl)or& Nortli Micfiigau BTy Time Table going mto effect Sunda? Dec 16 '88 i-at. Pass. Mail Southern Dvlslnn. Maj, Ma), fe ÏS ;' "--....Toledo 1 io il 00 .. i A? fi Dundee 12 18 10 13 ..""" !fi 4' .Mllan 12 00 9 50 Tai r ! -..Hitefleid ... u 40 9 32 .. 8 00 5 27 7 f ll 9 20 9 0 uu o i 7 Leiand 8.... II 10 a os a ii J 7 49Whitm,„e Lak, 10 l" 8 50 _!" %. l f. Hamburp io 48 8 4ñ - 7 I 9 w Durand. 9 ai 7 ín 9 00 10 5 ...EastSagtnaW.. 8 0 6 o7 M M a. m. p. m. r; NORTHERN DIVISIÓN. A. M. P. M. A M P 7 30 9 3,5 Durand 9 "=, 7 15 0 1 12 4S ...Mt. Heasant... 6 tt 4C.% - 1-! 65 3 30 Cadillac ï lfi 2 00 . "'p' M -AJÏiJ M All passeDger trains run daily exceptiulüa7. Oouuecuoub at Toledu witi, rallruaasdivwüu V At Manhatun Junction with Wheeling IS f V.. S. At Alexis Junciiop wítb y C H R I . ífíniV y "?■" 1 Monroeiot witn Ij. ö. iS. M. 8. K y. At Dunder wïth I u a i't y' At. ''Id with L. S. & M. 8. Jtf s ?h Trbor with Michisan Central R. K., ano' "n8rÍL.aLnydO?lt)etro1t' In8ln N H. W AHHLEY V H.BENNETT Superintenaent, Gen. Passeneer Agent. .. .. Li AI6Lk,, Ateni. Ano Arbor. At ABhley with the Toiedd ?aginaw & Mus keiion railway. KEPORT OP THJfi OONDITION OF THE AnnArborSavingsBank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., OH MONDAY, July 2d, A. D. 1888, MADE 7 of the eneral BanklnK Lw as Ameiifled in 1871? RESOURCES. Loan8 and Discount on. qsa ,s iïiïlX1 :::::::: K Furmture and Fixtiire-i"""""" iS X UABIUTOB. 665440 Capita! Stock s innmnn Surplus Fund 5S 0 July Dividend ZJZ ??m S T . , Í 618.554 40 tr,L lemi ly. "T'''1 that the above statement true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. dátoi'jul. SWOm t0 befOre thls 2d ADAM D. SEYLER, Notary Public Henry Richards, SO 9 DETROIT ST. Deerin all kinds of HARD WOOD, LÜMBER, PENOB POSTS, etc., aleo all kinds of STONE AND CORD WOOD I am also Agent for the celebrated CHAMPION binder: and mm, And Keep a Pull Line of Repairs for the Same. ! DoVm ? dilNZEf :old HOfl ESTY Qequinefasa Htu H tintagon eVery plug. OLDHONESTVisacKnow!edcjed to be trje purest and niost lasting piece of Standard Chewing Tobacco onthemarKet.Tring it is a bettertest thanany talK about it. Give L a fair trial Your dealer has it. flfO. FIMER & BROS., Loaisvilie, Ky INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offloes, No. 1 and 2, First Ploor, Hamilton Block. Partie desiring to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll flnrJ It tothei rad vautage to cali ou me. I represent the following flrst-class Pire Insurance Oompanlea, having an aggregate capital of over $8,.000: The Orand RapirtN Flre In. Co., The Ohio I iti ■■■ r- I iis. ., insiirr only lH-llriikNj. The i riiiMii Pire Ins. .. Tll" oul'unliH ■■■. Co., 'I he li lr il-.' Flre lus. ., Tie Wi'rtrlii'sii'r Flre Iiih. Co., The Nilwnukee Mccbanlc's Wiitnnl Ins. Cu., 'l'he Si- HnmpNhire Flre Ins. Co., The Aniazun Flre luw. Co. Rates Low. Losse llberaily adjusted &nd oromptly patd. I also issue Ufe and Investmeiit Polictes In the Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. Aa. ets S56,000,000. Persons deslrlng Accident Insurance, can have yearly Pollcles wrltten for tbem or rravelert Coupon Insurance Tickets Istned at low Rates in the Standard Accident Insurance Coropam of North America. Money to Loan at Curroui Ratea. Office hours from 8 i. m. to 12m. nd_2tt, . m ALEX. V7. HAMILTON, Hamllton Bloot rDESW CDCt fol n W(Ti"H ■■■%■■■■ f "jgësm&a " ' k L If L !■ rtaB'!yt(__ fccitime-l libia W lrVn"G''l.'n'!T11"' dá5oSí$íájÍr n"l vftlae..E PKHMOM , NOfiUUUilEBÍÍ l-lti:i:. tlow ín tNlMpnaslbJeT ' Sdu rèj&r Wtl anawer - w want oo MT'TTffTyifr son tn each lorallty. to keepln ulr hotnes.kuti nüow to tjaose whocmll, complete ltnor oor nlDsblamd erj naefoa ÜOUSEROLil NAnPLCS. Tbe umpln.u wll the n-.tch, we end rree.and .(ter .00 b. kapt tbem In yout bom tor S montln nj Hiom Utnn o tboie wbo my li. c lied, the; breóme Tour nu pmprrt; U poaalbM to mate t Jila íre.t olTer, emlinit the KOUD "" watcliand COStï asmplea fnê, ■ tbestnwluof M umplei In my loc, ,lhr. .!;. reanlli In lareotnd lor o; after our Bamples Ih tve been In locallty for n mnoth or two wa nioilly (at irom 1OOO to G.OOO la tr.Je Trom t.1 ■umiindlnc connlrj. Tbl, tb moal von.lerful elTer vr i1."!. m"" ln order "'"' "" mple my Iw plKi at oooa bare tney can ba aeen, , all orer Amerlra. Wrlle at once, and Daka acre of tbe chance . Reader It wlil hehardlvanr troflMa fcr joo 10 ahow the ani ilca 10 tlioae who my cali al or som and joop reward vlll 1 + tnoat aatlafactory. X poatalcar4n te to wrlt. n. coata bot 1 cent and afler yonkoow alLlfjoo o not care to co furtha r, ladotx. Butiryoado. and joor addreaa at 01 ,ca, yon can acare i-REK 00. of th. CanV-viZHSi'tJi "" wmlá '""■ " I.UBILV N A.VII'I .KH. We nar all esoreaa rrrlrht ptn. 4üdrM OIO. BTÍUdOM (XX, Bo i, TObÏÏImo, 5Üil LUKBEB LI7MBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building oall at FEH.DON 11.ÏA1 Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBEE We manufaonire our own Lumber and qruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES "olve H nd we win mak U o ior inKri si. hh onr lartre aitd telt Uoan. "tOCk ftU1' ' oíílSSí! 'AMES TdLHKBT, Prop. T. J. HKECH, Soul. l'illS PAPEH. Z rrmn1 " toea.


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