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G. M. Monroe s at for the holidays. Judge Lfltie and famiiv, of Adrián, are visting E. J. Knowlton'e. Alderman Allmendineer made a flying trip inio Iowa, last week. I K Porjd, of Chicago, spent Ctiristmas at E. B. Pond's on Siaie st. Mrs. J. Q. A. Sessions left yesterday to spend a few days in Detroit. Delay Davis, of St. Thoma, O.Tt., spent i Christmnsat Tlio?. Hajley's. Miss Alice W-eeler, of Saline, vieited Ann Arbor friends lst week. Mrs. George Sieeley, ot Detroit, 8 visiting her sister, Mrs. Pkilip B oh. J. H Clrmgh and wife spent Chnstmas with Rev. S. H. Adams, of Dexter. M Grossman, of East Saginaw, spent Chnstmas ia Ann Arbor witn friends. Prof. L. C. Huil, of L wrenceville, N. J., canie to Ann Arbor to spend Christma.-. Theodore Rt-yer, of Detroit, eperjt Christmas withhis tuother on S. Maio st. Mrs. Zenus Sweet and ohildren spent Christmas with her parents at Sjuth Lyon. George Moore, of Detroit, spent Christmas with h s iather. Stephen Mooie, of Broadway. FraDk M. Sesions, of Detroit, epent Chrisimas with hisparents, Mr. and Mrs.J. Q. A. Sessions. Mrg. E. Maier and dauhter, Lana, are i-pending ihe holidsys wich Mis. Maier's son, C. E. Mutschel. Louis Rominger, of Detroit, epent Chrisimas with bis father, Dr. C. L. Kjmiager, 21 S. Filth st. Dr. H. C. Nickels, dent 88, of Montpelier, O., is pending the holidays with Lis parents on díate st. Dr. Fred Weir, the first leader the Chequamegons had, will looate in Aun Axbor as Dr. Frothingham's assistant. Miss Nettie C. Daniel-!, lit. '86, has been called to thechair ot JS-jglis-h in the State Normal school at San José, Cal. Mrs. A. L. Noble was in hopes to get home from Albion, N. Y., for Christmas, but her health would not permit. Mrs. Christian Arndts, of Marshall, is spending the holiday with her mother, Mrs. George Heune, 79 W. Liberty. Mrs Harrington, assifted by Mrs. Divine, Mísb Divine, Miss Stebbins and Miss Burton, will receive, Jan. 1, from 2 o'clock on. Mrs. Carhart, at 7 Monroe-st, with Miss Soule, of Pciladelphia, and Miss Seager, will receive calis on Jan. 1 from 2 to 6 p. m. Rev. R. L. WilliamR arrived at his home, 2G Madison-st, last Monday, from Oscoda, and "vill spend the holidays with his family. Fred Shullz and Charlfis Dietas, !v cotnpositors in TnE Register, now ia Deiroit, spent their Chnstmas in Ann Arbor. Mrs. Horace Holmes and daughter are in Ann Aroor for the holidays, the guestB of Mr. and Mrs. G-. W. Renwick and uiliers. Capt. H. P. Danforth, of Cincinnati, O., was yesterday looking over Ann Arbor with the view oí bringing his iamily here to remide. Mrg. Mary E. Hill, oL State-st, and Fred S. Lawrence aud wife, of Washicgton-st, are spending the week in the capita! oí Michigan. The wife of Prof. Henry F. Lyster, of the University, but resident in Detroit, will spend a fortnight in Washington as the guest of Mrs. Don M. Dickinson. Mrg. Bach will be 8t home after 2 o'cloek, on New Year's day, at 100 S. Main-st., assisted by Mre. Sheley, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Clarkson, Mrs. Lewis Hall, Miss Maak and Miss Lilly Condón. Forty-two persons sat down to a Christmas dinner atC. H. Wordeu's. They included the families of S. L. Ramsdeil, D. H. Ramsdeil, E. E. Lelaud, H. Laraway and Joghua La-away, of Northfield; R. Townsend and P. Townsend, of Superior, and Dr. A. L. Worden of Detroit. Mr. Worden's mother, Mrs. H. Coy, was also one of the party. Daniel Crossman, of Williamston, was in Ann Albor Saturday. He comes about once in four weeks to visit his father who has reached the age of 03. Mr. Crossman has becomeso used to the house of representatives and the clerk's duties that he wouldn't feel comfortable without them every other winter,and certainly the legislature wou'.d do a good deal of flounderiag if it attempted to get along without him.


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Ann Arbor Register