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Read the ih-híIi Boíl Whicb the bilis of mortality of any large city may be fitly designated, and you will find that renal and vesical maladies, tbat is to say, thoee that affct the kidoeys or bladder, have a remarkable prominence - we had almoet said - preponderance. Bright's disease and diabetes in the chron10 stege are rarely cured, and gravel, catarrh of the bladder and enuresia, slay rnany. Yet at the outset, when the trouble merely smounts to inactivity of the organs involved, the danger may be nullified bv that pleasant renal tonio and diuretic, Hostetter's Stomach Bitter?, which impnrt8 the requisita amount of tone to tbe organs, withuut overexciting tnem, and the u-e of which is convenient, and involves no elabórate preparation. Dyspepsia, a usual coi comitant of rennl complaiute, and debility, whioh they ir.variably produce, are retnedied by it. So also are constipation, innlaral, iheumatic and Lcrvous ailmpntp. Qustav Freytag, the Germán novelist, prefers not to use the title of nobility which has been uonferred upon him. Snlt Rlieum With ite intense itchinp, dry, hot skin, often broken into painiuí cracks, and the little watery pimples, often cbubcs indef.cri bable suffering. Hood's SarsapariUa has wonderful power o%'er this disease. It purtfies the blood and expela the humor, and the skiu heals without a scar. Send for book containing raany statements of cures, to C. I. Ilood & Co., Apothecariee, .' . jwell, Mass. Hugging does not alwayn denote affection; for a mau who embraces a lamp-post Hoes it oc'.} fur support yet finds no sport in it. Wbr, i eveiythingelwe tuut, Dr. Sage's Ctarrh Remedv cures. Eve was, of course, ihe first, but Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southwortb, the novelist, is the initial womD. It Is Iscles ior young ladies who are troubled with 'recklep, pimples, moth and tan and a bad ■kin generally, to use liquid paints or dry powders, for they only make the skin look well for the time being. To have a good '■omplexion you naust have pure blood. Use Sulphur Bitters and your skin will be fair and complexión rosy. - Young Ladies' Magazine. Alabama is the coming ircn state. Pig iron can be produced in that ttate for less than in Englsud. For stifiFness and soreness of the mugcles and joints of the body, rheumatism, nd npurblgia, nothing iquals Salvation Oil. Pricu '25 cents. A eole-stirring affair - a projecúng tack iu the bottom of a shoe. - Merchant Traveler. Dr. 1 liiKK' Family Oiiiiiniiii Never fails to soothe and heal Clts, Bükns, Brdises, Flesd Wounds, Inflammation, SrRAiNa, PiMrLKs. Ohilblains, Salí Rheum, CnArpED Lipi or Band, 7rost Bites, Cold Sores, Sore Nipples, and all diseases and rruptious of the Skin. 'I say, Cynicus," s-aid Seribuler, "ii you were in my place what would you swear off this yem?" 'H'm! well I thiük I'd . giveup wriiine."- Harper's Bazar. The lloiuollfst Hn in Aun Albor As well a ihe handsomest, and others are invited to ca!l on any druggist and get free a trial bottle oí Kerup's Baisam for the Throat and Lungs, a n-niedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all Uhronic aad Acute Goughs, Asthrna, Bronchitits and Consuinption. Large boules 50 ets. and $1. CLvvv. o Cliildren. Tkey are esVJWVT peciaiiy üable to sudden Colds, Conglis, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. We guarantee Acker's Engliali Remedy a positivo cure. It saves honre of anxious watching. gold by John Mooee. Druggist. Square inchtis X .00695 = square Beware of Iniltatlon. We fina that in vartous partsef thecountry unfccmpulous di ugistA for the purpose of making a largt profit, are palming off on & too eontidiiiR public a worthle8s counterfeit of Pomeroy's Petrolme Piasters, under the plea that il is " juet as good,' and in some cases that it is Pomeroy's Piaster. Trust no draggist who makes any such represeniaiiotiH. Beware or aU such ixnpositinn Insisi upon getting the genuiue article, take nothingelse andsee that the words " Pomeroy's Petroline Piaster" are upon each envelope. For Sale by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. for An Arbor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register