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The Pennsylvania Legislature couvene at Harrisüurg on Tuesday. Charlotte Morgan (colored) died on Friday at Xenia, O., aged 107 years. Prado, the murderer of Marie Aguetani, was beheuded in Paris on Friday. A fire on Mondüy in St. Lonis destroyed business pruperty valued at Ï500,000. The frse-dellvery system will be establtshed at Go.s.en, Ind., on February 1. A violent earthquake was feit on Monday in Plañen, iSaxony, and its vicinity. The Tiltil amüversary of Mr. Gladstone's birth celebrated in London on Saturday. The first train to cross the new bridge at Poujfhkeepsie, N. Y., made the venture Saturday. One of the Hatflelu gang was killed oa Saturday by r meers while resisting arres near Charleston, W. Va. The State Teachers' Association of Kansas passed resolutions condeniuing the use of tobáceo by instructora. The money-order department of tha Iadianapolis post-offlee was robbed on Mbüday of Í3.500 in greenbacks. The New York Igislature coiirened at Albany on Tuesday. Governor Hill was inausurated for a third term. Early New Year's morning, at New York, Michael Crow was stabbed and killed by his brother-in-law. Joseph Kather was hanged on Saturday at Centre, Tex., for wife morder. He weet to the gallows smuking a cigar. Dr. Carver succeeded in his effort to break 0U.000 glass balls in sixdaysatSt. Paul. He missed but B70 balls. nClerk Leig:hton. of the Boston municipal oourt, was on Taesday said to be a defaulter to the extent of Í2ÓU.Ü0Ü. The steamer Bristol, of the Old Colony Line, was burned at her doek in Newport, R. I., on Sunday. Loss, ÏS00,00ft Uuring 18ÜSforty vensels whollyorpartly ownod at St. John, New Brunswick, were wrecked, entailing a ioss of 550,000. The Haryland authorities have, after a hard fight, succeeded iu capturing five boats belonging to the oyster pirates. The British steamer Storm Queen found ered in the Bay of Biseay, and her captain and five other persons were drowned. Sixty foreign paupers that were reeen tly landed in New York were rctur'ned to their homes in the old country on Saturday. Colonel John C. Dent, a veteran of the late war, and a brother-inlaw of General Grant, died in Carthage, Mo., on Tuesday. The wifeof Major-General John M. Schofield, in eommand of the army of the United States, died in Washington On Sunday. The Brooklyn (S. Y) pólice have decided to allow no more prize fights or pugilistic exiibitions totake place in tUat city. The farmers of Franklin County, Mass., were greatly exoited on Tuesday over the discovery of gold among the Buckland uills. A fire on Mouday at Dec.-.tur, Ala., destroyed elevon new buildings, and Mr. Wood was fatally and Mr. Kice seriously burned. In a fit of jealousy on Sunday Josepli Solomon, a lace dealer in New York City, 'shot and killed his wife and then killed 'himself. The tot:i.l revenue collectioDs for ttie yearlSSS at Peoria were flT,s4.;.T4 44, be ,iag an Increase over those uf 1SS7 of $1,J466, 177.93. Pólice Offlcer Henry Fahle, of St. Louis, died on Saturday from hydrophobia. The offlcer was bitten on the right leg by a dog in September last. Abner Prugh, born in Frederick County, Hd., January 1, 17S9, celebrated his !one hundredth birthday anniversary near Dayton, O., on Tuesday. Ia a fight on Tuesday near Augusta, (xa., among Louis Black, James Brown and Sam Fielding and the latter's son all were iprobably fatally injured. Henry G. Stickney left Boston on Tuesday, with him about $15.000 of the money of the Chelsea Salt Corapany, for which he was book-keeper. A convention of colored Catholics met in St. Augustine's Church in Washington Tuesday. It was the flrst congress of the kind ever held in America. At Greeley, Col., a mob overpowered the Ijailer on Satm-day and took out W. D. Frenen, who reeently murdered Harry Woodbury, and hanged him. Charles Swift and Jacob Reislock, puplis at the Institute for Deaf and JJumb at Columbus, O., were drowned on Tuesday by the breaking of ice on a pond. In additiou to the many bequests to New Ecgland institutions Mr. Oliver Ditson, the Boston musie publisher, also left 125,000 as a fund for needy musicians. Captain James and his life-saving crew were on Saturuay presented with a purse of $4,700 by the citizens of Bostun for their heroic work during the recent storms. W. P. Higginbotham's B!ue Valley Bank at Manhattan, Kan., closed iu doors on Monday. Total liabilities, $104,000; assets $200,000. The bank was orjanized in 1850. In the Third district Conressional con .test in Tennessee a legal decisión was rendered Monday giving Evans, the Republican candidate, the certifícate of election. Miss Jennie G. Folger, dausliter of the late Secretary of the Treasury, Charles G. Folger, died at Saranac Lake, N. Y., Sunday, of consumption, at the age of 85 years. Thomas Vines, the assistaut time-keeper of the Adams & Westlake Company of Chicago, who got away with $1,500 of the flrm's money, was Ciiptured in St. Louis on Tuesday. "Pet" Overton was hanged at Bastrap, La, on Frida.y for the murder of Frank Hearsey on April 17 last He confessed nis suilt, and said a woinan was the causo of tho crime. The Delaware Legislatura cnnvened ín annual session on Tuesday at Dover, and the Nebraska and Colorado Iegislatures also met the former at Linooln and tbe latter at Denver. At Atlanta, (Ja., on Tuesday the colored people celebrated the twcnty-sixth anniversary of the emancipation proclamation. A large number gathered and good ad.dresses wore made. Matt W. ir.iv, tho Sioux City lawyer who represented the defense in the Haddoek murder trials, filed suit against John Arnsdorf, the principal defendant, for $1,000 for atturney fees. The sales of leaf tobáceo at auction ia Danville, Va., for December were 1,304,309pounds; for twelvo months just ended, 27,;)(;i,U85; manufactured tobauco sold dur; ing the j'ear, S,831,108 pounds. The steamer Natchez, one of the flnest river boats in the South, etruck a reef on Tuesday near Lake Providence, La., and sunk in nine feet of water. Hhe was val" ued at 573,000, and was a total Io3s. At Chariey Mules' ranch, thirty miles morthwest of Uenison, Tex., in tho Chickasaw Sation, two cowboys got into a disipute Frlday, whioh ended in bot ti men beiuff shot. One was killed mstanth-, wail the other was laortally wound d.


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