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D. Cramer has removed to Hastings. E B. Conrad spent the holidays in Detroit. Miss Grace Spafford is viiting in Addison, Mich. Iludson T. Morton has been enjoying a western trip. John Blakelee, of Milan, was in Ann Arbor Monday. Miss Mattie Hudjy spent New Years in South Lyon. P. Lohr, of Paokard st., luid a family reunion lat week. Sam Langsdorf ia in St. L-ui=, Mo., for a few weeks' visit. G-eorge Jenkins, of Jackson, spent New Yearg' in Ann Arbor. Miss Eieanor Hawkes, of Plainwell, is visiting at J. D. Stimson's. S. J. Guerin, of Chelsea, took in the University town, Monday. Charles Earle, of Detroit, is visiting at W. A. Hatch's on Huron-st. J. F. Summei ville, of Monroe, Pa., visited in Ann Arbor last week. Jack Slattery and Mell Bliss put in a few days in Chicago last week. Prof. M. W. Harrington is spending part ot the vaoation in Chicago. Warren Tremaine, of Wichita, Ks., is spending the week in Ann Arbor. Charles Wagner went to Chicago, Monday, and is expected home to-day. The Misses Brennan, 11 S. Ingalls, gave a quotation party Tuesday evening. A. B. Smith, of the Milan Leader, was a caller at The Register office, Monday. George Stimson spent last week with his sister, Mrs. Hawkes, of Birmingham. G. J. Nissly, of the Saline Observer, was hustling about Ann Arbor, yesterday. Miss Minnie Calkins, of Greenville, is visiting Miss Lulu Moore, of S. Division-s!. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Soule gave a very pleasant reception last Friday evening. Judge C. B. Grant, of Marquette, is s prominent candidate for the state supreme court. Mrs. Henry J. Robeson, of Pon Huron, is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore. A. L. Noble, on New Years' day entertained his brother, G. W. Noble, of Buclianan. Mrs. Dr. D. A. McLachlan, of S. Divisionst., returns today from a week's visit in Holly. Mrs. DePue, of Maynard-st, leaves this week for Jamestown, Dakota, to spend the winter. City Treasurer Moore has been confined to his house since Christmas, by rheumaiism. Miss Johanna Hildner, of Detroit, spent Snnday with her brother, Con Hildner, of West Liberty st. Prof. and Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge (?ave a reception, Saturday evening, to Prof. Peck and wite, of Yale. J. T. Jacobs went to Lansing, Tuesday, to see that there was no slip about the senatorial election. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hatch entertained a few friends Tuesday evening, at their home on Huron-st. Mrs. Loomis, of Ann-st., last week entertained her son-in-law, Tom Morris, of the Newport News. Fernando D. White, wife and son, of Lakeview, Mich., visited James D. White, Broadway, Christmas. J. W. Doty, of Detroit, last week visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Doty, Ann-st, in Ann Arbor. Newell Lovejoy, organist in the Presbyterian church, lelt Monday night for Rochester, N. Y., to reside. Hon. W. W. Williams, of Eaton county, formerly a resident of this city. is speaker pro tem. in the legislature. Mrs. W. F. Stimson had the pleasure of entertaining her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Black, of Hastings, during the holidays. Miss P. M. Potter, of the Rockford, III., high school, spent a few days in the city this week, with Mrs. Freeman, 48 South Fourth. Ex-Sheriffand Mrs. Walsh have taken up their residecce at corner of Ann and Fifth sts. in what is known as the Danforth house. Mrs. M. M. Oampbell and family, of Detroit, pent New Year'g with Mis. Campbell's sister, Mrs. M. M. Green, in Ann Arbor. Edward Monteith and wife, of Aylmer, Ont., are expected today for a few days' visit with Mrs. Monteith's brother, Dr.'D. A. McLachlan. Miss Florence Waterman, of Detroit, and Miss Allie Eddy, of Somerset, spent New Year with their únele, R. Waterman, CG Washington-st. Fred. L. Houghton, of Centerville, Washington territory, returned to Ann Arbor, Monday, to visit old friends, after an absence of six years. Miss Mina Moon, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. M. Tuttle, has returned to her home in Greenville. She is a teacher in the Muskegon high school. Emma M. Herey, is spending vacation with her parents on Spring-st. She has for the past year and a half been the 6uccessful teacher of Frain's Lake school. The Mason News says: "Mr. and Mrs. W. tí. Thompson, of Salem, Washtenaw county, are in the city, and attended the marriage of their niece, Josie Thompson. James Coleman, of St. Paul, Minn. formerly manager of the Postal telegrapl company in this city, who has been spending the holidays here, returned yesterday The Snow Flake club held one of their dances on New Years' eve. The arinory was decorated with flags and lanterns and :he program was the finest ever prhited m this city. Rev. Mr. Hildner, of Detroit, was in Ann Arbor, Sundsy, to perforra the ceremony of christening his grand-daughter. Elsie Hermer.a Hildner, the infsnt daughter of Cod. Hildner. Byron Green, of Detroit, Staats Green, of Howell, Norman Green, of Fenton, Fayette Green, of Washington, D. C, all brothers of M. SI. Green, of Atm Arbor, spent New Years in this city. Chadd S. Tuttle, formerly collection clerk of First National bank, now general book-keeper in the auditor' office of the Wabash road in Chicago, was mariied on December 27, to Miss Ronie Hafner. M. Gillespie, who came with his wife and child írom Jackaon about a month ago to reside in Ann Arbor, is located at 22 Catherine-st. He is a splendid banjo player, and a good teacher. Already he has a large cías?. Dexter on Christtnai day had the honor of entertaining the following Ann Arbor people: Miss Hattie Swick, H. Eaton and wife, Blmer Mains and Miss Eva Mains, Benjamin Brown and daughter, Miss Bower of the Democrat. Dr. and Mrs. Loeffler, of E&st Saginaw, gave a party recently in honor of Mrs. G. W. Miley, ot Ann Arbor. Acone the guests were Dr. and Mrg. Hart, of Grand Rapids; Mr. A. Fisher, of Ypsilanti, and Miss Grace Miley, ot Ann Arbor. Six ladies whose average age is 00 years, and who have lived in Ann Arbor from intancy, spent last Saturday afternoon together, 8tthe residence of Mrs. Dr. P. B. Rose, corner State and Jefferson-sts. They represent three families, two sisters from each family, and are as follows : Mrs. Dr. P. B. Rose and her sister from South Bend, Ind., Mrs. D. W. Ris?; Miss Carrie Everetts and Mrs. N. Schoff, of Ann Arbor; and Mrs. L. L. Cornsto.k and Mrs. O. N. McOmber, Ann Arbor. New Year's calling as a custom is not a thing of the past in Ann Arbor. More than 75 ladies received on Jan. 1 at the following places: Mrs. J. M. Wheeler, Mrs. Philip Bach, Mrs. H. S. Carhart, Mrs. Harrison Soule, Mrs. J. B. Angelí, Mrs: V. C. Vaughan, Mrs. Israel Hall, Mrs. M. W. Harrington, Mrs. H. J. Brown, Mrs. George Frothingham, Mre. Colé, Mrs. S. W. Beakes. The gentlemen went out in large nutnbers from 2 p. m. to !) p. m., and enjoyed the day exoeedingly. The Mason News says: Mr. Takachi, the Ann Arbor stadent who is spending the holidays with Dr. Calver, is a resident of Yokohama, Japan. He has been gome twenty months in this country and expects to remain here about six years more, taking a Uoiversity course in civil engineering. He will put his knowledge into practical use in his own country, "improving the railroads," he pleasantly says. He speaks highly of American schools and American people, but confesses to being "sometimes a iittie homesick on rainy day?."


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Ann Arbor Register