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Board Of Supervisors

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The board of supervisors met in ailjoiirned eession Monday morning, and all the supervisors were present. Jacob Jedele was recognized as supervisor in place of Sheriff Dwyer, resigned. The bonds of the county offleers were presented to the board and referred to a committee consisting of Sup'vs. Case, O'Hearn and Kress. On motion of Mr. Graves, the foilowiog resolution wa adopted: Resolved, That the committee on public bulldiiiK be inKtracted to pmvide suitable fastenliiRS to the out-ide doors of the comt house, and that uid commiiite probiblt the using of the court house hulls lor a buiiday rtsort. Ou Tuesday Mr. Brauo offered the followirg, which was adopted: Whereas. The supervisor of Northfield in If 87 reDoried M 500 letsvaluation in fractional school diíiricis Sos. 1. 2, 3. tban the supervisor of the afonwaid townshlp reponed in 1-, and. VMii'RBAS. ThenuniLer ot each school district is noi wriuen flown under the proper hediuS m snrne "Í the supervisors rolls tor mspection as the Uw dl mop; thretorebett Retolved, That ech supervisor i hereby inrtnwtedtowriteln bl aawwment roli under i proper beadtngon the same llneirppoelte each valuatioo the nnmber of the school district to which said valuation belongs. Sjmebody called the attention ot the board of supervisors to the faot tbat the proposed new charter tot Ann Arbor gives the city three more supervisors than it now has, and the board determined to 6ht it belore the legiflature. It appointed a commi'tee oL three, conisting ei Supervisors Gilberr, Case and Kress, to eoiiter wtth the charter committee of the Board oí Aldennen and make sorce satisfa tory arrangement, of the matter. It this cnn not be done this committee is authorized to go to Lansing and oppose the chnrier, all expengej being paid by the board. Tne action has created considerable comment on he street, and islojked upon i.s an uncallcd-for interference in the city's afifairs. It is a question here with the citizens, what right the supervisors have to appropriate the peoule'a money in sending a committee to Lan8iog to defeat the prnposed new charter.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register