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I THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ nTRUTHSFORTHESICK.n III "TTiwaiiëiiïïïïvrTMööTïïrïHniaiïï ui lllniliousSpellRdepenu foracasewlicre.Sin.-lll II nStji.p1:üEBiTrEB8 puur Bitters willij UI it vriïï cure yon. not assist or cure. JtJ n „ ..;,■,. ...i.h ■"■■' "■" n Ithattiredandallgone Clrnnsethe vitiatedill feelinpc; ïf so, se i,]o0(i when you gei II Jm-PHUB Bitters; ta impnritiea burst 1 1 it will -iire you. ne through the skiu II Operativas who are ' Pimplcs.BloU-hesJ I closelv oonflned In rlnd 1!e'y onl QtirnJlls and work Vr,"I!?thBll;rVR1'E3 m shops; clerks.wlio do ;ln(1 healtl1 wlU iolB Illnot procure sufTioicnt lo" Ijl Ifflexereisc, andall who BuLPHUB BlTTEKsH I lareconflnedindoors, wii „,...„ j iTercom-l I llshould useSi-LPiii'H i ," ?wt t.e dis II Qnot. thca uowcakand .,„„ ' pi ÍBlckly. M If vou donotwish .ÍÍ!',LP.I,IF1{ BTTERS[1 tosnfcr from ivl1' lmll(1 }'"' P !m] atism, use a bottle of make you etrODgand I tncvorfnilstonirc. 8pI „ÜB iiITTKRsl Pj Don't be without B willmakeyourbloodJS ÏH bottle. Try it; you pure, ridi and strong.M il will not regret t. :'J yoni ilesh hard. II IIITÜdíeíñTrHcáTr Try SCLPHVB KIT- Illbcalth. who are all riïüs to-nlght, andll lllrundown.shonklUbC you wil] sleep wclllll llll I.IMII ■' lij I I I ':-. ui'l ■ ■■! In'T. r f..r ir III Do you want tha bet Medical Work published? Seml 3 2-cent stampa t A. P. Ordwat & Co Boston, Slass., and rocelve a copy, free. isro3. b iSLjsrx) s Washington Street, Arm ArbtJ Micbigan. Havo alwaysop hand a (templete Stock of ems'. thins Í tbo BROCERY LINE! Toas, Coífess and 2uga; Al! primo Artácles boughl tor 'nh (wid r!" w atlow figures. Our irequent large Idvoíi ia a sure sisn íbat we ive barsainc n QUALITY AND PRIOR. WorosMour OWB c.üVeo oveiy ntt, 1k frcjili aun oüd. Onr baJtery turnn uut tLi ni best of Bread, Cakes and cracker, i nu n, sec ut,. lew Advertisements TO ADVERTISERS" Alistónos nempaprn dWided into STATES AND 8ECTI0NS will be s.ent on applicatiou - rRCK. To those whn want rbeír advertisini? to py, we enn orter no belter jnedium íbr ihorougb and etl'ecüve work llian the varions sections of our .Sel'- lM-;i' (L)Mf. .KO. 1 ROWEIil. "O., Newsjiaper Advertsing Bureau. 10 Spmce street. New York. _ - yJy psAta m. qjtvxL. avqtL BWUti neUuíídídut; iuU-C Ufó rtiSíja aUwtlluATbiuu&nv Vbud$JU, ihj'tü rut tavu.wilkstêMM ttZ 19 the oldesi and most popular sciontiftc nnl ujechanical paper published and has the lareeet circulatfon of any paper of its chía in the world. Kully illustrated. Best class of Wood Knruvings. Published weeklT. Send for sppciraen copy. Price 13 a year. Koar months' trial, f 1. MÜ'tíN 4 (O., rcBí.isiiEHS, 361 Broadway, N.Y. ARCHITECTS & BU1LDERC Edition of Scientific American. O A great suceess. Kach issue oontains colored lithoeraphic platea of country and city residenees or public Numerous entíravinfe and ful) plan? and ipeciflcations for the use of uehasconteniplHte building. Price f2.50 a yeart 25 cts. a cupy. MUNN & CO., I'ublishek. A ■P MTwfn bto RPi?nn B"" ÜM M W9 navtíiiadver H 40 j'f'urs experience and have made over ■ liW.fKW applicatlona for American and For ei'ii pateotfl. Bend f(r Handbook. Correspondouce itricUy confldcntial. TRADE MARKS. ín rase your mart is not registered in the Patent Office, apply to Mir.vv A Co., and procure I inmediato protection. tíend for Uandbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, mapa, etc., quirkly procured. Addres MUNN & CO., Patent Sollcitors. SmiiL Ornes: 30i Bwoadway, x. y CALL OZEÑT W. B. WARNER, 24 3T.fl.TS ST. EWïST(lll[ No better place in tbe city to buy yonr G-ROCERIES Business condncted on CASH basia. No Goods sold on credit to anyoue, bot prices are low enougn to make it au object for you to trade. with him. Telcphone Conneclions. All Goods delivered. fS, PENMYROYAL WAFERS I SPS Ar0 snccessfully usert nitbly by over 10,008 1 ■SJI.a.ll.s. Are .Snc, HtfecttUu nnrt Plraravt. it i iTf!'r to!' to m-iil. r at drugglsts. fkakd Fitr. lS JT ttculars 2 postale atamps. Addreas f The Kuueka Ciikmical Comimny Plahep Block. 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, MU k. Nll by HUI v MOOKK. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS ! I Jr- Entclmh !" 'PMprlptiwn Wil restore Ihat 1 t Vita'ity and a Kugged, Healthjr (-ndtion fullow its use. Buy at your drUBRs' 's. one; sixfor85 EU KEK A CHEMICAL CO., Detroit. Míen .Holil by .ion S1OWKE. "CHICAGO TRUSS." ew Spiral Sprint Tnat. Hard Kublier Pad; Clea, ip Durable, Chtap. Approved ,' g, oy the hlifhext Medical AaIhonty. Wam day and n(kt füy an Infant a week old or an Adiilt SO years. EaiHlti mljwtcd. It meets all formi Ol Siirotal PermoraMnguind and Hernia, m hoth Infante and Adnlu. Satisfaction Ruaranteed in all cases. Any desirable pressure obtained. If your drugsriít does not keep th Tiuss, endose Biamps and adi1reh8, 'II.'AO TKt'NS ■.. OFFICE AND FITTING IÏ0UM '' "' m E. Randolph St , T. Y. KAYNE, Managf.r. Sold by Auu Arbor iiruggistó. H. WAYEK & SON. our authorlzed agente. THE MARGH OF PROGRESSr OUR LATESTIMPROVEMENTS "Competición i the lifeoftrade,"aniff you Lavo öot aeen our latcst i mproved goods, you cantío iniapine how liyely trade ia, or how hard our cunipctltors have to work to kerp within siyht of us. Ask yourrctailerf-ir the James Means $3 Shoo, or the James Means' $4 Shoe, aceording to your needa, I'ositively none genuíne unless having oarname and pricc statnpod plainly on the soles. Your retailor will supply you wíth shoes so stampod if you inajst upon his doitiK so; íf you do nnt insist, some rutailcr.i wlB coaxyou iuto btiylng inferior ahoes upou wkicfc iliey make a larger proüt. t-fQfJAMES MEANS1 r tl" v $3 SHOE VASTYLE UNEQUALLEa ViNDURABILITr Ai AMro - nJv -- and sJAMES MEAHS'Í fc VJAMESME4í Snch has been the recent progress In oor branch of irifjustry tliat we are now able to afttrni that the J&mv. Means' $4 slioe Js in evcry respect equal to the shot-j which only a few years ago wern retailcd at elght or ten dollars. If you will try on a pair you will bo co:ivinced that we do not exa?Lerate. Oursare the original $3fliid $4shocs,and thosewlio imitate our system of business are uriablc to compota ivith us in quality of factory pmducts. In onrlines wuare the Jáfgust manufacturers in tho Vnited Ktates. Shoj'slroiii onr cplebrated facroryaresold bywidc-awake retniler ia all part of the -ountry. We will place them easily within yoor rtacti in any state or territory if you will in vcut ona .Tnt in a postal card and write to us. Jame Means & Co. ,41 Lincoln St, Boston, Maat. W I Ht. l it. gn"sMOTfíER5' $?A fRlEHW ÏJIMtNiSHES S5ta - i)ANGER ToLlf E or MOTHEHCRIWJ. SRADFltLD.REGUUTOR CO., k Afe Z Lnífptj:t.JlTÍJUVTA% GA


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