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STAT1? SOLONS AT WOKK. St. Paul Minn.. Jan. 18.-The RepublicaD me.nbcrs of the Legislatura met in caucus last niirlit and named ex-Uovernor Waliburn is Un ted State Senat r to euceeed Senator Sabin. 'lhe volestood: Wasuburn, tï-J; Sabin, 54; Doiinclly, 4; Start, 2; nece sury to a choic;, 62. The uum nution was m ide unanimou1. Litïi.b hoOK, Ark., Jan. 18 - TLie Legislature yes'.erd iy eanvasse.l ihe vote eat at lhe btate election in t-epten.ber and nslall d ( J.imc P. Eagle and the olhor State oflVers. Hai.kigh, N. C, Jan IS.- The inauguration of Uuvernor F wie tuok place yesterd y CoLUMBug, O., Jan. 19- Mr. Kennedy's bill RiVinj women the rieht to vote at all munic pal electii)D wn killed in the House of Kei resentat vea yesterday. Chaki.kstos, W Vu , Jan 22. -lhe Sen ate ock w s br ren yeslerday by the election of R S. Carr Un on-Labor Senator from this city, as President of the Senate, un tne 126-h bullou At the caucus of the Rei'Ublicans ( eneral GofE was nomiuated for United B atas fen.itor. Kt. J'aul, Minn.. Jan. '2.- A bill was introduced in tne Legihlature yosterlay for an aii-en innt t the constitution to permil three f. urtbs ol a jury to render a verdic t in civil ca se. Harkisbüko, Pa., Jan. 23- The joint resolution prop sing an amendment to the constilution prohibiting the sale or maDUfacture or inlox cating liquors was taken u i on t ird readins and passé I finaily by the Hou-e by i voie of 132 to 65. Tbe resolutiun then went to the Henate. AüsTis. Tex., 21- The .' enate and H"U e yeUer ay re-nlected hicliard Coke Un ted Mates Senator w.thout oppositiou. 1OPKKA, Kan., Jun. 23.- P.esion B. P u ■ b wa yi'sterday for the tliirJ t me electci United States Senator, receiviug ever. votj cast. Salicm., J;m. 23.- Joseph N. Dolph (Rep.) was yeterday re-electoil by the Les'slnture for U iteJ Siates Senator. M Pp isr.Ri li, III, Jan. 23 - Shelby M. Cul o ii (liep.) wa-. re-ele1e i United States Senator yesteM y by the Les? slature. The Dernocrais voted for John M Palmer. Ralkiqfi, N. C, Jau. 23- Malt W. Ransoia (Dem.) wa re-elected Unite i States Senator yeter .uy by tl, e Le;iliture. Tkentos, N. J., J.m. 23.- J. R McPherson (Dem) wa. yenterday re-elected United States Sen tor by 'he Legisiature.


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