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Household Hints

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Electric sil icon powder is vcry iiice for polisiiing braes. SprinJile caycnne pepper in tho rcsorts of rota, w:d Liey wili leave the prciaiscs. White rnd j-alo shadesof paint tnay bo bcauliiuily cieuned by usiiij whicicj ia the water. Good egs may be quickly dcsi,?;nated by thcir uu.l sh il ;.nd dear aopeoronce. A-i old or Btalfi egg, us a rulo, luis a tiull, porous looking süell. Much siekness in farmers' families in winter íj úul' to keeping kiro quani ofpotatoes and othcr vcgaables ttorul imder biet púy rooms. To clean (;!1 paintings, first brush them, then wash wilh wurm mili diluted with y.alcr: rub with a piece of Cancel dipped i:i turpentine anc then witb a dry tuinncl. Plenty of clotliespins should be kopt handy. llave a box for lacse and drop t'.H-m in tho euds cmoe i:i a while, and then wipe thenu dry, as they are apt to get dubóy and aoil Ihe clothes. Green coro and lima beans deteriórate more quichly tliun any othcr vegetables; they skould bo spread out singly on tlio ".1 cellar Hoor as quickly as 'poasibie alter tliey coiue from tlio market. To keep green vegetables for a. day or two, spriakle with water and place them on a cellar Hoor. Fruit shoukl not bo kept ia tho cellar, but put outbingly and stood ia o dork, dry, cool place. Hard water contains too much limestono. and that causes bread baked wiih it to soon dry out. lf you use Boft water to mix the dou;;li you get a much better article of bread and one thal wül retain its freülmess. In using a. rough cliamois to touch up his;lüy polished silver, it is frequently observed to scratch the work; tliis is causcd by particles of dust, and even hard powder, that are left in the leather, and must bo got out. For biliousness equeeze the juice of a lime or small kmon into half a glass of cold water, and 6tir in a littlo baking soda: drink while it foams. To be taken when risin;; in tho morning. Tliis will also relieve the sick headathe, if taken in the leginning. Malaria is due to microbes, which reach their victima either from the air, by Inha.lation, or from drinkbig water which haa absorbd them. Boil the water, avoid tlio night air, sleep in tho higher roon;s of the house and guard agaiust all execsses. To remove iron rust or hik spots, moisten the ,pots, and apply salta of lcinon until they disappcai-, "and then rins, lato of lenidii ure made of equal parts of o.xalic acid and tartario acid. Anotherway is to moisten witi 1 lemon juice, sprinlda well with galt and lay in the nun. With a littlo care every part of state bread can i e ntüized. All the odds and ends of crusts ehould be picad evenly on a pa:i and ailowed to dry in a warm oren. Whcn fiuiU' dry put them in a small ba.' made of ticking or canvas and pound tliem line with a mallet. Sift them and put Ihem in empty fruit cans. They will keep for montlis. and can be used lor I i ading meats, lish, croquetteo, omeletsnnd m-iking dressing for fowls.


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Ann Arbor Register