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It Makes You Hungry

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" I have used Palne's Celery Compound and lt Sprlng medleine means more novr-a-days i han tt ha3 liad a salutary ten years aga ie winteroí 1S8S-S8 has!e5t m_wT effect. Itlnvlgoraty,e ñervos all fayged out. ïlie nenes must be L-J$-1í? edtaesystemandl strengthened, the blood purined, liver and juL5?3t IH leel Ulce a neW bowe13 regulated. Palne's Celery compound- -Olm'Tv Jí man' U P1"08 the Spring medicine of MÍay-does aU tuis. LciZílJfeí tte appetlte ana asnothlngelsecan. Prescribid by Phicimu, VA- -ASii, facllltates dlgesRecommended by Druggüsto, Endoned by Minietert, s tlon." J. T. Copeguaranteed by the ilanxtfaclurers ío be land, Primus, S. C. Paine's The Best Celery Compound Spring Medicine. lLV"íque lT?-n und aPPetlzer: S!811?' t0 " In Ule sPrüK of 1887 r wns a" run öown. I the taste, qulck In lts actlon, and without any would get up In the inornlnsf wlth so ttred a lnjurlous effect, lt glves that rugged health feellng, and wasso weakthat Icouldliardlyget wnlcli makes everythlng taste good. lt cures around. I bought a bottleof Palne's Celery Comdyspepsla and ldndred disorders. Physlclans pound, and before I had taken lt a week 1 feit prescribe lt $1.00. Slx lor $6.00. Druggists. very mueb. better. I can checíully recommend lt to all who necd a building upamlstreníítiienWells, Kichardson &Co., Burlington, VU lng medicine." Mrs. B. A. Dow, Burlington, Vt. MA MONI) flYFt 'ul"r n".''-'"'"' !' "'"■■ AfTáTEn mnn Xourislicsbublcsperfedly. UlAHIUnU UltO ycla f ,,,; Aiu. yeslre, LALIAItU hUUU nt , fin4riU.


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