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Out of the Breastworks. Tate Springs, Tenn., July4, 1888. The Swift Speci'fic Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen- Seven years ago I contracted an exceedingly had case of blood poison. I tried a physician, the best at command, but securcd no benefit. My throat began to get sore, and my body covered with sores and ulcers. Going from bad to worse, I feit that my grave must be reached in the near future. I gave up the doctors' treatment, and with a despairing hope I coramenced taking your medicine. I began to improve from the first bottle, and in a short time theulcers healed, and my skin cleared off and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh developed in my system. Tüe physician did his best, but could not cure me ; but tiro bottles of Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief. J. H. ROBINSON. Kaufman, Tex., June 23, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen- I have been afflicted with a skin discase for about twelve years, and the best medical treatment failed to give me relief. I am now using Swift's Specific, and have received the greatest benefit from its use. Vours truly, Wm. Jones. For sale by all druggists. T.iE Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New Vork, 756, Broadway. London, Eng., 35 Snow Hill. "Not an orean" - The melodson. Kome I 0.111M1 feopie Alo-v a couah to run until it gets bevond fhe reach of medicine. Thev often gy, "Oh, il will wenraway," but, in most east-s it wears them awaj. Could they ba inducid to Iry the puccegsful medicine cnlled Kemp's Balssm, wh'ch is goW on a f oitive guarantee to cure, they would immediately soe tt.e excaüent effect after takino; the Hrst dos-. Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At 1 1! D?eiat. iieanoin ly mutter - Bluesione. Conld Kot keep Shop vithont them. 1 consider your Sulphur Bit'eis a reinarkable blood puriöer. I kiioiv of gevers] people, whose oases were corieidered hooeless, that have been entirely cured by your medicine. The sale of Sulphur Bitfera is o large that I could not keep shop without ttiera. E S. Yates, Pbarmaoist, 99 E-üwx-st.. Lnwrence, Mass. An arms house - The arsenal. S 'und Advice. - We c mscientiously recimmend our readers to trv Sulvatiou Oil in all case of rhenmatism. Sold hy al! druigists for '25 cents a bnttlc. A striking S'iene on ice - Curling. f A ami reliable Medicinen are the best JVA todependupon. Aoker's Blood Elixir has been prescribed for years for all impuritiesof the Blood. IneveryfonnofScrofulous, Sypliiliticor Mercurial diseases, itis invaluable. For Elieumatism, has no equaL John Moore. Druggist. P!ay "short stop" - The organist. I TH E CREAT Germán Remedy.f 1BTRUTH$F0BTHESICK. TTr"ÏÏüTÏTiïi':ilhh $1,01)0 -.villTtTiSilll BiliousSpellsdepend fora case where m f. 119 onSlJLPnuiililTTEES l'HUR BITTERS Vil I III it will cnre you. imt assist or cure. JtJ CT Dnvnn Snlr,.vwitt.cvcrf"il3W Ithattiredandallgono cieanse the vitiatcd teeling; íf so, use ,i00(i wnen you se,.l SDtraOB BriTEES; it3 impuritles burst 1 1 it will cure you. nar through the skin! II Operativos wlw are n Plgiples,BlptcheB,l -closcly conflned i„ ivn.l Sores, lidy od Qthe milis ana work. SlI'-F1IIl;lífhBlT,TE.RS.Q BBhops;clerk8,whodo lIKl ealtl1 wiU iol-Ëj III not procure sulliciont h ■ I' exercise, andallwho ct1 1 are con li oed indoora, wi , ,L' " l ?.? L" 'onf II I Ishould use Srxpiimt [Aint T)nñ ,e dïï'l I Q" not thca be weak and .','"1 affeü' u ■ m t-ure!H 1ífo!rTÜTTmMrish íí.1'1'.1,1'"' lÜirEBsIfl to sufferfrom will build you np and atism, use a bottle oí m:lke "ou etrougandl II Sülpiiur Bitters; ''calthy. Itnevcrfailstorm-c. sulpiiuk IíittersU 3Dont be without a will make your blood SS _, bottle. Try It; you pure, rich and strong.M II will not reprret it. nl your flesh hard. III II Ladies iu delicate Try fSULPiniit IJIT-I llhealtb, wlio are all teks to-nlght, andlll II run down, should tise you will sleep welllll J-I I I in i: l.i i i ; ' - ■■ .. i I.. .. ■ ; , i ]l Do you want the best Medical V'ork published? Rcnd 3 2-oent stamps to A. P, Oiidwai & Co., Boston, Wass., and receive a copy, free. Well DriíSing Machín, SOLD ON TRtAL No Cash or sottlemont of cny kind- until after a SATISFACTOR1Í TEST. Machinery and Tools I Guaranteed to make Wells anywhere, and at the rate of 3 ft. toevery 2 ft. by any otlier machine, or no salo. THE BEST1SQlwayj Ir THE CHEAPEST. ÜK&' i 'i VrO ySend for Catalogue, tfg" ! Empire Well Auger Co. ithacajnj DETECTIVES Wantod inovery cornity. Shrewd nifn toaet andel instructions in mr wcret nrrice. Pxperirmt' not oeceeaary. Th International Itetprtive, the official paper of tlieliureau.cüii tai hh exact likenesseaof criininals waiited, and for whose capture large rewardi areoflTered. Send 2c. stamp for particulars. AddreöH, Grannan Detective BureauCo.44Arcade.Cincinnati,0. I


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