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Remiirknble Kurgery. The soience of surgery has made such wo:iderful progresa in mo iern times, that ihe most iitricate and delicate operations are now understaki;:) and carried to a successful issue. Tnere aie now several well au hentica'ed cases . f what is known as pneumotony, that is to say, the removel of diseased portions of ihe lungs ia cases of consumición. Whila ho wever, this delicate i peration has fometimts been Buoceffnll performt-d, the risks attending it are os;reat, and ihe chances of recovery sa slight, that it is seldoni resorted to. Ti e ' [Man in consumptive cases ii to Dr. Pifoe'sQ Men MelicalDiscovery. Thix will lway ouw th di.-en-e in its caili.r st.ges, th arresling the ravages of the teinble mal dy, by rtmuvuig its causes and h aling the lungs. The Woman's Pres Club, of Cincinnati, has tliirteen member. The i Prizc Siiirj 8 eagerly sought lor, read wuh pleasure or disappointment, is then tosed aside and forgotten. Bat ladies who read of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, read it again, for they discover in it fomethine to prize - a messenger of joy to those suffering from functional derangements or any of tne painful disorders or weaknesses peculiar to their sex. Periodical pains, internal inflammation and ulcertion, readily yield to its wonderful curative 8nd healing powers. It is the only medicine for women.sold by drugi;isls,Máer apositive guareniee from the manufacture, that it will give satiefaction in every case, or moDey will be rtfunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many yeers. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Soutnworth, the novelist, is seventy-seven. STJACOBSQfï For Horses and Cattlo. Recent, Prompt, Good Results. SwelllngTS. Neponiet, UI, Miy 21, 1838. My mre cattght cold; reault: cwelled llmbi; lomp betweea fore-legs and inflammation. Cured her with St. Jacobs OU. L. 0. 0ABDXE&. Ths Arms Palace and Stock Car Go., The lïest. St. ClalrBldg., Toledo, O., June, '88. We cheerfully recommend fit. Jacobs Oil as th best for general tu on stock. E. ARMS dt CO. For 10 Months. Wlnslwro, Texai, Jone 20, '83. My horse vas hnrt on hlnd leg; suffered 10 months; was cored by fit. Jacobs OU; has remained permanent. W. J. CLINE. Lame-kneedCalf. New Haven, 0., Jane 22, '88. Had a calfafflicted with wsak knees; could not walk; experimented with Bt. Jacobs OU. A fw good rub'oings cured it; it roos about veil aui ■trong, O. W. BÏLE. ForStableXTso. Aberdeen.Dak-, Jnlyl, '88. I keep St. Jacobs Oil for use in my stables of many horses. I ftnd it th best Uniment ior sprains, bruises, galls, de. GEOEGE HETTLE. At Duuggists and Dealers. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore, Mtf.


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