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Common Council Proceedings

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The ccmmon counci held their regular montlly meeting in the counci! charnber last Monday evening, every member of the body being in his Beat. The followiDg petition was received from the business men's association : "At a regular meeting of 'he business raen'f association held Jn. 22 id, tbe following resolution was passed: Resnlveá That it t the senseof the B. M. A. thal the rommon council shoulil take steps to secu e a stutable ho.-piul tor the care ui persons suflerii.g wlth contagious deases. A. L. Noble, Sec'y pro tem. On motion of Aid. Alluieudiuiier, the 6nance commiitee were instructed to report at the next meet ng of the council what fund?, ïf any, are available for the creation of a hospital tor contagious diseaspp. A petition was received from Michael S'abler and 35 others, aking that a continu tion of Wet Third-st. be opened up from West Washington st. 10 West Huro"-st. Referred to general street coinmittee. The 6nance committee reported the audititg of bilis upon ihe following funds, and warrants were ordered dr&wn for the 8me: First ward fund $3 36 Third " " 15 67 Fourlh" " 7 26 Flflh " " 132 5 ith " " 6 95 Ge ieral street fund 291 62 Grieral fund „ 57H 92 Contingent fuud 701 68 Total 1,738 33 The firance committee repnrted bilis of Huizel & Co., for $1K 19, D. N. Gates, $1.50, and Jamps Tolbert, $1.08, and an allowance of' $10 to each of the 57 memberg of the fire department. The council threw out the bill of Koch & Haller for fnrniture and bedding furnished to Mrs. McMahon for that ordered destroyed by tbe board of heallth. This is the s 'me bill that was thrown out by the board ot' supervisors, bat as the account egally belongs to the county, the council repiidiates it. Aid. Miller presented the question cf creatitig a regalar paid fire department with proper equinments, whi::h is now Deoomin an ab-olute necwsity. After diseu-ing the standing of the fire depart ment at present and itg needs, and as the sresent depirtment is in a demoralizrd condition, Aid. Allmendinger presented a resolution authonzing the chairmaa of ;he fire commit'ee and the chief engineer of the fire department to hire such men and horses as muy be neces)-ary for the next 60 days. The city treasurer snbmkted an incomjlete report, showing balances oti hand as ! illows: Contingent fund _ $1,470 74 General fund 1,722 19 íeueral t-trcet íund 875 4h Kiit ward fuud 636 26 Second " ' 1,136 80 1 hird " " 1,195 i5 Fnurth " " 841 84 Fifih " " 685 92 Bixth " " 834 90 City cemetery fund 49 82 Jogiax futid ion 00 Jelttquent tiix fund (overdrawn) 19; 55 Water works fund 3,632 08 The city marshal submitted his report br the month showing his expenditures or the poor for January to have been &245 54, distributed in tho severa! wards as oll ws: lst ward $1802; 2nd ward 123.50; Srd ward 46 49;4th ward Í74.49; öth ward, 64.54; 6lh ward Í18.50. The city marshal reported 14 arrests during January, - 7 for dr.unkenes9, 3 for arceny, 2 lor vagrancy, 1 for assult and -lattery, 1 lor being a drunkard and tipiler. Toe citv recorder submitted a report of he city finanoes from Feb. lst, 1888, to Feb. lst, 1889. The report showed a balance of $13691.19 on hand Feb. Ist, 1888; receipts during the year, $32795.80; disbursements, $30715.11 ; balance oti hand, Feb. Ut, 1889, $11326.82. The re3ort showed the receipts and disburseiients of tbe several funds during the year as follows : Discelpta. bursements. Contingent fund „ Ï7040 ïi 118181 8S Geuerai fund 118il Ü0 9912 66 General Btreet fund 2010 00 2403 54 Istwurdfund 7(0 00 1160 10 2nd " ' J008 80 996 54 3rd " " 1000 00 1100 86 4th " " 1030 30 941 67 5th " " 700 00 556 24 6th " ■ 1000 00 663 30 D. linquent Tax fund 1352 64 City Cemetery " 15 00 R5 00 Waterworts " 5000 00 4775 00 Dog Tax " 88 32 88 82 The city recorder'i annual report was ordered printed in the Courier and Argus, and $50. allowed each. Aid. offered a resolution instructing the city attorney to draw up an ordinance prohibiting the posting of bilis and bill boards on all trees, fences, eidewalks, public parks, etc. The resolution was adopted. Aid. Allmendinger explainad that the Luther James estáte contested the claim of the city for taxes and that coinmissioners had been appointed to hear the case. Of these commissioner?, one is James L. Grilbert, who is opposed to the city, and another is H. M. Wood, n employee of the James estáte. The following resolu'ion waadopted by the council: Whereas, one of the commissloners appointed for seitling claims against the estáte oí' Luther James has frequcntlyaiid empliaticaily expre sed an opinión wiih regard to the claim agaiust said estáte tor the taxes due the city; another coramissiuner is largo y iatcrested iu the s ttlemcnt of the estáte; And whereas, this fact precludes the rity from naving the fair and impariitil hearing wbich tbe claim deserves and to which all claims are entitled. Thereíore resolved, that the city attorney is hereby instructt d to pet tion the Judge of Probate for the apnointment of two new commissoiners for the nearing of the city's claim, who t-hall be unbiased and impartial men in place of James L. Gilbert and H. M. Wood." The recorder was instructed to notify the building inspectors to inspect the 'insafe building in rear of the store of A. Shippacassee on Main street. The mayor was instructed to consult with station agent Hayes, of the 51. C. R. R., relative to having the sidewalk on the south sido of the depot widened to a vcidth of ten feet. This is eo that passenpers will be enabled to keep out of the hands of the ravenous hackmen. An ordinance was passed relative to the conduct of hack-drivers and drivers of baggage-wagons at the Michigan Central depot. Ed. O. Come was appointed special policeman at the skating nnk without expense to the city. Council then arljourned. Mrs. Belle M. Spurr has been re-elected School Superintendent of Barnes County Dakota.


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