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A FINE PIECE OF OBÁCCO IS INDEED A LUXUr . FlNZER'S JA COMES AS -& NEAR BEING AND IS 4JJ to KNOWN ASA f A ívlAKElT grand AMONG DEALERS THESE GOODS ARE ON THE MARKET fH ONLY ONE SHAPE, 3x12 FULL 16 OZ. PLUG-THE MOST CONVENIENT TO CUT IN "POCKET PiECES OR CARRY WHOLE. JNO. FIHZER & BROS., Louisïille, Ky. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Partios desirlng to buy or 6eil Kcal EsUite wlll flndlttotheiradvantage to cali on roo. I represent the fcllowing first-ctess Flre Insurance Companiee, havlng &n aggregate capital oí OTer 8,i)00.000: The rand Rapíls "re In. Co., The Otilo Farmer' Ins. Co., (lMinrei only lwelltniLt). The Merman Fire Ins. Co., The Concordia Fire Ins. Co., The CltisenH' Flre Ins. Co., The Werchetcr Flre Ins. Co.. The MllwanUce Mechante' Muínal Ftre In. Co., The New Hampnhlre Flre Ins. Co., The Arnaton l-'ire In. Co. Rates Low. I.osse libcrally ad)usted n4 oromptly pald. I also Issue Life and Iuvesunent Polldes in Om Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. Aiel 455,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Inraranee, can have yearly Poiicies written for them or Traveler's Conpon Insurance Ticket istned at Low aaien In the 8tandard Accident Irauranct Compani of North America Money to Loan at Currem Rato. Office hourn from 8i.. tol2n. and.2H . v. ALBX. MV. HAMILTON, uamtlton Bloek pKrSsS8iÖDn tor HOOnn f" I Av!ïiiEÏft we i tbworM. Pnr-I 'yjvSSyL, x '" tlm . ■■■■■ VW IfS'SvTiüll I fia"h localtty ran Mcnr oim SL UÜÜllHft F"1''"1 HowtathUpowlbl! lTyyryByr ton In eacli locslltj, to keep In thttr homes,nd ubow to 'oom who elt, complet ltn of oor vlQblend rtrj ofoi BOUEHOm SAMPLES. Tbw mples.fti wll i th watch.we eeod free.ftnd fter yea h kept tbera 1d toot bom for moaths and ihown them lo tboM who my hT e lled,tbey become yoor own property ; tt to powlbls to mUt i.hit sret offer, Modlng tha NOLID COL wtcb nd CTY Mmplsa free. b tbe showiDg ot tb Mmplei in ny loetaity, lwyi reioits In & Urg trad for sftor ourstmplM hiTben tn locallty íor mootbortwo we otOAlly ft rrom # 1OOO to $GOOO la trsde Trom th arroundlng co&Dtry. ThU, tb most wonderful offer Tr mdo In order iht oor Bmp18 my b placed kt onc whin they cn be mu,, 11 ovr Amerfc. WrHe t ooc, Bd Ukke'inr of tb cbsDc . Bedr It wilt behardlyany troabl for yo'a to ihow tb umi Im to thom who muy cil t yoar boa nd yoor reward wlll t mott utlgfectory. A postal card on wbtcb to wrlte ui cottt bat 1 cont and after yon koow all.íf yon do Dot care to go furtb r, why do barm U don. But tf yoo do Hnd yottr addrMl at oi ie, yon caD ecar FBEE ooe of tb bat lolid gold walen ■ In tb wortd and oor larf MfMof COSTLY NAMME. W pay all ezprua, fnifbt, to. 4ddrM asa 8T1M80M A CO., Dos US, TOBTLAND, UAJNft LUMBER LÜMBER! LUMBER! If you oontemplate building cali at FEEDON Uil III Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., antí get our figures for all kinds oi LUMBEK We manufacture our own Lumber and oruarantee VERY LOW PRIOBS 43-O1 ve as a all ku(I we will mak l , our iii(rofil. aM our lnrïce and well (triKliil Hi ook inlly siistains onr SMir liOU. JA HES TOi.BKKT, Prop. X. j.KUlu. Hapt. IliLLö irü.tflUÏi p. ñowollíc Co'aNewBniper Advertl8lngBureau(108pnioe8).wJereadvCTitata9 vatracu may be nwd tor lt UW HEW vHK


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