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. The Chili Binst That sp's the nakei braDCbes a-quivering, is not ffk hy ihe wealthy valetudinarian indoors, tut not 1! the covering that can he piled on bis warm bed, nor all the turnace hpat that anthracite can furniah, will waim his marrcw when chills and iever runs its icy fingen along hís spinal column. Hostftter's Stomich Bitters ie the 'hing; to infose new warmth into his cinllcd aid aguish frame, to remedy the tiercé er and xhaU8ting pweats which altérnate with the child. Dumb ague agu.) cake, bilimis rt'mineut - in short, rverv known form of malarial di-ease, is suijuateJ by ttis potent, and at the Mme time, wbulesome and genial medícine. Bilioune.-s, contipation,dy8pepsia, siofe luadaches, loss ( f appetite and i-!eep, kidney trouble, rheumatism and debility are also remedied by if. Use it with perBlSteDoe to effe, t a thorough cure. Long scarls of oolored hce are wom around the throat in place of a boa. The Bluod Is the sourci of health; therefore, to keep weil, purify the rbod by taking Hood's Sirsspariila. This medicme is pecuüarly dei;ned to act upon the blood, and through that upon all the organs and tissurs of the body. It has a specific action, also, upon tle cecretioni and excretions, and assists tia:ure to cxpel from the syKtem scrofula, hutnor?, i" pure partióles, and efl'fite matter tbrouab ibe lung, liver, bowels, kidneys, nnd -kin. It effectually aids weak, inipaind, and debilitated organs. A trial convince you that it does possess peculiar curative powers. A jumping "Jack"- The kick:ng dork?y. In the treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, pciatica. tic douloureux, semicrania, &c, the value of Salvation Oil cannot be over-esiirnatad. It kills paia. Prica twenty-Bve cents a bottle. Approve of long engagements - Actreste8. The Handsomest Lady in Ann Arbor, rem.ked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as ie stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convinse you of its merit, any druggist will give you a Sample Bottle Free. Large size 50c and f 1. Syrian velvet in two tones, like shot silk, is made up wkh faille and Victoria silk. It Paya. The Rev. Dr. Howard, rector nf St. George' Church. -outhwark England, was always in arrears with his tradesinen.andwasoften perplexed hwo to keep them in good temper. He one dy took for his text. 'Have patience, and I will paj you all " After ditating; lor some time on the virtues of patience, he said : '-t nd now I am come to the second part of my discourse, which is 'and I will pay you all' but ihatl will de'er to a future opportunity." "Pomcroy's Petroline Porouised Piasters" pay at once, lorthty at once alleviate the pain of Rheumatism, and after a short time effect a cure. All druggists keep them or will get them, but don't pay more thau 25 cents for them. For Sale by H. J. Brown, District Agent for Ana Arbor. _____ One cf the leadirg art clubs in Vienna shelters twen:y-five American lady students. Dldn't Want A GIrl. Last suuimer my wife's health was all run down, and she wanted me to hire a girl todo the work. In a little while I tound one I thought would suit her, wher; to my surprise she said I need not hire ny one, as she lelt much better, and thouaht another bottle oi Sulphur Bitters would cure her. Donald Grey, 41 Worcester Square, Boston. A jncket lined with squirrel fur is one of the late inventions of the Ljndon tailors. C. oro vO c Blood Elixir is the only TVVÏvV Blood Kemedy guaranteed. It is a positi ve cure for Ulcera, Eruptions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It parifies the whole system, and banishes all Kheumatic and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. John Moore, Druggist Some of the verv neweat umbrellas havo handlep of Mexioan onyx in various designs. Eciemn, Itcby, Scnly, Skin TortnreH. The simple appücation of "Swatnk's OiNTMKNT,"whithout any internal medicioe, will cure any case of Tetter, Slt Rheum, Ringworm, Piles, Pimple9, Eczema all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruption, no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective, ond costs bu' a trifle. The kind of footmen - Shnemakers. The Mother's Friend. Not only shortens labor and lesaens pain but greatly diminishes the danger to lifa of 'ooth mother and cbild if used afew months before confinement. Write to The Bradöeld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Gk. Sold by all drugeists. Live longest in this world - Tall men. Advlce to Mothrrs. Mrs. Winslow'8 Soothing Syrup should always be used for childreo teething. It soothes the child, softens the guras, allays all pain, cures wind eolio, and is the best reraedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents bottle. ___ Always raising cañe - Cuban planters. Indispensable to th Toilet. Darbys Prophylactio Fluid cures chafing,eruptionsandinflammation of all kinds; cureB ii.flamed or sore eyes; relieves pains from bites or stings of inseota and aore feet; destroys all taint of perspiration or offeri8ive amell from the feet or sny part of the body; cleanses and whitens the skin. Used as a dentifrice it purifies the breath; preserves the teeth and cures toothache; sore gums and canker. Soots any house - The chimney sweep. CcosnA fte eVUl ? thousands suSering from Asthraa, Con sumption, Coughs, etc. Did yon ever tiy Acker's English Remedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lang Troubles, sold on a positivo guarantee at 10c., 50c. Jobx Moobx, Druggist


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