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Wright's Myrrh Tooth Soap gives pearly white teeth, purifles the breath, prevent3 teeth from decay. èold by all druggista. OCR 25 CEST C'OM'.M . Advettisements, such as To Sent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three lines, can be inserted three weeks ior 35 cents. WA ft TE D. AFIRST-CLASS Bookkeeper will keep asetof Books while attending college. Price reasonable. The best refereuce can be given. Addrtss box 934. WANTED- By a student, a position in which I can pay for my board while attending school. Address Box 934, Ann Arbor, Mich. Good refereuces. WANTED- A man and wife to room and board. Also workiiigmen. 51 South Divis ion-at. WANTED- Place to work for board and go to school by a steady young mau. Address box 1546. FOR -nam:. BOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE- House new, six rooms aud pantry; good Well.Cistern .Cellar, and Woodliouse. Pleasaut location on Brooks st, one lot from Miller Ave. Terms reasouable. Address P. O. box lüO3, Ann Arbor, Mich. FOK SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR FARM.- House and 24 City Lots.- Apply 48 South Main St.. Ann Arbor. iARM FOR SALE- A flrst class farm of 85 acres, Vi miles south of Ann Arbor. Buildings and fences in good condition. For further inlbrmatlon inquire on the premlses. L. H. Moses. BEACH BLOCK Stove Wood, J2.00 per cord (Green); 16-in. Drop postal. Box 1420, city! FARM FOR SALE- The farm known as the Grant T. Perry farm of 200 Acres of flrsl-class land, sltuated in ihe township of Lodi. Inquire of Comatoek F. HUI, Adminlstrator. FOR SALE- Fruit Farm, 19 acres, at Ann Arbor. Michigan, for sale at a bargain. Only reason for selling la unable to tend to ït. Choicest land, hlgliest cultivación. 11 acres in raspberries and blackberries ; 4 in rapes, pears andpeaches; 2 in grove plantation two years old. Cash sales this year SIMIO. Abundant water; House cost Ï5,000. Elegant lawn, hedges and shade. One mile from Terms easy. J. H. Clough FOR SALE.- House and lot No. 44 Wsshingtonst. Apply oí N. W. Cheever, No. 10 North 4thSt. LARüE NEW HOUSE, with one or two lots, for sale or exchange for smaller property, If not sold, will be for rent. J. P. Judson, South Universlty Ave. FOR RENT. 17 OR RENT-Offlce Room In Hamllton Bloek J Steam heating included. First and Seeond Story. Apply to A. W. Hamilton. nno RENT.- A8ult of lurnished rooms forone X dollar for one person centrally located. 62 E. Washington St. ON ION AND CELERY land, for rent, or sale or exchsnge lor hou-e und lot In Ann Arbor, J2% acres, with house and baru. Apply to J. L. P. McAllaster, 55 Miller Ave. PART of a large House, suitable for taking boarders, or lor srnall family, to rent low to good tenant. 5 N State-st. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lotsvalued from (1,000 toS6,UOuand containiug from one-flfth of an acre to iwsntv acres- all in the city limit. Houses rented un reasonable terms in central localities. Farms ezchanged lor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SKSSION8, 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte Aeent. Office over Expiess Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. M IS i;i.l, A.NKOUJ. rpHE second term of Miss Finley's School of X (Jymnahtics and Elocutionwill open Saturday, Feb. 9, in the Ladies Library. Address 46 South IngmlJaSt, rt YMNASTICS.-For single pupils four dollars VTfor twenty lessons; for ilass of twelve half price. Special rates for students. Address Miss Finley, 46 South Ingalls. FODND on State-st.- Two pieces soiled Table Linen. Enqulre at 74 E. Washington-st. MONEY TO LOAN- Good security! Address, A. D„ box 1127, Ann Arbor. SUBSCRIPTIONS for American and Foreign PeriodicaU handled with accuracy and despatch, at low rates. W. W. Beman. 19 S. 5thst.


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