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LEGAL;-. Irlil" lioe. STVTK. (ÍK M III'iAÜ. (Rs OUNTYOF V iSHTKSAW ,' aih. Mtooofth l'r bte"ouitfortheNunty of IVa IU.IU buiden H l'rli.lf Office inthe'it ol Aun AitKir.i.n Frlday iheflrtfliiy l rbmary, m year oiir tiioiwaiid eight hillldr-d anrl eigh y-niiie l'r mui. i illinl Bahhi-t, lurtge of Probate In Ihe Sla iet ■■! Ihe E)-lie ol Lorenzo M. l.y-'ii, lifcri-seii. n reirti KUnrifl ireiln'i" iiii"ii.iuly vcrfied, nf Dmiit'l l.viii . jiíiu! i i ilintiiiHTaMon of -iri raav he tirm.tvl lo Arthur S. l.yon or wimr othT Milmble ir.n The'rapon il I urrtciwl that Monrtay. lie f..unli Hay ol Muren n.xt at leu oVlm-k in tbe loreunuu be Mmgnwl 'r th henriim f sai'1 iil i and nelwailBWof falrtdece d, nd n uthiT ir-on luterete Ín sui'i télate are requir'1 Ttt ppeiir al h rhmioii f sküí omrt. then tu i, ■ hnlrteti at Dio Probul (■tl. o Inlh-Ulyof Aun Aib r. siid Miw cu c it uny Hiere be, hy ilie prayer ot the n'.iio eronld imt ! Rmnted. Ai'ii II I" fnillur (ir.tere.l. that m'ñ peiitioner Kive ni'ttff1 tíi ihe t'er oim t uro-tei InMald estáte, in tlie tienda cy "i aiJ p-lit1oii bwI Ihe tunriiiR il'erer.l bv i-aiwing k o'I' nf th1 order to be publUhei) In the Aun Atb 'I Rkobitkb, newspip r pnntedanil ireulrtli il in s [d e -uiiiy, three ucce.-.ive weekt prevuni 'o fnid dny ni heariní. J. WlM.Akli rtvBBlTT, [ Truc ('opy.; Jndgenf Probate. Wm G Hoty Prnbatc Reu'ister. n OrdinniK'1 lo Hack r '.miiiiiImis llrlvt-r. [PsS'nl Fibmary Mli IS8'J.] Bc it Ordaincd hy ihe 'ayo'. Recorder, aml Aldennen uf the C.ty of Aun Arbor: Skctkin 1. '1 hat il shnll I e milawfnl f)r ny ■ck.eanilffe ot om"lliiM örlver. or any other w smi Mllrotlng peiiBet or travclers at Ihe lichiiiuii "etitml liipit, in ihe vMy ol Ann ArMir, U K)liii' pM-iigen r tmvder. exocpt t lie 8ep ot th Ir rt'Otiye vehiclcs, located at h.' Ki.uth oí the Michigan Central depot at m h piace os hhall be ilei-igniiied by the slation Kent of iani d-"t. bt whicli location all peiKaaa o soliei'iiiK are ln-reb nquird m be at their rt.ei'tivehHCk.oarr aijes or omnibuses un tlie arr val of pawiiKer trains. an.l there to romain diiriu,; the sy ol .aid pas enger irains at said ncpot. aml fr the pt-riod of tci minutes alt r the deporiuri'Of said passender trains from i-aid depot N.i po'son shH act or encage ii the husints of a pulilic porter or nimier for any lmtei in thf city of Ann Arbor. nor st all any ómnibus agent or fttiy omnibus, hack orcarriage I driver, or drlvera oi' bagnage waKons act as porter or runner lor any hotel in said city KKC 2 Hhall e nulawlul lor nny person onwrwn-drivinit a bagsge wnxon.or any one ai'comiaiiyiug the f ame. tu kolirii passenger or -r wheu Ht luid ua-se"ter dcput, or where pai-enK' r train may be siandi g. Sec. S. Itshall be nnlahil for Hny persen orpereonss li Hing passenneis or travelers tn do so ni a biiisteroui or imisv inanner. or treat them imny olber way tlian aml gmtlrmauly. k'. 4 ny persim or per-ons violating aiiy f the pn visloiiMit' this otdiniice. or failing to comply itht iproIdoni ai d requlremenm of the taiiie. hnll. un convirtió, be punlshed by a line nol excei-diiu twenty-tive dollars, lo b retcvereil b.-.ore any jusilcv i I the ptace of ihe city C n Arbor. hihi Ui tlie lnJlxwtllou orauymch liue tlu' ju-iiceof thepeaoe mv mikei furün r order 'liat m it.laultof the n.iymetit of said fine waliin the liaie tobe (Heil by ih jii-tice In bil BBiiieucf , the flbiidw hhall be ooTnmlUed to the cminiy jHii of Waliti nu onuutf, fora perlod of linie lm exoeodiiig tliuiy luy-. Skc. s. ah uroli-aiiCM ui s i i 1 city entltled 'on nritnance relallve to hack or omulbiu ilnvt-r.1' uiadt airl passed September 20Ui, 1875, is herebi npealed. bEC. 6. 'l'hisiirillnamethaU take effCL-t from r.tul ulier lepnl imblicatiun. B. W. BEAKES, R BACII, Mayor. Recorder. Real K.Ntntp lor Hale. STTK OV MICHIGAN,) COUNTYOF WaSHTKNAW. f In Ibe matter of the estáte of Norman Dwigbt, deetascd Noiice is hireby Elven, That in pursuance of an order granled to the under-ifched dnitni8irator uf lisíate of said dece se1 by the Hon. Jude nf Hrcibme fir the Couuty of Washienaw, on the fourth day ol Kubruary, A. Ü. 1889, thrre will be wild Ht l'iiblic Vt-ndue. 'o the h'hest htddr, at thti la'e resi-ience ot said deeeased on the premis-e bduw dcseribed. in the townvhip of Solo, la the iu ty of Washtenew m said Stae. on Saturdiiy, the iwemy-ihird c23rd) daj 01 Mnrch A. D. 189. at ten o'clock in the torenoon ot that day isuliject to all eucuroberances by mortgagc or vlse exiKtiiiR at the time of the death of salddece .sed. the foUowiiig desoribed Real Kstate. lu A i-euain pie, e or parcel of IhikI Ij-iuk au.ibelDgln the townnbip oi 8dp. Wat-hlenai nunty Michigan. dwcribed as follow: BeiniiiDKaiihe Qiwriet pobi, standing in iheoentio .,i tiic South .ine ol S ction Kleven, In Bald tnwn runnlig theuee Nortb thiougi the reuter of ■ aid Section Keven, tw hundrcd rons,tnence Ai-t tu i liiieiiiniiiiig Nurth and South ihnnnih entre f the vfesi hall of said Beetton. ilieiK e -oiith aloiig the Mid line running ihr ngh ihe W'.st ha toisai'i i-trtio" to the Sonm line or ai,1 Beotlnn theuoe Kast along the South iin ol -ai.l Section to the place of beginnlng, cuntaiuing , ,„. nu:,dred Acromo eoHe mm Admin strator of Said Estáte. Dated February 4th, 18i9. Probate )rl'r. TATK OF MI0H1 .AN. jss COUKTY OK WAI1TKNAW. I At a se-sion ol the l'robte Tourt tor the Cotinty ,1 Wahhienaw, holden Probate in the i-lty of A mi Arbor, on Monda , the 28th rtay of'january In the year one theusand eight "p'ri'sem""! WILJLABD BABBITT. Judgeot Prolu the matter of the eftate of George Sutton, nd iiuunipteit. . Sediiwink Dean, the Guardian of snid ward, r-nmea int" ur. a d n-i re-ent that he is now prerinred u. render his l'Jih animal acco.intas "ih'ereupon it is ordered, that Moiday the 2fth ,Ihv ol n-bnmry ïu-xl, at ten o'eloek m the fore noiibeawliiedforexamlnliigniialuwüi({8ucn rtcKiuni.and ihatthiMiextolkinofsairl war aml uil uther persons intereted in -aid estntf. are reuuired t ■ apit-ar at a ses-iou ui said Conrt tneii tolxihodenattheProbaifOffiwiiithi-Cityof Aun rhor insai'icounty.ndshowcau-e Ifanythere I-e why the sai'l aironnt h"Uld not lie alluwed: tiil it is further ordered. that -aid Uuardiaii üive notlcetothe perso s intere-ted in said estáte ol ibe petiilency "' said awonni and the hi-arins i eréol bv caiiingaiopv of ihis order tobe pub IShed in íhe Aun Arbor Hkui.-tkk. a newspai er irinted and circulMing In said county. three sueiiwsive weeks previousto snid day of hearing. J. WILLARI) BABBII'Ï. ( true cpy.] Ju.ige of Probate. v M Ci. Üoty. Probate Register. Ortfer. -TATK OF MICHIGAN )_ COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. J f At k sesslon of the Probate Court fur the oimiy of Washteiiaw. holden at thf Probate ■ iftice in the city of Ann Arbor. 011 Tuesdny, ihe ighth day of .lanunry In Ihe year oue thou-iin.l eiKiu hu'ndred aiirlfitjhty unie. Premnl J NVilUrd Babbi c. Judge ot Probate in the maller uf the Estáte oí Norman Dwight, (ín re ■i'liiigRiid filing the pet tir.n duly vpnlied. t .lames . Wing. dmiiuvtnuir, with the iil a iiezed p ayliiK ihat he muy be llcenae1 to stil the Keal Estáte wnereof said deeeased died Therwpon it U (Jrdcred. That Morniay. the i'h iiay ol Fel'iuHry next at ten o'cïock m ihe lorenoon, be -signed lor the henriiie of said lotllMin, a' d ïhnt the devis.t s. leiiaieef, ad ut Ihw of said d' ceaed rud all olher ennnt. lilerened In Kiil v late. are rcqniied to üi peí r ai a se-slon of sail Oourt. tht-ii t" be holdn ai ihe 1 HBin-, In tneCity "I Aun rhor. ui sniii county ainl -h.iw canse, if ai y here be vhy the piayero' thf petnioiier shoul i noj be umi teil: Min n U furthor ontered thatsatdpell ü tier jiivr iiinice to tiie [.ersons interesie'i in sid . oi h pendeiii'y ■■ said petltlnn, and the imir i v. ïlureul, liy eun.-ini acopy oi this ordei to i, pnhlisi:f.i In A .n Arhor Rk. i-tke, a new8 ,,,„.. pii.-i1 and ■frcjiilat-ii in Ba ld connly. r e ttacceestve weeks i revious to said day oí heaiinK .1 WIi.LARD BHBITT [A 'rne copy Jndge cf Probate. VM. G. DO1 Y, Probate Reeister. lrolHt ótico. btatk op Michigan. ('Ol'NTY OF WaKHTENAW ( Al m -e-shii ui itie Probate Court for the Ooun i ni Vahte aw, h'Hrtiu at the Prubat. Office iu iie i-iiy iif Aun Arbor. 'il Tntsdty, the . ichi itay ol J.iiu ry i" the year one Ih usand eight liuiidred Mi.d t-ighty ïiii e. n-veit. J. VMl'.aid Baiibitt, Jmise of Probate. In ibe matie; ot ihe estáte of Oliver Kimberly. d ■ t'rtsed. J hnsc.n Backu the administratorofsaid estáte, cnnifS ililo ■ ourt and rt presenlb, that heis now rvpaied torendsr histrul ccouiuas such admlnlBtmtor. There i pon tisordered.thnt Mnnday, the4th day ol FebiUH y ten tclock iu the furtnouu, be UMilKued tor i xamining and ahuwing sueh acconm a"i thnt the heiri. at Uw of said decettsed, nnd all (HhtT ptTMiiihintcristediu said estáte are it-quirtditi üpvfe-t ata sessioii ot said Court, then ti. ue holden at the Pr.baie Office, in the lity of Anti An (r in said County, and Jm cause il any thi're be. wby the said accoupt shnuld not ie : And it is furlher ordeied that said Admlii'stralor give noiice to the persons iiit-reted n said estáte, ot the t endency of said account. and the hearing thereof. by eauMng a copy of ihis Oïder to be puhiinhed in the Ann akbok Rkc.istkr. a newspapei pr iiteo and circulating iu said County, three succeBsve weeks previous to baid day ol hearing J. WILURD BABBITT. [A tmec'.py.] Judge of Probate. Wm ■. Doty, Probate Register. Mortgnfce Sale. Wnereas. Wüliam A. Masón and Elizibeth Ma snn, bis wife, of Noithfield, in Washtenaw Counly, Michigan, txecut d a mmtgage to Edward Tn-adwell ai d Noah W. ('heever, eX6onon of the will ol Hirnni Arnold,deccaied, to secure the payme. -tol oeitAin principal and interest therein men litiiicd. which niorlüage bearsdate Januaryiöth, 188. and was reeorded in the office oi the Regisier of Deeils lor Washtenaw Ounty, MichiK&.i. on the 2Mh dy 01 January. 186 at %% o'clock. p. m.,in Liber6"of Mortg Ees u page 74 au i whcreas del'ault ha been made for more than sixty days m Ihe payment of an ini-tailment of interest whi-h became due thercon iu the 2iith day of Jmniary, 187 as weliasthe Rucedinit i siallment of iiiteresl which ijecame due thereon Junuiy Mh, 18S. and by reasnn ihereof and pureuaut 'O ihi teimsof sa d niortcage. the principal sum uupald oi said mortgaae of iwenty-one huudred aml 'en dolare wiih all the ot inlerest thereon. at option of said mortgagees became due and payable immediately thereaiter and the power of sale coutaiued In said mortgHge became op rative, and the said mortg gees do here' y declare lltheir option an 1 do hereuy elect to have ihe principal suin ol said mortgnge ai.d all inte est the eon become now due and iiayablc. Aud whereas there is now claimed to be duo and payab e as aforestiid upou said mortgagc and the note s ured the eby at the ríate of this uotice ihe mm oí lwo thousand four huncired and fifty five dolíais ïv.l5aUO)ln additi-.n to all other Ie gul costs. and uo suit or procecdlng in law or iqtiity havtng been instituted to recover the debt f ecurtd hy snid niortgage or any part thereof, No tice is therelore hereby given that said mortgane wül be lorec.losed by a sale ol the niortgaged premises therein deseribed or ome part thertoi, to wit : All of the following described land situated in the township of Nxrthfielii.iii Washtenaw County, Michi:an. vlz: The N rth East quarter of the Soulh-We t quarter of Section No. Thirty one 31) in township No. One South, in Range No. Six, East ; lso ihe Pouth seventeen 1 17) acres of the Wen half of the North-Eaet quarter of Baid Sectil No. 'I hirty one, it being divisions No one, two, three. four, and one acre off of the south sirte of divisi"n No. Five in the panition of the estáte of 1'i.trick McMohon, deceased, as appears by the report of the commispioners on file in the Pr bate offii'o lor Washtenaw Couiuy, all in township one south, in range six east, and con tamintí in all fixty-eight acres of land, more or lchs, at public vendue ou the twenty third day of Kebruary. 188a, at tfu o'clock in Üie forenoon, at the Hurou street cntrance to the Court House, In the city of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw, that betng the pltcc of holding the Cirou t Court in said 1 ounty. Dated, November 25th, 1888. EDWAKO TKEADWU.LaiHl Noah W. Chbevbb, í utors of the wIU of Hiram Arnold, de1 ccased. Slortsime Sale. 'I'ulaulthavlng been made in the uowHUodi of a Mortgage executed by Jefferson Lewis and Kachel Lewis, hts wile. to Adelia C. Checver bearin dttte Oclober 21, 1886. and reoordod d the office of the Register of Peeds for Waslitenaw I Ccunt , Michigan, ctobcr ïl, 1886. in Libcr67 of Mortgages. on pase 102, whicth Mortgage was asi-ignpd by -aid Adel ia C. Cheever to Le Koy C. Noble by deed of assignment. dated December 6. 18 7, and rteorded In said Pegistcr's office, in Liber 9. of asignments of inortgages. on page 3t:s, by whieh defuult the power of sale contaiucd in I Baid M"rUage became operativo, and no suit I or prnctcding in law orequity haviug been instimted to recover the debt tecured by said Murtgage or au y part thereof, and the sum o( two huudied and 'thirty-three and SO-lüO dollars (f288.50j beiiu now claimed lo be due upon said Mortgage. Notice is therefore hereby given that I 8aid Morigage will be foreclosed by a sale ot the Mortgaged premises therein detcribod or eome part thereof, to wit: All the following ditcribed land 6ituated in the City of Ann Arbor Miehigan.viz: Lot No. Three in Block No. Fivo Noith of Hnron Street in Range No. Fourteen Eat aciording to the recorded plat of the Kuhtcru iidltion tosaid city, at public vendue on the Sixteenth day of November next, at te oVlock in the forencoou, at the Hurun street entrance to the Court House, in the City of Ann Artor inaid Couuty of Washtenaw, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court in said County. Dated August 1 Hh, 1888. ÍíERoy C. Koble. Agsignee. N. W. CHEEVER, Attorncy.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register