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I General Salamanca has been appolnteil Captain-General of Cuba. Twenty business houses and residencee at , Yidalia, La., were burned on Friday. A gas well discov rei at Kingston, Ont, discharged 6,000 OJO feet of g ís a day. Kight workmen were killed on Sumlay near Halle, Germany, by a passing train. Mrs. Eli Carpenter, of Bucyrus, O., was fatally shot on Monday by her son, who was at a mark. The chemioal laboratory of the Ohio State University at Columbus was destroyed by tire on Tuesday. J. Bordeaux, of Shelton, W. T., and four of his chiklren died on Monday from eating poisoned cabbage. The opera-house, the Stemple House and nine business houses at Steelville, Mo., were burned on Thursday. The third annual convention of the National Assooiation of Builders met at Philadelphia on Tuesday. James Eoss colored) was hanged at Brandenburs-, Ky., Friday morning f or the murder of an old farmer. In Butler County, Pa., thirteen ieiiers were caugnt on Saturday at theix illegal work and arrested. The Wlsoonstd Sulphate Company'g mili atMonico, Wis., was destroyed by lire on Saturday. Loss, $1"ÍO,(XX). The Hessian fly is destroying the wheat erop in Central Illinois. In some places whole flelds had been ruined. The steamer Haytien liepublic, recently the cause of so much trouble with Haytl, arrived at Boston on Sunday. The commercial travelers of Michigan have formed an organization to be known as the "Knights of the Grip." May Mills, a 0-year-old colored girl, was burned to deuth at Kansas City Friday whlle lighting a pipe for her mother. Harry Hudson has been genteneed to flfty years' imprisonment at Chillicothe, Mo., for the murder of W. W. Oppenheim. The annual report of the Indian Department of Canada shows the Indian population of the Dominion to be 134,589. The lüverside cotton-mill at Northbridge, Mass., was burned Friday morning, entailing a loss of $40,000, fully insured. Mrs. McNulty and Annie McGuire were frozen to death in a blizzard near their home in the vicinity of Ottawa Ont. Flve men implicated in the recent murder of Bill Sizemore and Carr Smith in Clay County, Ky., were arrested Tuesday. A 2-year-old child of P. M. Sanborn, of Hemlock Grove, got a piece of apple-peel fast in its throat and choked to death. Seventy-six pictures, the private collection of James H. Stebbins, brought the sum of $159,490 at auction in New York on Tuesday. Captain James E. Waller, private secretary to Governor Lee. of Virginia, committed suicide by Thursday at Kichmond. Colonel Henry J. Hunt (retired), Governor of the Soldiere' Home in the District of Columbia, died on Monday in nis ü9th year. Mrs. Brown, on trial at Mason City, Ia, charged with poisoning several members of her family, was on Tuesday decided not giiilty. The Mutehner-Higgins Company's elevator at Indianapolis, Ind., with 80,000 bushels of grain, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday. Julia Marhar, 55 years old, died of tlon in a miserable hovel at Providence, E. I., on Monday. Her husband had degerted her. A eix days' international bicyele race for women, for the championship of the world, began in New York on Monday with fourteen contestante. Luke Palmer, a wealthy resident of Burlington, Ia, was swindled out of $",00ü on Monday by bunco steerers on the old-time "lottery scheme. " i Mattliias Legendre, employed by a Norristown ( Pa. ) farmer, has been lef t a fortune of about $100,000 by an uncle who recently died in Allentown, Pa. Mrs. W. H. Beal and her baby were killed on Monday atliiley, Kan., by Samuel Halton, her husband's employer, who was trying to force his attentions upon her. George Dimock, an engiueer at Carbondale, Pa., was shot and mortal ly wounded by his little son Monday evening while the family were rehearsing theatrioals. Henry Ogden, a Laketon (Ind. ) dry-goods merchant, was robbed oí $1,801 early Thursday morning-, He had the money under his pillow, and the burglars drugled hlm. Johnson Stav-T, ol Tipton, Ind., haviug been warned by White Caps, has armed himelf and served notice that he w 11 kill the first Whte Capper molesting him. The extenslve establishment of James Wyeth & Brother, manufacturing enemista at Philadelphia, was burned on Sunday. Loss, $-)0,(Xiü. One fireman was killed. Hon. Ebenezer Prefie, 8" years oíd, a native of Htark, Me., died Thursday In the county almshouee at Eoekford, 111. Forty years ugo he was a well-known evangelist Russell B. Harrison, son of the Presi dent-elect, has purchased the plant of the Helena (M. T.) Record, and will endeavor to make it tho leading paper of Montana. Henry Womack, living near Social Circle, Ga. , was bitten by a rabid cat ono mouth ago. He died on Thursday at'ter undergotnirairthe horrors incident to hydrophobia. Mrs. Eunice P, Helms, of Lydonville, N. Y., died on Tue$day aged a few ïuonths over 100 years. Up to wlthinafew weeks of her death Mrs. Helms enjoyed the be6t of healtli. Hon. Thomas Iïaine, ajreil ",( years, a wealthy farmer üving six müesjiiort'hwest of Parsons, Kan., committed suicide )y b;uiLr ini' on Saturday. No cause was kuown ior the deed. At an outdoor meeting held on Sunday ut Sheöisld, Eng., at whiuii 90,000 workmen attended, resolutions coiideinnatory of Lord Saüsimrv's coerción pollcy in Irelandweri d two to one. Kred Palmer, an employé In a paper mili &t MlddJeport, N. Y., feil lnto a vat of bolling Uquoi Frlday and was so liorrlbly calded that his flesh dropped t'roin the bones. He diod in three hours. A machine for manufactoring ice was Bhlpped trom Clncümatl, 0., to Denver, Col., ftiday. The machine iver 800,000 pounds and oost $38,000. Thirteen cara were requlred to carry it


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