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Ed. Hansjsterfer is celebrating his 21st binhday today. __ "Jim, the TeDman," Friday evening at the opera hou;e. __ J. E. Duffy has been doing local work on the Argus this week. The Snowüake dancing club will give another pariy on Feh. 28;h. The A. O. H. gave a pleasant hop at their rooms Friday evening. Thomas Keating has closed up his cigar Ftore in the opera house block. The legislatuie finisned their vacation and began work sgain Tuesday. Jlinnie Maddern in "Caprice," at the opera house next Tuesday evening. In case of tire, parties are requested to cali the engine house by telephoue. The Franklin house office and dining room are now lighted by electric lights. Margaret Mather in " The Honey moon," at the opera house, Saturday evening. The Michigan Central closed their ce cutting in this neighborhood for the seaBon, Monday. J. M. Stafford is too happy to even wait on a caeh custotner now, - a boy, and he arrived Monday night. The M. C. R. R. company shipped 920 car loads of ice frorn this station dunng the two weeks they were cutting. The T. A. A. & N. M. railroad company contémplate building lines to Manistee aud Frackfurt, before another winter. Extensions for the payment of' taxea have been made by Scio and York townships, and Ypilanti and Ann Arbor cities D. F. Sctiairer and Chas. S. Millen have formed a co-partnership, and are successors in the dry goods line to D. F. Schairer. Station agent Hazle wood, of the T. & A. A., has rented a house on N. Main-st., and will move his family here next week. The "arbeiter unteistuetzunga verein" of Manchester has reorgan;zed and filed new articles ol association in the CDunty clerk'8 office. Rev. Dr. Fuller preached at St. Andrew's churoh last Sundny, bis subject being "Personality of God a illustrated by Jesu9 Christ __ Dr. A. C. Nichols bas just rceived a new operating chsir and can now get a patiënt in any desired pcsition to pull a refractory tooth. The fire committee are figuring on the foundation of a flre alarm system. i'.ve boxes can be put in at a cost of $300, and it would be well inveeted. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti cities, and Scio and York townships are the only ones that have not settled for their taxes with the county treaurer. The house of John Wagner on W. Waahington-st. caught fire Tuesday afternoon, about $250 damage being done before the fire was under control. Rev J. D. Bradshaw, pastor of the Congregational church, will address the gospl temperance meeting at Cropsey's hall, Sunday afternoon t 3 o'clock. Main-st. in the vicinity of A.. L. Noble's store, dow presenta a fanciful appearance every evening, caused by a bright red globe on the light outside of his store. Mina Carolina Kasuska, aged 12 yearB, died on Sunday of gcarlet fever, the attending physician pronouncing it one of the worst possible cases of that dread disease. Rev. Dr. Earp was unable to deliver his lecture at Hobart hall last Sunday evenine, on account of a severe cold, and the audience that had assembled was dismissed. Ann Arbor lodge, K. of P., will give a social at Armory hall next Tuesday evening. The event will be to celébrate the 25ih anniversary of the establishment of the order. The M. C. R. R. company paid ofif the gang of men that have been cutting ice, Thursday and Friday. The men all lived in this vicinity and $2,100 was the suaa that was paid them. There is 6aid to be a Babcock fire-extinguisher. Is it too " curious to inquire" why there may iiot be Babcock rnyme extioguisher? is the query inade by one of the Register subscribers. The Snowflake dancing club gave a private masquerade party at the armory last Thursday evening. About 25 couples were en masque, and an untold amount of fun was had uutil nearly morning. George Wright was fouiid drunk on the streeta last Friday and was jailed. Oq Satuiday Justice Frueauff oflFered him board at the county jail for flfteen days and the prisoner accepted the offer. While cutting ice on tbe river Monday, a team or horses received an invohintary bath by the ice giving way. The horses were in the water about filteen minutes, and when taken out were seriously cut about the legs. Ann Arbor 3 having a treat which is hard to realize. Three first-class attracons - Jim, the Penman, Margaret üather, and Minnie Maddern - at the opera house within week, has never been heard of before. Chief Engineer Davis, of the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad, estitnates that there is not less than eight hundred million ieet of pine timber, and about three thousand million feet of hardwood timber, tributary to that road at present. Nfixt Monday evening at the Unity Club will .be given a Washington' Btrthday social and supper. Supper will be served at half past six, after which there will be a dramatic entertainment entitled 'The Maak of the Year." .Tohn Wilson bad a hearing beLore Justice Griffin, of Ypsilanti, Ifriday, on a charge of grand larceny, and was bound over for trial in the circuit court. He is one of the parties charged with stealing wheat of Frank Crittenden, of Pittsfield. Andrews' book-store will be removed from its present location to the store on Huron 8t., recently vacated by Toofany Bros. Frank Tyler, a hackman, was srrested last Thursday, charped with using indecent lancuage at the Michigan Central depot. He plead guilty and paid $5 fine and $3 costs. On Mnnday evening next, from 8 to 11 o'clock, Hon. A. J. Sawyer will give a reception at hig reidence on Monroe st., to his excellency, Gjv. Luce, and hig wife. A large nuaiber of invitations has been is8ued. __ A meeting of the members of the Third ward E. P. Allen club is called for Friday evenir.?, Feb. 15th, ir. the basement of the court houe, to elect three delegates to represent the club at the coming state convention of Republican clubs. Rey. Mr. Gelston, of the Presbyterian Church, will begin next Sunday evening a series of three sermons on, "The true Idea of dod." First, "The Moral Liea"; aecond, "Practical strength of the Trinitarian Idea"; third, "Summary view of 'he Trinity." The greatest dramatic event of the season in Ánn Arbor will be MargaretMather's appearance Saturday evening in the Honeymoon. Thia beantiful woman and fine actress should be given a fine nudience. She will be supported by J. B. Studley. A. A. Crozier, son of O. R. L. Crozier, of this city, has reaohed a well merited reputation in the pomológica! world. He is secretary of the American Pomoloeical society, with his official address at Washington, D. C, although his home and permanent address is Ames, Iowa. Mr. Sunderland will give his fourth "Robert Esmere" leciure next Sunday evening. Subject: "Reply to Gladstone and the Critics." In the morning Mrs. Sunderland wil! give the last of her Hermans on foundations of religión. Subject: "The Uses of Sacred Bookü." The Chorl Union will give a concert in Hobart hall, Feb. 28. The program will oonsist of part song and Gade's cantata, "The Crusaders." The following soloists will ass:st: Mrs. .T. H. Haviland. W. L. Taylor, Hugo P. Geisler. It will be under the dirtction of Prof. A. A. Stanley. CHark S. Beal, an uncle of J. E. Beal of this city, died at Kalamazoo last Saturday, eed 45 yearc The funeral was held at Plainwell, Tuesday. Mr. Beal was at one time a wellknowu resident of this city. Anumber of years agohe receivedinjurieg by being kicked by a horse, and has been an invalid ever since. Rev. Dr. Howard Duffield gave his second lectnre in the Presbyterian training course, Monday evening. The speaker sketched in a terse and eloquent way the oriüin of the Bible. He was listened to wilh the closegt attention and interest. Some nine lectures have been given in this training course, and porne geven more are to follow . The attendaoce has teen large. The Washtenaw county Republicau club held a meeling in the uourt room yesterday. The club decided to pay the Michigan Club the initiation fee of $25.00 and become a branch ot that organization. The club dues were made one dollar per year, and every Republican in the coutity was invited to join the club. W. M. Osband, ot Ypsilanti, W. N. S:evens, of Ann Arbor, and A.F. Freeman, of Manchester, were elected delegates to the meeting of the State Republican League. Rev. James H. Potts, D. D., of Detroit, editor of the Michigan Christian Advocate, filled the pulpit of the Methodist church last Sunday morning and evening. The sermón in the evening was the annual address beiore the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of that church. Dr. Potts is a man of fine presence, splendid voice, and appeurs the natursl orator. This is thesecond time he has filled the Methodist pulpit within a few weeks. On both occasions nis sermona produced a profound impression. The Arm Arbor T.-R. electrio corapany have placed in position this week another large boiler, which was badly needed. The boiler is sixteen feet long and six feet in diameter, with a dome or heater above. It was given a sïrong test Tuesday, and proved satisfactory. The boiler was made by Reeves, Hunter & Co., who secured the contract for making it in competition with the leading boiler works of Port Hurón and Detroit. When the new boiler is running the company will have what they have needed for some time - plenty of power, and will be able to furnish üght to more customers. Friday moroing Jerome Shipman, cf Ypsilanti, obtained a blank check on the Ypsilanti Savings Bank, claiming E. C. Warner, a building contractor, owed him tor services performed in lathing a building and that he would take the check to Mr. Warner, bave him fill it out and then cali at the bank and get his money. Instead of po doing it is charged that be fllled up the check fur $23, signed Mr. Warner's name and succeeded in getting Mr. C. Rhodes to cash it. After passing through several hands it was taken Saturday by Wells & Fisk, grocery merchante, where the forgery was discovered. OfËcers are looking for Shipman, who is supposed to be ín Detroit. The followÍDg jurors have been drawn for the March term of the circuit court: Josent Staib, Bridgwater; M. E. McNeil, Dexter; John Moessner, Freedom; Jacob F. Frey, Lima; John Lindenmann, Lodi; Joha W. Howlett, LyndoD; Arthur J. Waters, Manchester; J. B. Liraway, Northfield; William Miller, PittsBeld; Chas. Stanbro, Salem; George Finkbeiner, Saline; F. L. Jenney, Soio; J. R. Lemm, SharoD; Richard Bagley, Superior; Hiram Lighthall, Sylvan; Thomas O'Brien, Webster; B. F. Gooding, York; Theodore Hiscock, Ypsilanti Town; Orin Bonsteel, Ypsilanti city, Ist district; George H. Neat, Ypsilanti city, 2nd district; Louis Schleicher, Ann Arbor city, lst district; Jerome Kress, Ann Arbor city, 2ad district; George Haylor, Ann Arbor city, 3d district; O. A. Matterson, Ann Arbor town; Andrew Fisher, Augusta; J. R. Lowery, Bridgewater; Nicholas Reed, Dexter; Paul Fritz, Freedom; Gottried Luick, Lima; John Grosshang, Lodi.


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