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Tate Springs, Tenn., i .: i. The Swift Specific Co., Atlar :■ : During the spring of 1871, v. In the field at my home in Mo . unty, Ga., I pulled off my shoes to .;:. iv feet a rest. Unfortunately, I walked info a dump of poison oak, and in a few cl ; vy (eet were in a terrible condilion, and i muid not put on a shce because of the screness and swelling. I was treated as poison oak cases usually are, and everything was hcülcd up. About the same time the spring, 1872, my feet became sore again, as at first, and every succeeding spring for five years brought back the same condition of the dissase, only each time it became more distressing, because I began to think it was a lffetime trouble. Finally, I was induced to try Swift's Specific. I took six bottles, and to-day am cntirely well. My improvement was gradual from the first, and no evidence of the disease remains. I shall take pleasure in testifying as to its curative r-roperties. It is the greatest blood purifier in existencc. Yours truly, J. L. Morgan. The foregoing certifícate is taken at random from thousands of letters in possession of the Swift Specific Co., and presented simply as a sample. It is a vo'.untary statement, giving facts and results of the case. lts accuracy and genuiwness are beyond question. A valuable Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases maüed free. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Dnwct 3 Atlanta. Ga. Ifyoudo not happen to care lor theeame coirse let her go, and under 110 eiroumstuict's take your portion and wrap it up i) paper fjr conMimption later on. Wlml A DMWi T suffered with (ever. hot hcad and foul breath, WUh fctomach disordeTed- was sick unto death. I bore it a week- surelv I was a dunce- '1 hen I took a few " Pellets " - they eured me at once, What a dunc, indeed, to neglect sueh a remedy and tuffer a week, when quick reliet could have been fonnd in Dr. Pierce's P.ea-iant Pu'gftive Pelle's. Do not put y .mr hoM's silver in jour pocke'. He may have hired it fr the 00c tion, and such though less behavior 011 your part miüh' tend to embarass him. The naiive bom eli-ptiart bid- fair to rivnl the great imponed Jumbo in s-ize and weight; hut it is pietty generally known that nothint; rivals the great remedy, Dr. Bull's C UL'h Svrun. Do not complain ot the cookiDg when you are dining Ht the house of a fríend. Hi-i wife tnay have prepared the meal, and you oertainly can hnve no wish to hurt her fèehnp". "TVfvv "V trifle witli any Throat or AJVJW V LUrjg Diseaso. If you have ft Cough or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, ose Acker's English Remedy and prevent further trouble. It is a positivo cure, and we guárante it. Frico 10 and 50c John Mookk Uruggiet. (rivers of dmnt-rs should avoid practical jokes. Such old time customs putting liairpins into tha soup and sewing macfiiue oil in the salada hs gone out of fashion entirely' A Jnstlce of Tbe Peace Snys. Hou. John Nealey, ju'ice of the peace and ex-rnember of the House of Represen tatives from M-redith, N. H, was tor twelve years a terrible sufferer wilh ihnuma'ipm. He says: I cannot obtain any medicine which does me ro much eood as your Sulphur Bit'ers, and I think it is the best medicin mide. There is no st-n li-ii nmit to the number of olives a gentleman may eat at dinner, hut one is apt to be considered in an und sirable lipht il' tuur bitíli-sdo not sufflee. Th Populatiou of Ann Aibor, is about 12,000, and we would gny that at least oiie hult are troubled with gome affection of the Throat and Lungs, as those complaints are, accordiug to ftatiticc, more numerous than others. We would advise 11 our readers not to neglect the opportunity to cali on ;heir druggists and el a bottle of Kemp'8 Blsnm for (he Throat and Lutips. Tri 1 Mze free. Lnrge Bottle 50c and $1. S H by all druirgists. Avoid polines atoinner. Ilyouareunwillingly drawn ïnio heated debute raiher adaait yourself in the wrong than throw a píate ot ice cream at your adversary's wile. Hark Twaln. The Atneriean prees generallv appears to have lost couceit of Mark Iwain. One reasun lor tuis chatigeoi feeling may tria Mark has grown rich. It is an unapardonab e error for a humoriat to be rich. He ougbt to Uve in a garret, llke James Triplett, be the happv professor of one tiiread bare coat, and íhoes tbat let the water in. Uut eveu under ihehe direful circunistances, 'b centa would punhase him trom thtt most painful o a'l uimpUium, Kheumatism. They are advertised everwhere. Fur Sale by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. for Aun Arbor. D. n't repeat ihe scandal of a dy they are old. Invcnt new ones. Shr Wan oiiipldelj Cnred. A dauhter of my customer missed nienstruation on arnviog at puberty - her health was completely wrecked. At mv supgeetion she u-ed one bottle o BradQelds Female Regulator, wbicb cured her J. W. Hellums, Water Valley, Miss. WriteThe Bradfield Reg. Co., Atlantn, Ga. Sold by all druggisxs. Keep your food on the table. It is net de rigueur to drop roast beef or indeed, any other edible on your hoBtes' caipet. Should your friend iuviie you home to a real home made dinner do not advise him to try Browne, the new caterer, it you wish to remain a friend of his wife's. " ft would eDjoy your dinner 3 VJ and aro provented by Dyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. Tkey are a positivo cure for Dyspensia, Indigestión, Flatulency and Consti pation. We guarantee them. 25 and 50 cents. John Moore, Dmgist. i%bi rAiirnlVewsh afew HSl LVB _lim-n tn bciI mr jmilULiUlllbllio the wholo■ JB-:ile aun iciail traiie. W v, ure. the lnrirest r maDutaotui-enlnoarllne. Encloeo twooenl m:uii. A permaiKMU uiipco positlon. Noattention paid "jT' ,_ liustnlcaitta. Moiny ailvaumlVQ fll fl f"i wiiEa, nilvcrfi-iiiu-, flr.UUiUU Coitennial Manufacturine Co. l Qmminati Ohio. PER DAY.


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Ann Arbor Register