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LEGALS. Probate Motive. STATE OF MIOHIÖAN,)COUNTY OF WaSHTF.NAW. ( Ata-c-siouofthePrjbaterourtfortheOounty of Wa-htenaw. holden at the Pr, bnte Offlce iu the "it. of Ami Arbor. on Friday. the flrst day of Fi-bniary, in the ycar one tLousand eiglit hundrrd and eighiy-inne. Preaent, I. Willard Babbilt, Judge of Probate. In the Matter of the Estáte of Lorenzo M. I.yon, deceased. Onrendiniiand filingthepetition.duly verified, of DHiiicl I.yon, prayini? tliat Administration of faid estáte may he grauted to Arthur S. I.yon or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered. that Monrfay. the fourlh day of March next. at ten o'cloek iu the iörenoon. 'be assigned lor th hearing of said pettilon and ihatthe heirs atlawof pain ditceasi d, and all othtr persons imerestert In said i-tate are required to appear at a scssion of sald Court. then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Aibor. and show caue il any there be, hy the prayer of the petitoner should imt be granted. And it is fuither ordered, that said petitioner give notice to tbe persons t terested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof. by oausiug a cop; of this ofder to be publishert in the Ann Arbir Register, a newspapT printedand circulated in eiid c mniy, three succe&sive weeks to said day of hearing. J. WILLAKD B4B3ITT, [ Trne Copy.l Judgeof Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. An Ordinnnce Kcliilive lo Hark or OiiuiilMix Iriv r. [Pased Ffbraary Mh 188'.] Bc it Ordained by the "ayor. Recorder, and Aldermen of the City of Anu A rbor : Section 1. Ihat il shall be unlawful for sny hack, earriage or omnibus driver. or any other porBon bolloitlng passengers or travelers at the Michigan Central depot, Iu the city of Ann Arbor, to solicil passengere or travelers. except at the sieps of th, ir rei-pectlye vehiiles, localed at the South side of the Michigan Central depot at snch place as hall be designated by the station agent of faid depot, et whieh location all peisons to solici'ing are hereb rcquind to bo at their resnective hacks, carr ag ui omnibuses on the arr val of passenger train, and there to remain during the stay of said pasenger trains at said oepot. and for the period of to minutes att r the departitre of said passender trains from said depot. No person shall act or engage in the business of a public porter or runner for any hotel in the city of Ann Arbor. nor si all any omnibus agent, or any omnibus, hack or earriage driver, or drivers of baggage wagons act as porter or runner for any hotel in said city Sf.c. '2 It shall be unlawful for auy person or persons driving a baggage wagon. or any one accompanying the same, to solicit passengere or travelers when at snid passeneer depot, or where passenger trains may be standi g. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons 8fli iting passengers or travelers to do so in a boisterous or noisy marnier, or treat them in nny other way than civMy and gi-ntlt-manly. ntc. 4. Kny person or per-ons violating any "f the pnvi8ionsof this ordinnnce. or failtng to comply vith t"e provisión ai;d requirements of the saine, abatí, on conviction, b punished by a fiHe, not exceedintr tweuty-tive dollars, to b ■ recovered beiore any jusliccof the peace of the city f Anti Arbor. and ui the impoMlion ofanysuch fine the justice of the peace may mke a íurtht r order ihatln defaultof the pnyment of said flne within the tiaie to be flied by ihe ju-tice in his seinene", the oftunder shall becommitted to the CHinty jait of Washt naw cou.ity, for a period of time noi exceeding thirty day-. Sec. 5. An ordinance of s-id city entit'ed "an ori'iname relative to hack or omnibus drivers." made ani passed September 2Oth, 1875, is hereb n pcaled. SF.C. 6. This ordinance 6hall tnke eflect from and Miter lepa] publicatiun. S. W. BEAKES. JAS. R. BACH, Mayor. Recorder. Prollate ludir STATE OF MICHWAN, j COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. ( At a sesion oí the Probate f-ourt for the County of Wafhtenaw, holden at the Probate office in tho city of Ann Arbor, on Monda , the '28th day ofjanuary in the year one theusand ight hundred and eighty-nine. Present, J. W1LLARU BABBITT. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of George Sutton, 2nd. incompetent. Sedgwick Dean. the Guardian of said ward, comes into ciuri and rei re-ent that hels now pre nared to render his 19th annual account as buen Guardian. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday the 25th day of l-ebruary uext, at tn o'cloek in the forenoonbeasMgued forexaminfngani allowiugsuch account, and that the next of kin of said war i, and all other persons interei-ted in said estáte, are required t1 apnear at a se8ion ofsaidCourt then tobe holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arlior, in saio county. and show cau-e il any there be, why the said account i-hould not be allowed: And it is further ordered. that faid Guardian give notice to the persons intere-ted in taid estáte of the pendency ot said account and the hearing thereof. by cau-ing a copy of this order tobe pub lished in th Aun Arbor Rkgistf.r. a newspaier printed and circulating in said couuty, three suc cessive weeks previousto said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBII'T. [Atruecopy.] Judge of Probate. Wm G. Doty, Probate Register. Mortgtifce Sale. Whereas. William A. Masón and Elizibeth Mason, his wife, of Noithfitld, in Washtenaw Coun, ty, Michigan, txeiutd a mortgage to Edward Treadwell aid Noah W. cheever, execmorsof the willof Hiram Amuld.deciased, toaecurethe paymentut ceitain principal and interest therein mentiont-d, which montage bears date January25th, 188ii. and was recorded in the nfflce ot the Regisier of Deeds lor Washtenaw O'Uiity, Michigan on the 2ftth riny oi Januaiy. 18S6 at 3% o'clook, p.' Liber69of Mortg ges en page 74 aui whereas default bas been made for more than sixty days in the paymeut of an instailmcnt of interest which became due therion m the 2"th day of January, 1W7 as wellasthe sinc&diiig i siallment of interest which herame dne thereon Januaiy 2ftb, 18-s. and by reason ihereof and pirsuantioihe teimsof sad mortaage. the principal sum unpald ot said mortgauc of twenty-one hundred anrt ien do.lar3 wilh all the arrearage ot interest thereon. at lh option of said mortgagees became due and payable immediately thereatter and the power of sale coulained in said mortgage became op rative, and the said mortg gets do here' y declare ittheir option an I do hereby elcct to have the principal sum ot said mortgage and allir.te.est the eon beeome now due aud iayable. And whereas there is now claimed to be due and payab.e as aforesaid upnu said mortgage and the note sei ured the eby at the date of this notice ilie sum ot two thousand lour hundred and fifty fivedolliis .Soumin additi n to all other lo gal costs. and no buito" procecding in law or iquity having been instituted to rtcover the deot Fecurtd hy said mortgage or any part thereol, N ■ lice is theretore hereby given that said mortgare will be foreclosed bv a sale ol the mortgaged premises thertin described or ome part then oi. to wit: All of the following described land situated in the townshipof N Washtenaw Couuty, Michi:an, vlz: The Ni rth East qtiarter of the South-We t quarter of Section No. Thirly one 31) in townsnip no. unesoulh, in Range No. Slx, East; lso ihe South seventeen 17) acres of the West half of the North-East qnarter of said Section No. 'I hirty one, lt bultig dvisious No one, two. three. four, and one ere off of the souih kirie of división No. Kive iu the p&rtitlon of the estáte of Ptriek McMshon. dereased, as appeara by the report of the commissioners on file in the Pr bate office tor Washtinaw Couniy, all fu townshlpouesouth, in rnge .slx east. and con tatnluic in all sixty-eiiht acres of land. more or les, at public vendue en the twenty third day of February. 188a, at ten o'clock in tho forennon, at the Huron rtreet entrance to the Court Houe, in the city of Aun Arbor, In sald (,'outity of VVashtenaw, that betng the p'aco of holding the Ciicu t Court in faia ■ 'ounty. Dated, November 2óth, 188. Edwarr Treadwkll and Noah W. Chkïveb, Executors of the will of Uiraui Arnold, deceased. Matritense Sale. Deffiult having been made In the conditiom of a Morig&Ke executed bs Jefferson Ijfwis and Rachel Lewis, nis wlle, to Adelia O. Cheever beariiu dnte October 21. 1886. and recordad In the office of the Register of Ieeds for Washtenaw Counl . Mlchignn, ctober vl, 1886. In Liber67 of Miirtgages. on pKe 1CT2, whi.-h Mortgaite wa akÍKiicd byald Adelia C. Cheever to Le Koy C Noble by deed of assignment. dated December 6. 18 7, and rtcorded in sald Heglster's office, n Llber U. of as)gnmeni6 of mortgages. on pnge 3H3 by whirh defiult the power of sale contained in eald M'ruage became operative, and no suit or prnccediug In law orequiiy baving been inBtiimed to recover the debt ecurd by faid Morigage or any part thereof, and the sum ot two huixlred and thirlylhree and 50 -WO dollars (1233.50; beiiu now claimed lo be dne upun sxid Mongage. Notice i therefore hereiiy given that saiü Mor'gage win bc foreclosed by a ale ot the Mongaged premiees thcreiu d6icrib1 or souie pan thrreof. to wil: All the lollowlnic dfhcribi-d land siiuüted in the city of Aun Arbor Michigan, viz: Lot No. Thrue in Block No Fivu Noith of Huron strtet iu Katige No. Kouneen Ea."t a&orriing to the rcuuidt-d plat ol the Eufctern ddiliuu tosaid city. at public vendue on the Sixteetith day of Novembir next, at len o'ilock in the foremoon, al th= Hur. n street entranceto the Ciiurt House, In the City of Ann Ar'or lnaid Cnunty of Washtcnaw, that being the place of bolding the Circuit Court in saia County. Daled August 1 Ith, 1888. Lg Roy C. Noble, Asslgnee. N. W. CHEEVER, Attorney.


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Ann Arbor Register