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'Then let the moon usurp the rule of day. And wiuking tapersshow thesunhis way; For what my senses can preeieve, I need no revelation to believe." Ladies suffering fro n any of the weaknesses or ailments peculiar to thf-ir sex, id who will use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preecription, aceording to directions, will expeneoce a geiiuiue revelation ia the beuefit they will receive. It is ■ p. sitiveeure lor the most compltcaed and obstinate cases of leucorrhea, exeewive fiowing, painful memstiuation, uunatural suppressions', prolapsus, or fulltrig oL the wouib, weak back, "tVmale weaknesses," antevcrsioQ, retroversion, be.v.ring-down sensations, chionic eonges.ion, inflammation and ulceraf.on of the wonub, itiflammation. pain and tenderness iu ovaries, accompmiied wiih "inttrual heat." Tne worth of a thiug depends on the wam o! it. lltappiiiesM. The fouadation of all tinppiness is heakh. A man with an imperfect digestión my be a milüonaire, muy be the husband of an angel and the father of half a dozen caernos, and yet be miserable if re be troubled with dy-pepsi, or any ot the disorders arising froui imperfect digestión or a ■luggi'-h liver. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets are the safest and eurest iemedy for these uiurbid conditions. Being purely vegetable, they are pertectly harmles?. The best kind of a p cnic is a piek at Old Nick. ________ It is Curious l'nci That the body is now more susceptible to benefit from medicine than at any oiher season. Henee the importance of taking Hood'8 Sarsapaiilla now, when it will do you the most good. It is really wonderlul for puritying and enriching the blood, creating on appetite, and giving a healtby tone to the whole system. Ba sure to get Hood's Sargaparilln, which is peculiar to itself. Leave your business unduly and your business will leave you. A Fortune Miy be aiade by hard work, but neither eau be made or enjoyed without health. Loose's Extract ot Et-d Clover Blossoms stimulate the liver, purifies the blood, aud is the best remedy for any disease arising from irnpure blood. For saie by all druggists. I cheerfully furuish the following for publication: J. M. Loose Red Clover Co : I have been ttting your Extract Red Clover for abont three months among my patients, whose maledies called for it. I can report only one case ol cáncer. He reports of all alternatives that he ever used, your Extract Red Clover stands at the head of the list. 1 have one moie cancerous subject using it, and ot e of Scrofoulous Ophthalmy. Each have not used it long enough to report upoa. Please ship me two dezen bottles of your Fluid Extract Red Clover. Yourí, etc Dr. J. LEMOREUX. Eberbach & Son. Mary Semona of Kenluoky, age 10, ig a very successful evangelist. Took First Prlze. The State board of pharsaacy recently analyzed twelve of the most p'-pular medicines in oi der to see whether tbey were what they were recommended to be. After two weeks of coreful work, they awarded the first prize, a gold medal, to Messre. A..P. Ordway & Co., proprietors of Sulphur Bitters, it being in their opinión the bestand only strictly pure blood purifying medicine in the market. - Weekly Chemitt. Something wrong when a man is af'raid of himself. The popular blood purmer, Hood's Sarsaparills, is having a tremendous sale thig teason. Nearly everyboby takes it. Try it yourself. It is not seltish to be correct in your dealings. STJACOBSOH REMedy'pAIKI For Soreness, Stiffness. prompt, Sure, Safe, Recent. Sore Umi. Swygert, Hl., May 18, 1SSS. Canght cold l'J ümbl and back; inffered monthi; 8t. Jacob Oil cured me. JACOB SCHULTS. Stlff Neck. Friendihlp, Wil., .Tun 14, 1SSS. My wife had violent patni In her neck; very lora and Ëtlfl; cured ontirely hy St. Jacobi OU. JAMES STOWE. StilT Ankle. Cedarrille, Ohio, June 25, 18S8. Straind my ankle; next morning could not put foot to f r; got a kottle of St. Jacobi OU; uied It. In tvo Cs.vt ni entlrely weU; itilnei all gone. B. O. KIDGWAY. StilT Knee. Hew Athem, Hl., June, 1SS8. Strained my knee; became itlff; could not walk for a month; uoed crutchei; after uilng two bottlel oí Bt. Jacobi Oil, threw crotchei away; cured. GÚSTATE HAPPEKT. Amei Mfg. Co., Chlcopee, Uur, Terrible Pain. June 18, 1881. From over exertion canght violent cold; every hone wal Itll and lore: In terrible pain. Cured promptly by Bt. Jacobi OU. 3. C. BDOKLEY. Paymaiter. At Druggists and Deílers. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltlmori, Md.


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