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If any dealer says he ñas ttie W. t. Dónelas tl'"1!? "'Itllout "fllle antl Pr'ce stampetf on the bottoin, put him down as a fraud. 1 .,-2gL ESI W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHQE GENTLEMEN. Best in the world. Kxamine hls gn.OO OENÜiríE HAÑD-8KWJSD snOE. 4.00 IIAND-SKWKI) WELT SHOK. JM.50 WllICE AND FARMKKS' SHOE. a.ño EXTRA VA1.UK CAI.F SHOiS. 8-2 WORKINGMAN'S SHOK7 83.00 and 1.75 BOYS' SCHOOI, SHOES. All made in Congress, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE tAFDfEs. t8!' 1ÍíaferIal Be9t Style. Best Fittine. IÍ not sold by your dealer, write W. t. DOUGLAS, BKOCKTON. MASS. WM. REÍKHARDT& CO., 42 S. MAISÍ STREET, Ann Arl.or. #ook' Cottnn Root Cnmponml. - Cora. #JÍS8s5X l'osed of ('otton Root. Tansy and Penny■ MWffBW rorai. Hwmafiillv unnt mtmthly. Safe, Iw i'""""1 '■'' -■-''" " ■ ninll.ordruuS fT t ïts. Peftï11 Inrs-.'stjimns. Ladies -rtartiirc FONO II " CPMPANV, Ijn -a..(ii ,i(í;i-í j afrolt "Ufch. Sold in Alm Arbor by all dmgglsts. BIHSEY & SEÁBOU 1TO3. 6 LJX) 8 Washington Street, Arm Arbct Michigan. Have ajwayson. hand a complete Htock oí eveij 'hint ii ..ju 6R0CERY LINE Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Articies bought for and can eü atjow figures. Our rcquent large involcc o) Teas Is a sure slgn that we Klve bargains In QTTAL.ITY AND PRIOB. We roaet our own codeet evcry week, alwavi fresh and good. Our b&kery turns out theverj best of Bread, Caket and cracker. Cali anfi MÉE, I New Advertisements TO ADVERTISERS I A list of 1000 newspapera divided into STATES AND SECTJOXS will be eent on application - To those who want their dvertisinR to pay, we can offer no better medium for thorougn and effective work than the varióos sectiona of our S'l"'í I.IK'ili l.isl. lo. I KOWEM CO., Newspaper Adyertising Bureau. 10 Spruce strect, New York. YELLOW SIGNS. YELLOW TUBS. Use "Peerless iírand" it i.i itioiti: FRESH RAW OYSSERS. Selectd and packed with cleanliness and care by C. H. PEARSON & CO., BALTIMORE, MD. Tioy m The Bíit. Asi ytit Orooeer for thom. WANTED ! Special-lTews ('OltKF.SPOni:T.S to represent Ieading Englisli and American papers. I'reviou experience uot atsolutely iu'ccessary. Most liberal terms for good service. AdJress, with stamp, European-American Press Association, No. 7 Tpton St., Bosto, Mass., U. S. A. Is the oldest and most popular sclentiflc an6 roechanical paper publlshed and has the largest clrculation of any paper of lts class n the world, iMilly lllustrated. Ilest class of Wood KngraTIngs. Publishod weekly. 8end for specimen ï?P,ï;x,Price 3 a 'oor months' trial, tl. MUNN 4 CO., PüDLisHEits. 361 Broadway, N.T. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERO Edition of Scientific American. V A great snecess. Each Issue contalns colorea lithottraphic plates of country and city residences or public buildings. Numerous enerariDga and full plans and specifleations for the uae oi duchas contémplate building. Price 2.5üa year. 25 ets. acopy. MUNN & CO., PüBLISHEKS. IIAl LM ÏSEïËi m 40 ypars' experience and have made ovei ■ KiO.OUO npplirations for American and For eiRn patent. Senrt for Handboek. Correapondeoce atrictly ctnfl(Jential. TRADE MARKS. In case your mark is not registered in the Patent Omce, apply to Mi'NN i Co., and procura lmmediate prutection. Send for llandbook. COrVRICIITS for books, charts, mapi, etc., quíckly irocured. Address Ml 'SN .V CO., Pment Solicito. Ux.vxiiAI. OFÏICï: 3C1 Bkoadwat, N. Y OlIjL O3ÑT W. B. WARNER, 24 STATB ST. IHjfTOiiE No better place in the city to buy your GROOERIES FBusiness conductei on CASH basis 00 roods eold on credit to anyone but pnces are low enough lo make it an object for you to trade with him. Telephone Conneclions. All Goods delhered. fLfe PENNYROYAL WAfFrÜT" mr Are successfully used mjnthly bv over Wn MJLadies. Are Sae, Effect' al nrul Pleasant. Ü W vfP?r'wxbymai(,orat druggista. SeaUd Pur. i í'cuíar 2 postase stampa. Addreas IMH T,!,IE ,hl,'"E1.A tHUMICAI. Co.MP.tNT, Flshnr Block. ia Woodward ave., Detroit, Miei. fiold by JOHS MOOKF. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS' The reat KngrliHb Prescrlption RÜití" 'í6,', Vit(ll"y an(1 "reed, HealthyCendition follow lts use. Buyatyoui drugrisfs, one ; six for 85 " EUREKA CHEMZCaI ÖK, Detroit. Mích Sold by JOHiV MOOBE. "CHICAGO TRUSS." New Spiral Spring Trun i Hard Rubber Pad ; tic Durable Cheap. Approveí Jfc( iZ. -. y the highest Medical AuU H Ihority. Worn day and nteht %b" "y aQ Infanta week oíd or p , ftn Adult 80 years. LaIW Y H adjusted. U meeU all torffi (O i _ oíScrotal Fermoral, Inguinal ,. L3'i an1 umbilical Hernia, ia ízTIrhot.h Infantí and Adúlt a,. c-An, dede'SSSSSÍ ?, rZp'anfaXss110' keCP tÜiS TlUSS' eDCl08e CH'CAGO lili ss o., OFFICE AND FITTING OOm""10' "'' 1T E. Randiilph St . T. Y. KAYNE, 1TANAGÈR. Soldjby Ann Arbor üruggists. MOiNTHLY SICKNESSÍ. ook"Xo W&majíimjlcj_ si.w(BKAI)n ELD REGULATOR (To„ f NEW STRIPEDIH' HB JMË TUK GUEATE8T NOVELTT JE UJÊ é LH HAKDï ROüES EVER fj vM ROSEFREE. W Mrjjriowpr Iifps nd fraprant; color loft, lattny pink, R Mflrtiu lid liovclty. l'rice, f .1 .00, y.r[iaij, ini jilÍi flir-fV ü v i cjcs flop aÉ bfG u i d e if HI'irntrortfr:KrrontUprr7eeiii!l 8 Colort'd Vuüfji "'flalu an Hluttratton nnd dftrription of evt-ry jwptilar MI fc?j ' "nweri nd Vi-jruble. ttnd prir#i of .uu1. '"'"BJ Hltibl'. )Mr Vf (;(-[nE01isrts,nt1Tch ropyr" dY LJi'J1 ■ ';■ ' tht iiiiouiit ia Sfls, to thitl. 'WêD'Wllngliachin SOLD ON TRIAL, rNo Cash Payment- or aettlement of any #i'f kiïid- uutil aftor a I ti SATISFACTORy TEST. ïï Machinery and T00I3 "■" f I Guaranteed to make Wells I and at the rate of 3 ft. to eTery 2 ft. fi l III byanyother machine, orno sale. Xf THE BESTlaalwy3 iSl ƒ Ij THE CHEAPEST. I I y[y8end for r atalogue JraÖSF3 j Empire Well AugerCoITHACA, N. Y. .


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