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A Prominent Merclinn in Troublc. Oíd moneybsgs inopes in his office all day, A8 snappish and cross as a bear; The clerks know enough to keep out of his way, Lest the merehant sbould grumble andswear. Even Tabby, the cat, is Ín fear of a cuff, Or a kick, if she ventues too near; Tbey all know tbe master is apt to be rough, And bis freaks unexpected and queer. What makes the oíd ftllow so surly and (?rim, And behave so confoundedly mean? There's certainly something the matter with him- Is it 8tomach, or liver, or spleen? We've guessed it- his llver is sluggish and bad, His blood is disordered and foul. I t's enough to make any one hopele.'sly mad, And greet his best friend with a growl. The world-witie remedy, Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery, will correct a disordered liver and purify the bl od, tone your sytem and build up your flesh and strengih. When the servant maid finds nine green peas in one pod she lays it the window .vill, nnd the first man who enters will be her 'beau." Wtaal It Urans. To ihe man or woman who has never heen ill, the werd "heahh" is meaningless. But to the one who has suffered and despa reii, health appaars as a priceless boon. To the thousanas of unfonunate women who are suffering from some oL the many forms of weaknesses or irregularities peculiar to their sex, Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription holds forth the promise of a speedy restoration of this " priceless boon.' There is a well known superstition, current since the days of Ovid, that particular virtue, streng! h or danger lies in the ninth wave of a series. l.i-nu't liin Tour Dayg. Y ju can prolonjf your davs by usina; Loose's Extract Red Clover Blos?oms. Ie is the best blood purifier in the market, and tliousands attest its valué. For sale by all drutrgists. R B. Hyman a traveling man, of Grand Rapids, says: After months of mffering with a very stubborn ense of Eczema, or fever sore on the leg, and Consulting and taking; treatment frora a score or rcore physiciens all over the country, Dr. Lemoreux, of Lake View, Mich., told me of Liose's Extract Red Clover. I only used two pounds solid extract and taking four boal s of fluid extract internally, am entirely well. It was the only thing that the sore yielded to and I had tried everv and any thing that had been recommended to me. Dr. Lemoreux considers it one of the very best remedies as a blood puriöer in existence. Eberbach & Son. What you need is a medicine which is pure, effiuient, reliable. Such as Hood's Sarsparilla. It possesses peculiar curative powers. Maren April 91ay Are the months in which to purify the blood, as the system is now most susceptible to benefit Irom medicine. Henee now is the time to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, a medicine peculiarly adapted for the purpose, pogsessing peculiar curative power?. It expels every impurity from the blood, and also gives it vitahty and richness. It creates an appetite, tones the digestión, invigorates the liver, and gives new life and energy to every function of the body. The testimony of thousands, as to the great benefit derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla, should convince everybody that it is peculiarly the best blood puriSer and spring medicine. It is an sneient belief that s change in the body of a man occurs every seventh year. fVV A and reliable Medicines are thebest " VVX to depend upon. Acker's Blood Elixir has been prescribed for years for all impurities of the Blood . In every f orm of Scrofulous, Sypliiliticor Mercurial diseases, itis invaluable. For Rheumatism, has no equ&L John Moore, Druggist. The Siamese have a regard for odd numbers, and insist on having an odd number of doors, Windows and rooms in their houses, and that all stair-cases have an odd number of steps. - N. Y. Mail and Express. REMedy-ípAIKI Chronic Rheumatism. Prompt, Permanent Cures. Once Cured, Always Cured. Fort Uadiion, lowa, Feb. 21 1887 Snffered severely with rneumatiim Ín knee; could rdly move. Tw appllcatlons of Bt. Jacob! OU completely cured me. No return In 3 yeart. J. B. DUFFERS. Once Cured, Always Cured. Cinajoharle, B. T , Feb. 10, HIT. Awoke wlth excrucl&tinff yftin Ín ihoulder; trled T&rlous remedies wlth no effect. Went to my offlce; pin became lmuflerable; weat home &t 11 o'clock and nted St. Jacobs OU. The effect wal mgicl; Ealn ceaied; retumed to worlt at 1 o'clock Cure ai remalned permanent. WILLET F. COOE. Once Cured, Always Cured. Lowell, Man., Oct. l, II. Had tereré rhesmatlun Ín knee; trled manr remedie! without relief; trled Bt. Jacobe OH and was prumptly cared. Ko return of pain In BSTeral TW. DAVID LAWRENCE. Proof. The testimony cannot be dlipnted. It has been Terined and renewed after a lapte of year Ho return of pain. No competitíun can ehow Uke remití. At Drügoists and Dealers. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltlmore, Md.


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