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CA-I-iILí O2ÑT W. B. WARNER 21 STATE ST. IBSJOIIL No better place in the city to buy your GROCERIES Business conducted on CASH basis. No Goods fiold on credit to anyone, but prices are low enough to make it an object for you to trade with him. Telephone Conneclions. All Goode delivered. ?fe PENNYROYAL WAFERS K Are successfully usl mïnthly by over 10,0110 .Ladics. Ale Safe, Kffeetual and (1 per bux by malí, or at druggists. Sealed Pa.rJ ïicuUirê ' poKUiífe Htamps. Address THE KlHKKA CHEMICAL COMPÍNT, Flshr Block. 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mlch. HoKI by JWHN OKI:. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS' I li n-iil I uulixli PreNcrlptlun wlll n-Muri; iliat 11 Vualiiy and a Kugged, Healthy Cendition follow lts use. Buy al youi druggist', one ptckage, Í1 ; six for 85. EUKEKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit. MlCH, Soll by JOHN IllMlKI, "CHICAGO TRUSS." tSV Spiral Spring Trum , Hard Rubber Pad; Cleaa, iiB" Durable. Cheap. ApproTed S, dv the bighest Medical AuIhorlty. Worn day and nlght Dy au Infautaweek old or an Adult 80 years. Ea0)i mljtmted. It meets all (orna of Scrotal Fermoral, Inguinal and Umbilical Hernia, in both Infante and Adulta. Satiafaetiou guaranteed te all Any dcsirable pressiire obtained. If yuur drufgist does not keep this Tiuss, enclOM Kiamps aud address, EH:aco truss co., 'IiIi-iik. UI. OFFICE AND FITTING ROOM, 122 E. Rand))lph St , T. Y. KAYNE. Manager. Sold by Ann Arbor tiruggisls. 1H IS P APen c the Newspapor JveP ■ IV rL5J_tïJtilngA([ency ut Mean N WAVKII ABOH.ourautborlzed agent MOiTHLY SlCKj'ESá IT TM1TWKöW CttTOlCÏ, o AT} GWA1 ■ÓMiCKTSftS KVÓVCBT MSïlADnCLDBEGULATORdi ÍNEW STRIPED ROSE. THE .BEATESOVJjg ■"■'w Qi KOSJ3 FB.BE. B L bWÍT not Old Bowtr S'SS rRI EhMW rin hr frí. if iiMTvd, cup)" of n rr Ijv VICK'S FLORALCyDEjR U,,,l„ln. 1 lliU..r.Uon ïnd rt,-rtjtlon of J'Jf"!," ijl 'iA. tÏt'k! SomI.iv.i... liiiilii'lcr, N. T' Well Drilling Machinery SOLD ON TRIAL, ra No Cash Payment-or settolöment of any Ê fó kind - ;:i.ul afTor a #' SATISFACTORY TEST. M Machinery and Toóla Si I Guarantced to make Wells ■ anywhere, ijl and at the ratO of 3 ft. to every2 ft. IS: I by any othr machine, or no sale, ƒ THE BEST'"Blwlly I THE CHEAPEST. II I t2StJBen4 for Cateloarue.fcTS," Empire Well Auger Co., ithaca. n. y.


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Ann Arbor Register