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Mnrcb April May Are the months in which to purify tin blood, as the system is now most susceptible to benefit trom medicine. Hetce nou is the time to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, ■ medicine peculiarly adapted for the purpose, poasessing peculiar curative powers. It expels every impurity from the blood, and also gives it vitality and richnesa. Ii creates an appetite, tones the digestión invigorales the liver, and gives new lift and energy to every function of the body The testimony of thousand, as to tb. great benefit derived from Hood's Srsa perilla, should convince everybody that i is peculiarly the best blood purifier and spring medicine. Bise ball is said to be deader in P.-ovi dene than is Julius Cse-ar in Italy. The game eannot thrive there because the rule fjive only two bases on a ball knockpd in to Connecticut. f A and reliable Medicines are thebest VI W to depend upon. Acker's Blood El. ixir has been prescribed foryearsfor allim puritiesof the Blood. IneveryformofScrofulous, Sypliiliticor Mercurial diseases, itis invaluable. For Kheumatism, has no equaL John Moobe. Druggist. The most common after-diuner speech is "Check, nlease." Mobristown, Tknn., July 4, i3S3The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen - Five years ago I was so an fortúnate as to contract an extremciy bad case of blood poiscn. My bones ached and my muscles began to swell and contract. I was under treatment of the physician from the inception of the disease untU I found that he could do ra no good. Then, through the advice of a friend I bejjan taking S. S. S. Your medicine seemed to havo an immcdiate effect. I took six boules, and to-day am sound and well. That was two or three years ago, but I have scen no evidente of the return of the disease, and I take this opportunity to thank you for what it has done forme. It saved my Ufe. You can refei any ooe to me. R. M. V.'ALL. FacMERSVTLUS, Tex., June 22, 1888. The Swift Speciñc Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen - The mother of a member of our iïrm was afflicted with a canceroui sore on her face for about twenty years. During the past few years it troubled her very much by continued pain and itching. She used your S. S. S. , and the sore has dlsappeared and is apparently well. Should it break o-U acjain, will advise you. V;ry truly, T: ■;: LETON, Yearly & Rii.ey, Druggists. Thrcc book3 mailed free on applicatio, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Draver % Atlanta, Ga. Th number of "hams" who are inflictino themselves upon the etage suggests that many of the "profesh" are the next thing to believers in tlie Biconian theory - on the side. I O.Itwill drive the Hiimorfromyourl II I L. XLsysttm, and inake your skiiil I 1 1 % ■fïPVX.clm nml smooth. Thosel I I 9a 0 Lpimples and BlotchesU m 0 'h. 4.whil mar your bcautym i n ! f4 . are caused bv lmpureg 1%,. ? .% 'itiLblood, and can be III % r , % f V Lwise and use II iÉj Ld The Dose %m flf small-ouly a teaX?%7 w. , o . % II II best and oheapeat" oJrll II medicine. Try ft, anír0-. "V 'ÍA, I I you will be satisiied. k?%, % &? i U uet It oí your Druggist. Ví n QdoN'TWAIT. GETITATONCEk SS If yon are sufferinp from Kid II III npv T)iwase and wisli to live to ISlíagS SULP1IUK BITTEBSTV I III Xhey ncver Lail to cure. 11 Send 3 2nt stampa to A. P. Ordway Co., Boston, Masa., for best medical work publishcd? LDOSE'S EXTRACT EED LLOVER DL0SS0M t ■ 2Ét "■" ÜJ &i HKV ftk CD TRADE UARK ■ IT CTJBES Cancers, Humor, Sores, Ulcers, Sweilingr, Tumors, Abscesses, Blood Poisoning, Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Erysipeiaa, Rheumatism, and all Blood and Skin Diseases. Prick, $1 per Pint Bottle, or 6 liottles for !}5. llb. can Solid Extract $2.60 J. M. LOOSEKED CLOVKR CO.. Detroit, Mico. Solil by Eberbacta .1 Son. Ski f o iirirv' wih a icw ül r S M r N " y$$ rtLLUITILIl the whoïeiit' iin.i 11 tal! tradei w earethelargmt i,i.itiiil:i'l in ft in ourlim . BnclOM tno■ ■ A permaneni VVAGES ,...-.. :.■:,,■■!-. Í" fifi i ' -j,-, ndrertlaInK. "' UwiUU Ccntenniai Manufactunng Co., pg DAY


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