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O17R 25 CK.VT {ll,l)l. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three lines, eau be inserted three weeks lor 25 ct-nls. WAMEO. J ANTEI). - Every lady iti Washtenaw county, to cali at my Mili nerv St'.re and fee the largo and etoiaiit line ot In'ant's clotks and Kob-.'S. ('henpest plane in the city to trade. Airs. E L. Mui yon, lis East Washington S't WANTKD IMMEDIATE'.Y- A whom nieh wages will be given: also a eapflble Womcn, fur general üousework. Apply at 13 Lawrence St. AGENT WANTED.- 55. per day made with litile effort in del'ghtlul employmeut. Cali lor llr. Hayley at 31 Kast Utk-Tty-H. FOR SALE. POR SALE- Two Stacks or good Clorer Hay. containing about teren tons each. J. T. Jacobs. ÍT'OR SALE - Horse, 7 years old. snilable for genera! business or driving purposes. Lew H. Clement. 38 S, Main Kt. 1i"OK8ALE- Or exehange for Ann Arbor eily " property, tile factory, pleasnnt localion, est of maeril and good demand lor tile. Fine hauce to mak, money. Rkgisteb Office. FORSALE.- A rheap covered carriage nearlv new. No. 2 Broukbt, uear Sliller ave. E. Lnrtlnin. H"OR 8A1.E- Sewing Machines. Prices reduned. No autüits. Come lo the store and select yonr machine, brand-new nd pay nomn vassing expen-es.or eoiMmisionrtve your money. Try the "Siandard." See our ofl'er of premiums. Cali at Wilst y's piano, organ and sewing machine ware rooms, a South llhst Ain Arbor, Mich. IrOR SAI. E- To nwke room for pianos, a fine Kloek of orgaus, closed out at very low prices. Alvin rtjl-ey. f["OR SALE- Two good work herses for sale. 1 C. E. Gudlrey.46 N. Fourth. L"OR SALE- One of the best, i f not the best i new milch cow in Wasbtcuaw Oo. Will produce with gnod feed tiO o 6 iba. of rich niilk per dy. Inquire of B. K. Nichols. Lf OR SALE- All the HousehoH proi.erty of 33 r Anu Si. Cau be seeu Hom 10 a. m. to p. m. daily. H-OR SALE. - An oulside show-eaH'. Cali at Toledo Steam Laundry ottce, corner State and Williams .Sis. FfOR SALE OR ËXCHANGE.- Two f-tallions, lor nny kind of h'roperly. Knquire or address KeüistskOFFXE. IOR SALE.- Farm of 40 acres ?ml!e from city on Uixooro road. Inquire at K. B. Norris, or Mrs. Holland, No. 5 N. Stnie .-t. Ihave had a house placed in my hands for sale at a gr. at baiyaln. It is 1-rci-, well lucatei, buiiable for roomers and boarders, or nicely arrauged lor two families. W. W. Whedon. il 0U.-E AND LOT FORS LE- House new, six 1 1 rooms and paniry; good v ell Cisu-rn A ellar, and Wonütiou&e. Fleaaut location on Bn.oksst, me lut from Miller Ave. Terms rea-ouable. Address P. O. box U03, Aun Arbor, Mich. L'OR 8ALE OR KXi;HaNUE FOR FARM.- r House and 24 City Lots.- Apply 4S aouth Main st . Ann Arbor. AR.1 FUR SALE- a firstclass larni of 85 r acres. 1% miles south ol Ann Arbor. Buildingf Hihl kin-t s in good tondilion. For furiher iulormalion inquire ou üie premises. L. M. .Muses. FARM FOa SALE- Tne farm known as the Urant '1 . I'erry farm of 200 Acres of lirst-class land, siluated in the township of Lodi. Inquire of Conis'ock K. llill, Admtmstrator. I."OR SAI.E- Fiuit Farm. 19 acres, at Aun Ar1 bor Michigan, for sa. e at a bargaiu. Only reason for bt-llmg ia uuablo to tend to it. C'hoicest land. hghtst culiivation. 11 acres in raspberries and blatkberries; 4 in rapes, pears aud;peacbes; 2 in grove pla tation two yeais old. Cash bales Ibis year Í1600. Abundaiu water; House eot V5.I.0U. elegant lawn, hedges and bliHile. One mile fi om Court-house. Teimseasy. J. H. Clough tX)R SALE.- House and lot No. 44 Washingtonst. Apply o) N. W. Cheever. No. 10 Nortu 4thst. ÍAHGE NEW HOUSE, wilh one or two lots, j for sale or exehange for smaller propeity, If not sold, will be for leut. J. P. Judson, South University Ave ; also 4 Acrts on same strt et. FOK KKXT. TO RENT- Part of a lnrge, conveulent, well lof ated house, 21 8. División st. 1-0 KENT - Elegantly furnished Parlor, on round flúor, at Si S. Main St., vtry cneap. GOOD ROOMS and board for laboring men at No. 18 south Univers'ty ave. ÍT'OR RENT.- Desirable house on E. University Ave, near Campus at reasouable rate to fc;oud tenftii. Inquire at KelsierO-tice. ÍrOR RENT. Thirty acres of marsh land for onions. four ruilts south of Anu Arbor, township of Piltsik-ld. twenty aerts ready lor spring work. For luriher informatiun address Miss k. l'hillips. PitUfleld 1'. O , Mich., or cali at Squires' lartn. Good ouiou crib. nPHK new house. Na. 37 Monroe Ktreet, (near E 1 Univ. Ave.) fur reut luquire at 44 Kast Unlvertity Ave. REAL ESTATK FOR SALE OR RENT.-Houses and lots valued from tl 000 to &5,u0i and coiitaiiilng from oue fifth ol an acre to iwcutr acres - ah in the dty limits. Honres rcpieo; on reasouable terms in central localities. Farms exchanged ior city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.-SESblONS, 632M Attorney and Real Estaie Aeent Office over Expiess Office, Maiu st., Ann Arbor.,.NF.oirM. IOST- A eoiy of Hchiller's Works, belorging J to ihe La lies' Libraiy. Fiinler will conler great lavor by leaving at the Library or at tliia ofllce; DRE-(3-MAKKRSof Ann Arbor to know that ons of Mme. Kellogg's mo-t experieuced teachers from the 1 troii School of' LudleV Krench Tailoring is at No. 23 S Flfih fet.. to lea h Mme. Kt'llog's Kieuch Tailor System of Dreca ('uiting. Kenieinber. yuu pay noihinx for lyktem M mstruciions uutil you can cut and baste your dressts ín the latest Frcnch ttyles. Positively no lentting. Cali lor Ftshion Joumal; free. Mrs. Miller, teacher. IfRUIT and Evergreen Trees, Grape Vines, JT? Berry PlaiiU, uow ready lor transplantiiiK. At my Nurtery, at head ol Spring st. Jacob (JanzIioriK íiQ AA reward for Ilie return alive of White 3r0"" fcmale "Spiiz" dog. answ. rln tlie name ol "Hunty." Inquire at KiGisrEB Oflice. PARI Y Flowers, Bridal and Conflrtnatlon Wreaths a sptcialty, at Mrs. Hoyt's Millinery Store, at 7 Aun st. ALL LADIES invlted to altend the Easter Opening at Mrs. Hojt's Miliiiitry btore. at 7 Ann st. April 18. CISTEKNS built and rcpalred. Leave orders at W ood Yard, 30 Kast Hiirou st TjGGS for sale from three oftha best yaileties of Jpure bred poultry, VVyandoites, White DorkIngaand SilTertJpanxied Hamburgs. Ann Arlor l'oultry X 'J ' Broadway. l'rice oue dollar for 13. "JTc. 'faylor. I) IKE grape wine from the best sorted grapes f. ir mi, e, 'JO Broadway, Aun Arbor. J. 0. Taylor. CHIKVOYANT. - Mrs. Mary A. Charter, of lioston, Mass., cau be consulted at &a East Liberty. 1}i RE and nnfermented Jaloe of the Grape. for invulids and others.ou saleatBrowu iiCady's, Siale .-t. , Ï EXCELLENT FURNACE, water up stairs and '. down house uew, warm. light, cheerlul. an economú: house lor Mnall lainily. 37 Mi.nroe-at., near E. Uiuversliy ave. MRS E. R. CHAPÍN, Teacher of French. Thor oueIi instructlou giveu iu private lessous. W,5N.SHteSt. MONEY TO Lt'AN- Good secority. Addrese, A. 1J., bux 1127, Auu Arbor.


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