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SENATB IN EXTBA 6ESSI0N. Washington, Marcb 27.- Among a list of nominations sent to tho Senate yesterday the following aro the most important. Francia E. Warren, of Wyoming, to be Governor of Wyoining Territory; Benjamin F. White, of lMHon, M. T., to bo Govenior of Montana. A large number of prevloug appointmente were confirmed. Washington, March 28.- President Harrison sent the f jllowing nominations to the Senate yesterday: Robert T. Lincoln, of Illinois, to be Minister to England; Murat Halstead, of Ohio, Minister to Gennany; Allen Thorndyke Eice, of New York, Minister to Russia; Patrick Egan, of Nebraska, Minister to Chili; Thomas Ryan, of Kansas, Minister to Mexico; John Hièks, of Wisconsln, Minister to Peru, and George B. Loring, of Masaachusetts, Minister to Portugal. Many previous appolntments were confirmed. Washington, Maroh 20.- In tne Senate yesterday the Vice-President announced the appointment of Sonators Cullom and Gibson as Regenta of the Smithsonian Institute, to fill vacancies. Several noininationii of minor lmportance wero received irom the President. Murat Halatead's nomination for Minister to Germany was rejected by a voto of 27 nays to 16 ycas. A inotion to rocousider was carried. Washington, March 30.- The foUowiag nominations were sent to tiio Seuate yesterday by President Harrison: üobert Adams, Jr., of Pennsylvania, Minister to Brazil; Lansing B. Misouer, of California, Minister to the Central Amertoan StateB; William L. Scruggs, of Georgia, Minister to Venezuela; WUUom O. Bradley, of Kentucky, Minister to Corea; Georgo L. Shoup, of Idaho, to be Governor of Idaho; Georgè C'handlor, of Kansas, to be First Assistant Secretary of the Interior. The uoniination of Murat Halstead as Minister to Berlín was discussed, but no action was taken. Washington, April l.-Among the nominations sent to the Seuate by President Harrison on Saturday wrre the following: J. T. Abbott, of Hampshlre, to be Minister to the Eepnbllo of Colombia; Edwr.rd H. Terrill, of Texas, to be Minister to Belum. Among tlio ministerial nominatAons confirmed were the following: ItobertT. Lincoln, to Englsnct; John Hicks, toPeru; Oeor.e B. lering, to Portugal'; AUan Thorndyke Kico, to üussia; Thomas liyan, to ICextco; Patrick Eirau, to Chili. The nomination of Murat Hahtead, of Ohio, as MinistT to Germany, ras linally rejected' by a vote of 85 to LA Washington, April 2.- Among the nominations sent to the Senate by President Harrison yestenhiy wt-re the following: James N. Huston, of Indiana, tobe Treasurr of the United States; Ellis H. Roberts, of .New York, to be AsRistaut Treasurer at New York; Wilüam ]'. Wharton. of Massaohuett, to be Assistant Secretary of State; George II. Shield.1. of Missouri, to be Assistant Attorncy-Geueral; L. Bradford Prince, of Santa Fe, to be Governer of New Mexico.' The nominution of Mr. Hustou was iinmetliately confirmed. othbh notes. ■Washington, March 2S.-An order was issued yesterday by the Poatmaster-General placlug tha railway mail lervloe v.nder the Buperrision of First Assistaut PostmasterGeneral Clarksou. Washington, Match üfl.- It is announced that most ol' tho railway mail employés who were removed by the Democratie ádministration will be rutunuid to theix old places at onoe. Wakkington, Haroh ÍS. - Henry W. Raymond, editor of the Germantown (Pa.) Telegranh, baa been appointed Private Secxetaiy to Secretary of the Navy Tracy. Washington. Marcb 80.- President Harrtson has appointed J. Otis Humplirey, of Illinois, Alfred M. Wilson, of Arkansas, and ex-Governor Georc I). liobinson. of Massachusett', a commission ti treat with the Cherokee and other Indiaas wiih relatiou to the opening of 30,000,00 aeree oí land in the Indian Territorv. Washinoton, Marob :).- Inter-State Commeroe Coinminiouer Aldaoe V. Walker has placed his rarignatlon in the hands of the President, to take eifoot April l. Washington, April l.- Major Marcus A. Eeno, who commanded a portion of Custer's regiment and was severely critioised for hls failure to come to Cugter's relief and prevent tho monacre by tbc Iudians, died at a hospital horc f rom the effeoi of a 6urgical operatioii. Washington, April 1.- The Trcasnry eommittee appointed to count the stampsinthe vaults of tho Iuternal Revenue Bureau completod thelr wolk Naturday. The count was made necesaary by the transfer of tha bureau trom Commlssloner Miller to CommlsBionor Mason. lvo hondied million stamps, of the value of $4.ü(X),000, were counted, and evciy cont was aceounted for, and the stampa v. ore found to be In good conditiim. Washington, April Z Tb following new officials quallfied Mouday and entered upon the discharge of their duties: Messrs. Batcheller and Tichenor, Aísistant Secretarles of the Treasury; C. B. Mitehell, Commlssioner of Patenta; A. D. Hazen, Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Washington. April 2.- Tho reduction In the public debt duriug March past amountod to 18,flU6,, and for the flrst nin months of the curront fiscal year, $50,900,894. Tho total debt, less cash iu the Treasury, amonnts to 1,114, (JSsJ,(i6:J. The net cash or surplus in the Treasury is $5-1 000 396 against 148086,158 a mouth ago.


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