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James Means & Co.

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JAMES MEANS' $3 k $4 SHOES . " Compctitiou is the Iiife of Trade," and ií yon llave not seen our latest lmprovedgoods yo caonot Imagino how Uvely trade is, or how hard our competltors havo to wort to keep wlthln slghl of un. AskyourrutaikTfor the James Means'$3Shoe,or the James Meanü' $4 ShwacüorUugtoyo;:r)i.-.(l9. PoBitiTcIy none genuino unless Uaving our name and prlce stamped plainly oa the soir . Yonr retailer wtll supply you with shoes so stamped lf you inslst upon his doiug so; lf jou do not iii.-i i retailers wlU coax you into buying inferior shoo3 upon which they niake a largor proflt. fff JAMES MEANS' JBMES MEANS' 11% rL'H -'r$3 SHOE $4SH0E ll'l WP BiJetYNEXCELLED IN CANNOT FAILí W J&a a Np3ií DURABILI T % ATI C C"X r7 WSt l Mfáit vSSfERFECTION THE MOST ,%J& WSk Sueh has Ix-en tho recent progresa tn ur branch f Industry that we are now allo to afflrm that líie James Hmüs' 1 Shoe Ís Ín every respect equal to the shnes whlch only a few years ago were retqfled at clght or ton dollars. If you wlll try on a palr you will be convinced that we do not exaggerale. Ours are the original $3 and 4 Shoes, and those who Imítate our iystem of business are unableto compete wlth us Ín quallty of factory produets. ín our Unes we are tho largest manufacturers In the Vntted States. Shoe from our celebrated factory are xol.l by wlile-awnke retailers In all parta "' ""' country. We will placo them easlly within your roac-h Ín any State or Terrltory if yen wUl liirest one cent Ín a postal card and write to us. _ 41 Lincoln St.. Boston, Mass. FUL, I, LINES OF TUE ABÓTE SHOES rolt KALE BY _ GRUNER, Ann Arbor, Mich.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register