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i'or constiption, "liver complaiot," or biüousnes-s ck headache, and all diseases rising fn m a dtsordered condition of the liver and stomach, take Dr. Pierce's Plessuit Puraiive Pellets- a gen Ie 1 .xative or activa cathartic, according tosizi of ciose. A diamond robín, pt-rched upon a brai.uh of pearls, isa cotispcuou-ihir ornament. A Miisii iv tlan Wou'd use K-mp's Brtlsaai for the Throat and Lunar. Ie is curing more case-i of Coughs, Colds, Asthms, Bronchitis, Crjup and all Throat ind Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. The propnetor has auihorzed any drugist to give you a Samólo Bjtilu Fiee to convince you of the ment, of this great remedy. Lírcrtí Bjttles 50e and $1. James Rusell Luwell thii.ks that Tennyson will vet produce another poem worthy ol his fame in formar days. SLEEPLEáS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible nough. Shiloh's Care ig the Remedy for you Sold by überbach & S n. Little Joset Hulfmaun, the musical prodisy, is studying in Beilm. He is in tioe health and has grown very tall. Dou'l et that cold of yours run on. Ifou think it is a ligbt thing. Bat it may run into cutarrh. Or into pneumonía. Or amsumption. dtarrh is disgusting. Pneutnonia ig dangerous. Oonsumpiion is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of 11 obstructions a:id oifonMve matter. O.herwLse ttiere is trouble ahemi. All the di-easea of these parte, hend, ncse, throat, bronch;al tubes and turiys, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the u.e of Boschee's Germán Syrnp. If you don't know th'8 already, thou-aijd and thousands of people can teil you. Ttiey have been cured by it, and " know how it is, thernselve.' Bottle only 75 cents. A-k any druggist. If snddenly submerged the gtlffegt i at at once becomes ri nolci - r U. Kinng Hsu, the Cuinese emperor, hal 2üü pairs of shoes made as a pa. t of hi.i wedding outfit A Frlend In If eed. Carpenters, builders. laborera and in fact all kinds of workini men who are Hable to Rheumatism, Neuralgia Backache, etc. ehould ahvays have close at band a Pomeroy's Petroliue Plnster. In nearly every cae the result is instantaneous. There is no reinedy equal to them For over five years they have been in general use and t-tood tne test of public rriticism, and are to day more lirmly established than ever in public es fmation, and stcadily increased in favor. There are lew families who do not use them as a household necessity. Beware of countcrfeits. Insist on liavins the genuine article. For Sale bv J H Brown, Dist. Agt. for Ann Arbor. A rew attraclion is a gold-lined silver powder box crnamested wi!h a tra lir g vine. Vjhe Bestand Purest Medicine inS EVER MADE. II L"■ kftwlll drive the Humor fromyour III I 4f iCBystem, and mako your skin III III "o ? cliüin and smooth. Thoselll II "o Lpimnes and Blotcheg Q %, ■, Vy,m mar your bcautycq . p t , C4 Vare causcd byimpurcBJ Ijl ■ ' t'is 'iblood, an(f can be In III ■ 'J" ?rt JWremovort inashort I % %oKfSme.' lt yü arel III , . Jn .wiseand use III small-oiily a tea%? fe v,. V UA II III best and cheaiiest, 't , -l II medicine. Try it, and" $„ I I you will l.e BoHsfiod. a T I Get it of your Druggist. %IU ö DON'XWAIT. GETITATONCEk H If you are eufferin frora Kid III ney Diaease, and wish to live tok NI oíd age, use SULPHirit BllTEliS; I III ïhey uever fail to cure. II Inj III Send 3 2-ccnt stamps to A. P. Onlway & Co., Boston, Mass., for best medical work puUUsheil? LOOSE'S EXTRACT CIRIEID LOVER RLOSSOM THE GREAT Blood Pnfc 3 P y " & tiuoe auitK - 1T OTTBas Cancera, Humors, Sores, Ulcera, SwelHng;, Tumors, Abscesses, Blood Poisoning, Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Erysipejas, Rheumatism, and all Blood and Skin Discases. Pkice, $1 per Pint Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $5. 1 Ib. can Solid Extract 2.50 J. M. LOÓSE RED CLOVEK CO.. Detroit, Mieh. Solil by Kberbaota t Sou. AGENTS WANTED. ,56k Corporal 'S!. KLEGG'ffv AND HIS PAED. I !&%% I ItbeatsthemalL No boole BBk - étiJ% ükeiL Everybody wants it ' ÉHÉ& LrJliïiLV 200illustratioQs.Humorous, uSp x3(k3fflF pathctic.Fascinating. V'sJBill vTf&Srt+íí dreds of dollars to hiistlera. ]oJfFm$ üSAX Old and young buy; also ffijp HBfp-M S thousands of G. A. R, andfeTOJtjWfiv-; Yj& Sons of V'cterthis. One can-3y jMBnFP'ViT TmT' vasscrwith 3 helpers has te-fjLrÍLÉESÍk' V J t ( ken 1100 orders; anotherjüRPt "Ifll A W IlV made $83 int days anothert. aBwEcmU i " IQ took 15 orders in 30 ininutcsv3IWjcíímyiLft fSrt inlG A.R. Post. C hooseUUK&ttEri glv , territoryat once. 2i B PfcAf Wl V ïr J tive illustrations free wÍtItlÉKotFci aV' V' circular and terms. WritcfltSHÖ" _A af II N.G.HAMILTON&CO. t&ES&fcjf1 ït9SuperiorSt, Cleveland, SI. & Short y.


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