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A Wife's Devotion

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AuBURíJ, N. Y., April 5.- A large, middleaged wornan. blind in both eyes and led by a young lady bt' ÍS, appliedattheprieongat yesterday morning for admission. She asked for William liohan, her husband, who was received from Sing Sing last October and ír serving a tweuty-year sentence for gouging lier eyes out Because of bia terrible crime, Jíohan has been ostracised by his fellow-conviets. Even thieves, burglars and murderers show their detestation of a man who could treat bis wlfe so. For the past two weeks Bohan has been au inmute of the hospital, suffering froin a Reveré attack of pneumonía. He has been in coinmunlcation with bis rife, and hen Rhe heard he was sick she determüied to visit him, arriving at the prtson accompanled by her niece. 8he wan peniiitted to visit her brutal husband In the hospital, and their meeting was very affectionate. He walked up to her, and, placing Uis hands on her cheeks. kissed her nevera) times. He then led her to a chair near his bed andthey spent an hour in earnest oouversation, during which the eouvict husband cried like a child. The pight of the blind woinan coming to visit the man who had cansed her iso much misery surprised even the prison olïiciala. Then to one of them who expressed his surprise to the wife, she said: "1 forgive hlm and still love him " Tbe woman's niecL'. a sister' daughter, received the man very coolly and through the interview she never spoke to her uncle. Mrs. Dohan said to a oorrespondent that while she wus imable to account for her feelings, uhe still loved the man and would live with him to-morrow if he were released trom prison. Sbe added that it was hard to keep him in prinon, as it did her no rood and was an ín jury to him. She exeused his crime by suying that he was intoxicated. else he never would have iujured her. "When sober," she said. "he alwaystreated me kindly." Khe added that when sent to prison he deeded hor all his property, amounting to about $7,U00. She said: "A wiïe's a wifo, and I can't help my feelings. I love my busband still, and would do anv thlng for him As soon as I am ab e I shall eet about obtainlng his pardon, and, 11 snccessful, we shall live together as bef ore. " When asked if the neighbors would not lnterfer and make it nnpleasant for thu man il ho returned to Far ltockaway, the woinan said: "Mo; they would not dare lay violent hands on him, for if they hurta halr on his head 1 would see that they were puni.shed."


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