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A Business-Ilke Offer. For many years tbe manufacturera of Dr. Sage's Catarrah Remedy h'ive offered, in good (aith, $500 reward for a caae of Nasal Oatarrh which thfy cannot cure. The remedy is fold by druggists at only t0 cents. This wonderful rt-medy has attained a world-wide reputation. If you have dull, heavy headache, obstruction ol the nasal passages, discharges fall trom the head into the throat, sometiraes profuse, watery, acrid, at others, thick, tenaciou, mucous, puruleut, bloody and putrid; if the eyes are weak, watery and ioflamed ; il there is ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive matter, together with scabs fromulcers; the voice being ohanged and has a nasal twang ; the breath offensive; smell and taste impaired; sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough and general debility, you are suffering from nasal catarrh. The more complicated your disease, the greater the number and diversity of symptom?. Thousands of cases annuaüy without manifesting half of the above symptoms, result ia consumption, and in the grave. No diseaï-e is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, or less understood, or more unsuccessfully treated by physieians. Charity and courtesy begin at home. SLBEPLB3S NIQHTS, made miserable by that terrible oougb. Shiloh'e Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by Eberbach & Son. An empty stomach negatives all argumenta. She T ried and Knows. A leading chemist of New York says : " No piasters of such nierit as the Ath-lo-pno-ro8 Piasters haveever before been produced." They are a novelty because they are not made imply to sell cbeap, they are the best tlrat science, skill and nxmey can produce, aud will do what is elaimed for them. For spraini, ichea, weakness, lameness, etc, they are uiiejualed. HFuUonSt.,8anc1llsky,O..Nov.21.'K. The Athiophoroe Piaster acted like inairic. It i the b I over triid au.) I liave usl iiniiiy kinds. Our druwm said "pl'WtirB are all about tuesanus" l-ut 1 don't think ho now. I Hprainwl niy ïtnu mu HhouMer 'tl Jnly. auil it !'. Ufli i.niiifnl sinoe. bat it does nnt pain ïiu'it til now. Mre. Wu.uis Maotij. B Sm.l '■ cents lor the beautiful coloR'd plvturo, "M(Hrisli Mnidon." THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 WallSt. N. ï. BUSINESS CARDS. AIJEX. W. HAM1LTON At trney t Lw. Will pracUoe in both State and United Statn Court. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floorof tbe new brick block. corner of Huron and Fourth gtreets, A nu Arbor, Michigan. x)ia. is:, ia. jsjehstjdt. (OCSce over First National Bank.) Hoorb: 10:30 to 12 m. and 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. Can be reacbed atresidence, West Huron-st., a the " Prof. Nichol place " ; by telephone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the even ing. p R. WILLIAMS, Al lome j at l.H . M lian, M loli. Moneyloaned for outslde parties. All legal business given prompt attention. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLCRS over Savinga Bank opposite Court House Square. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. WM. BIGGS. Contractor I Hier And all kinds of work In connectlon with the aboye prompcljr eatecuted. tv Shop Cor. of Church-st and University ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1248. TOR SALE! REAL ESTÁTE No. 34 Thompson, cor. Jefferson-st, 2 story frame and barn. No. 117 West Huron-st, story and a half frame, 2 lots. One acre groundnorthof observatory. Also lots and acre property on Miller avenue. Enquire Gott Estáte, 48 South División Street. YOU WANT IT An Endowment policy that has a cash valué- one that you can borrow money upon if desired. Get one of the . Michigan Mutual Life. No estimates, but actual results given at any age. Rates from three to four dollars per thousand less than most other companies. Life rate policies paid to the insured in full if living at ages from 60 to 80. Aelnul Result of 85,000 I.Ife Policy for Three Year Past at Age 43 : Prem. $1 72,80 addtional to policy $276,58 172,80 " " " 288,57 172,80 ' 298,54 If you want a fire, endowment or accident policy, drop me a card and I will cali upon you and sell you as good a contract as any company on earth. Good territory to work given to live agent. B. J. CONRAD, Besidenoe, 18 S. Ingalls St., Ann Arbor. Office t'nder Mj Hat.


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