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KBNATB IN EXTBA 8BSKION. Washington, April 3.- President Harrtson sent to the Senate yesterday the name of Eobert J. Fisher, of Chicasro, to bo Assietant Commissioner of Patent. A large number of nominations previously made were ■ oonnnned. After the presentation of two memorials. one in favor of special privileges in regard to public office f or honorably disoharged Union soldiers, and the other against trafüc in intoxicating liquors, resolutions wore adopted expressing sorrow at the death of John Bright, the English statesman. Tho Vice-President announced that he wonld be compelled to vacate the ehair for the remainder of the session, and Senator Inpalls was chosen President pro tem. At 3:40 yi. m. the Senate adjonrned ruicdir. OTHKH NOTES. Washington, April 3.- Ponsion Commigsioner Tanncr has issued an order reciting that the act of Congres approved Marclx 1, ISSii, pro vides that whenover a pension cortiñcate of any character, original, increase, rostoration, arreara or otherwise, ehall havo boen issned by the Pension Bureau and tho beneficiary mentioned therein i found to have died before payment, tho amount duo oa the certifícate to the date of the pensioner's doath will be paid to the widow of the pensioner. If there bo no widow ■then it is to be paid to the minor child or children of the deceased ponsioner. lf there be neithor widow nor minor children, then the amount will, in the discretlon of the Secretary of the Interior, be paid to the executor or admtnistrator of his estáte. Washuíutok, April 4. -Hou. W. O. ley, of Kentuoky, has ref used the Corean mission, to whtch he was nominated by the President. He called at the White House Wednesday audtold the President that his businotw interest would not permit him to exile liiuiHulf to auch n ilistant land. Washington, April .". - Kobert T. Lincoln, Minister to Knffland, called on Secretary Bla.'n yesterday morninp; and receiTed hts "OOmvniseion. Later he called on the President in company with Senator Culloin and -f onnaliy accepted the office. Washington, April 5. - Durinr the special Ression of the Seuate jiist closed 310 nominations wore ent in by the President. Two of these were rejocted- those of Murat Haltead and Igidore Lorcuthal. the latter to be postmaetcr at Modesfci, ClL- and eight ïailed of final action. Washington, April 5. - James A. VoBe, of Maine, was yesterday restored to his old place aa appointment cltirk of the Post■ office -Dejiartment. Washington, April 0. -The President has appointed Cornelius Van Cott postmaster at New York City. Washington, April B. - The President has appointod Joel }5. Erhardt to be Collector of Onstoius at New York. Waseqnbton, April fi.- The State Departunent is officially notified by Chili of her acceptance oí the invitation to attend a conference of American States at Washington in October. This is considered important JSoveral prominent South American ■countries liave been holdinpr off, but Chili'g acceptance la expectH d lo briugr in all the others. Washington, April fi.- The American ■eommlsHïonerH to tho Hamoau conferenoo have eng-aired passnpro tor Kurope in the TJmbria, which sails from New York on the 13ta. Meanwhile they are f roquently at the Department of Statu, oousultiur with the ■officials audstudy i u the protocola of the last conference. Washington, April K .lames L. Christie, acting asRÍKtant doorkeoper of tho Sonate, died on Satiutlav at his residonce in this city. Washington, April 8. The President has nppointed Captain Qeorge Wilsou, of Ohio, Deputy Coininissionor o( Iutorual Revenue, vice Hcnderson, roHijrued. Secretary Wintlom has appointod H. (' lïogers, of PennsylvajiiaChiof Clerkof the Internal Revenue Bureau, vice Itidiüs, resigne! Mr. Hogers was formerly deputy ('oiimiitisioner in this office and was succoeded by General Henderson in 18SG. Washington, April S. Secretary Windom has ordered the dismlual of Captain Herbert Boecher, the sou of Henry Ward Beecher, on tho ."th inst In lSSi President Cleveland appointod liiin Collector f Custoins at Port Townsond, W. T., but the Beuate failed to confirm him, Secret.iry Mannjtt tlion appointed hlm special agent at tfte mine place. It is alleged thht he is ImpHcat ei In the dardner optum-tmaggllng oase, aud tliis is fjivon as the rcason for his dismisHai Washington, April 9. - The Secretary of War ha isaued an order tiansferrinfr. by directiou of the Prosident, the State of Wisconsin frora tlie Departïncut of the East to the Department of Dakota. Washington, April !. - Mrs. Uussell Harrison ia roported by Mr. KusHell Harrison to be Bick at tho Wbtte House Her hu. band attributeK bei Ulnesa ti k ei gaa and draughts at tho White House. Washington, April D. - liy (ürection ol the President, the Socrctary of War has ordered that the uew military post noar Denver shall be known as Fort Iiopan, to honor the memory of the late General John A. Logan. Washington, April 9. - Tlie President has ■granted a pardon to William Wood, oonvicted in November last of raurder in Arkanas and senteuced to be hanged April 19. Ho also pranted a rospite tül ,fune 21 In tho case of Henry W. Stiller, convicted of I plicity m the same crime. Wahhinotox, April 9.- Dr. ,1. II. Kiddor, of the Smithsouiau Instituto, died at hls residenco in thls city from an attack of pneumonía. Ir. Kidder serred as a surgeon in the navy uutll he resined abont twelve years ago sim which timo ha lias boen connectci! with the acientitic branoh of the QovernnuMjt sorvico.


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