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Medicino. The u;ci8-ity ol a spring medicine is nlinoat adaiitteii A-iri the supcrioriy of flood's Sir.Hpnril!a for tbil purprse becornes more and more widely known every vear. Tnat p wer to purify the blooii, and .hose eltnents of strength aod health which the sysrem erives, an& 10 wiiieh it is so susceptible at thU seasODr are possesi-ed by this peculiar medicine im a pre-eminent degree. Sorofula, pimples,, b il, or any humor, biliousness, dyepepsia sick headache, entarrh, rheuroatism, or any di eases or afr-ctions caused or promoved by imDure blood or low state of the nystem, re cured by llood's Sargaparilla, Try the peculiar medicine. Doing Dothing is the hardest work for a:i industiious man. CATARRB CÜRED. health and swtet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catnrrh Reme dy. Prioe 50 ceDts. Nasal Id jector free. Sold by Eberbach & Son. x - A cup ot airongcuffee is an antidote for the odor of on i ons. When a threatenlng lunt dliorder 8howlt8 flrst proclivlty. Do nol let it cioss the border- Quell it with activlty. Many a patiënt, young or oUU-u, Owes a quik recoyery All to Dr. Pieree's Ooiden Medical Discuvery. The stenm that blows the wbistle doan't raake ihe train go. Undeservadly Laogbed At. The utithinkicp nre proneto make gime of nervousness. Yet this is a very real and serious sffliction, the harassing symptoms of which are rendend all toe more poignant by ridicule. The etomach i usually responfible for these ftymptoms - its weakness and disorders find a reflex in the brain, which is ihe head quarterg of the nervous system. As a uerTe tonic and tranquillizer, we believe that not one can bu pointed out tu so effective as Hoste! ter's Stomat-li B tterg. In renew11 g vigorous diesticn, it strikes the key noie of recovery of streDgth and quietude by thii neives. Hea'iaches, tremors in quiet tleep, ïbnormal sensitiveneM to nnexpected noif-es - all these modify and ulliinately disappear as the gystem gain? strength f-om the great tonic. Dyspepsia, biliousness, rheumalisni, constipation and kidney complaicts are subdued by the Bitters. Use ammonia and water instead of soapsudí for washing marble. SHILOHS CURE vfill iramediately relieve Croup, Wbooping Cough aod Bron chiti?. SjM by Eberbach & Son. It is better to go to bed without any eupper insn witb a protested note. "T-C vrv would eDjoy your dinnei XJ jv'vv andarepreventedbyDyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Flatulency and Constipation, We guarantoe theni. 25 and 50 cents. John Moore, DruggisL Take care of the nows and the by-andbys wiil tak care of thetnselves. Rockwood, Mich., Feb. 6, 1882. J. M. Loose Red Clover Uo.: - I have used your F.uid Ex'. Red Clover Blosaoms, prescribed by Dr. A. I. Sawyer, Monroe, Mich., aod have received srreat benefit from the same, alter having suffered a great deal for year's Respectfully, Helen C. Milliman. ' Old-fushioned apple dumplings, boiled in h bug, are beine revived for dessert. im 1 1 -i. .! People. AdvfrlisiDg a palerit medicine in the ppculiar vvay in wnioh the proprietor ol Ketnp's Bilsaic, for coughs nnd colds doee, it is indeed wondtrfal. He authorizes all drugyists to give thcfe who cali for it, a sample bottle free, iliat they may try it before pnrchafing. T'ne Isrge bottles are 50c and $1. We certnmly would advise a trial. It may fave you frox Cor,su.nptioD. Kerosene is used in cleaning zinc after it bas been washed with hot soapsuds. "Helio, got a new sled, haven't yer?" shoutetl Charlie to hls chubby neighbor across the stieet. "Yer bet I have," and he janked the drag rope till the sled passed in front of hiin in mil view. "Where'd ye get It, on (,'::apel street?" "Naaw, they only throw in string and a piece of court piaster there; I got this sled on State street, where they throw in a Pomeroy's Pe roline Poroused Piaster, w liich is so good for Lame Bck, hheumatism, etc." "That ain't much, it only costs 26 cents at any droggist's." "It don't coat much, yer bet, lnu U's worth it's weli;ht in gold." Charlie had had a sled before, and knew just what was needed. For Sale by II. J. Brown, District Agent for Arbor Ann. With eggs at forty cents a dczttn, the malignaut punster has the cheek to remark that hans have lo scratch for a living. SrjACOBSOII REMedyAIÑ Acute Torture Cured. 7 DOCTORS. 1 BOTTLE. "Tha Kaw Tork Horm"Kar dath waa loóle ing Journal" y "Mr, for at my Urna. Eraryr. O. SeUoci. 00 Eut tMne udonal by Ui I6tk itret, lay for Mraa tawllIlg ,hrmilm tmployed lh beit medlca! tíüll. l.t hr M WMilT.nnpMhTXa baiBtd thiir brt andaTAt Uit, raadln of tha m. Ona phyilclaa iTUr woadarfal curei ndltal asothar wei tcjieed asd ta tha ui of th calaiilicharsed, nntil iitii bratad St. Jicjba OU, dllferant uoctori Bkd ihi wi indoceil to try trled to cura or Balp har feattla u a i"t hop. ad tillad. Sha ipint Sha in to lojron foor weaki t Haaith from tha tima Ua sra-. Lift, bit har rappUcaUon IU ■!. m.lned a problam whlcï By Ua continuad ua oí could not ba aolrad. Har tiii OrMt Bemedy, atra. body i In prJyi.d Kallogg aai complUlj condltlon. racoTarad.' US IURES tK WITHOUT ELAMK: WtrHODT RETHKH OF TAI. 9Md 6r IrxiggittB anti Dealtri Evertultere. THE CHARLES . VOGELER CO.. Brtlmor.IM.


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Ann Arbor Register