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HUMPHREYS' ÏETERIHARÏ SPECIFICS Por EorseB, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Eegs, AND POULTRY. 500 Fase Bnok on Treatment of Anímala and ('hort Wem Frec. cures j Fever, Cnnsrutlono, Inflnmmntlon, A. A. i Spiunl JUeningitin, Milk Fever. B.B.- Strains, Lameness, Rhenmatism. .i . - !ÍHU'iiipcr, Nasal Discharges. 1. l. - Hol or rul)M, WnrniN. K. F..--('nuichH, lien ve Pneumonía. F.F.- Colic or Gripe) Bellyache. ;.;.- Mifarri a er. llemorrlinecs. 11 . II. - 1'riiiiiry and Kldney Diseoaes. I . - Kr jipi ivp DisrnHOH, Mange J.K.-Dlseases of Digestión. Stable Case, wlth Specifica, Manual, Wltch Hazel OU and Medlcator, 87.00 Prlce, Single Bottle (over 60 doses), .00 Sold by Drnffíists; or Sent Prepaid anrwhere and in any quantity on Receipt oi Frico, Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., N. Y. 091 mTMPHEEYS' PJtóHH HOKEOPATHIC fj J ÊöJ SPECIFIC No. 0 IUBeara. Theonly sncoeaeful remedy íor Nervous Debiliiy, Vital Weakness, and Prostratlon, from oTer-work or other canse. 81 per vial, or 6 yil nd large vial powder, for $5. SoLDET DBUGOI8TB. oreent postpaidon reoelptof Drice.- Hmnpbrtji' neüeluot., IOS VutUtu bí., i. X. THAT HACKING COOCH can be so qtiieklv cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guaran tee it. S Id by Eberbach & Son. A Aorta moves 36 miles an hour. Kraclflelds Femnle Ketfnlntor Shruld be used by the young and buddirií wcinan, she who suffers (rom any disorder peculiar 'o her t-ex, and Bt the chasge of lifV; it benefit" all who ue it. Write The Bradfield ResuUtor Co., Atlanta, Ga. 80M bv all drnnistB. A squai e mile c mtains 640 acres. LBGALS. MorlKrnge hale. Whcreas. William Warner and Heleu A. Waruer, his wife, of the village of Dexter, In the County of Washtenaw, anu State of Michigan, on the fourteemh day of October, in the year A. D. 188S, executed a mortage to Lucy W. d. Morgati, of Anu Arbor, in sani County, to Becure the payment of certain principal and interest money therein memientd; which mortiíagewasrecorded 011 tbe 17ih day of October. A. D. 1885, in tho office of the Register or Deeds for the County of Washtenaw, in liber 69 ol mortgazes, on page 60; and whereas. default has tieen made for more tban Sixty days In the payment of an insiallmcnt of interest which feil due on the Hth day of (Vtober. 18S6, as ell as in the two following aunual intailmcnts of interest: By reason whereof, and pnnuant to the terms of said mortgoge, tne wholc principal inm unpald on said mortgage, of Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Seveuty Dollar, witli all arrearages of interest therein at the option of ald morlgagee, her vxecutors or assigns, becanio due and payable immediately thereafter, and the power of sale contained in said mortgaet became operatiye; and whereas. theexecuiors of said mortgagee do hereby declare it their option, and do hereby elect to nave the principal san oí said morteage, with all arrearage of interest therein, become now due and payable; and whereas, there 's claitned to be now due and payable as aforesaid upon said mnrt gage and ihe nole accompanying the same, at the dateof this noticc. the ram of Nine Thousand One Hundretl and 6ixty Dollars and Seventy-one cents in addition to all other costil, including an Attorney fee of thirty five dollars; and nosuitor proeedings having been iuttituted eithcr at law or in t quity, to recover the atoresaid sum or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given, that aid will be forcelosed on Friday the twomyürst day of June. A. D. 1889, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, by a sale at public auctioa at the Bouth front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said County of Washtenaw) of the 5 remises described in said mortgage or so much ïereof, as raay be necessary 10 satisfy tbe amount of principal and imerest due and unpaid upon eaia mortgage. together with reasooable costs and expenses, including au Atturney iee of Thirtyfive Pollars, which premises are described in said mortgage as follows, All tbose certain pieces or pareels of land, sitúate and being In the County of Witshtenaw, and State of Michigan, and described as follows: towit : All of tbe following described land. situated in the township of Dexter, in 6aid County viz: The North West Quarter of the North Kast Quarter and the West Half of the South West Quarter of the North Kast Quarter, and the Eat Half of the North West Quarter; and the South West Quarter of the North West Quarter, and the West Half of tbe North Wet Quarter of the South East Quarter; and the North Half of the South West Quarter; all of toe above lands being on seclion Number Twenty in township number One South in range number Four East. Alsoallof the following described land situated ín the tnwnship of Lima. in said County .viz; The West Half of the Souih West Quarter and the South East Quarter of the South West Quarter, and the West Half of the South Kast Qnartcr, all upon Section Four; and the East Half of the North West Quarter of teUlon number Nine (9) all in lownship number two South in Kange number Four Eat. Said rnortgage conveyed au undivided twothirds interest in the premises above named, situated iu the township of Dexter aforesaid, and an entire Interest in tbe lands situattd in the township of IJma aforesaid, and will be thus sold. Otis c. Johnson, Franklin L. Pareer, Edward D. Kinne. Exerutors of the Will of Lucy W. S. Morgan. Dated, Maren 25, 1889. Reitl For Snip. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 COUNTY OK WASHTENAW. " In the matter of the estáte of Norman Dwight, deceased. Noiiee is hereby given, That in pursuance of an order granted to the under.-igned Admiuistrator of the Estáte of said deceased by the Hon. Jude of Probate for the County of Washienaw, on the fourth day of February, A. D. 1889, there will be Bold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late residence of said deceased on the premises below described, in the townehip of Scio, in the County of Washtenaw in said State, on Friday, the nincteenth (lüth) day of April A. V. 1889. at ten o'clock in the lorenoon of that day (subject to all encumberances by mortgage or otnerwise existing at the time of the deatb of said deceaaed, the following described Real Estáte, to-vrit: A certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the township of Sclo, Washtenaw ixmnty, Michigan, described as follows : Beginning at the Quarter post, standing in the centre of the South line of Section Eleven, in said township, running thence North through the center of said Section Eleven, two hundred rods, thence West to a line running North and South through the centre of the West half of said Section, thence South along the said line running through the West half of said Section to the South line of said Section. thence East along the South line of said Section to the place of beginning, containiiig oue-hundred Acres more or less. JAMES W. WING, Administrator of Said Estáte. Pated March 4th. 1889. Henry Richards, NO O BETROIT NT. Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LÜMBEB, FENOE POSTS, eto., also all kinds of STOVE m CORD WOOD I am also Agent for the celebrated csakpion einder: m xoweks, And Keep a Full Line of Repairs for the Same. Telephone No. 5. Send 25c forself-inking pocket stamp (Rctail price, 50c,) and full directions for making RUBBER 8TAMP3, with description of appa ratua uscd and compound for making the moulds. An Improved proce8. All kinds of Stamps, Seals, te., made to onier at reasonablc ratea. Writc at once, it will pay you. Boardman Stamp Worksjoledo, Ohio Michigan (Tentraè " The Niágara Faüs Boute." CENTAAL STANDARD TIME. GOING EAST. .t.t.ons. - &e J a I si ? fa 5 jw 2a ite A M A. M P. M. A. M. P M P. M. Chicago Lv. 5 09 Uu 3 1" 10 lu 9 10 Kaiamazojo 10 2' 1 33 6 68 7 10 3 35 2 27 p. M. Jackson Ar. 1 rfJ 4 V 8 49 9 35 6 15 4 43 Au il Arbor.... 2 13 5 3" 9 41 10 40 7 50 6 00 Detroit Ar. 4 10 6 4: 10 45 11 50 9 20 7 30 Búllalo Ar. 2 30 3 35 6 15 6 2- 4 5 . 9 0.) GOING WEST. ■ I i U ai si STATIONS. 3 l - M 5 ?ï "-1 .IMilliMM A. M. P. M A. M. A. M. A. H. P M. Buffalo Lv. ,1130 6 05 b 3 9 00 100 P. M. Detroit Lv. 7 80 9 10 4 00 1 20 8 00 10 15 A u ll Arbor .... 8 50 10 4" 5 30 2 24 9 15 11 35 Jackson Ar. 10 13 11 45 7 10 3 7 10 55 12 54 Kalamazoo 12 50 2 04 9 45 5 15 1 20 3 07 Chicago Ar. 6 16 6 40 10 20 9 3. 7 00 7 45 8unday excepled.iiSaturday and Sunday excepted. tDaily. H. W. HAYES, O. W. RUUGLK3, Ag't. Ann Arbor. G. P. &T. A.. Chicago. Toledo, Ann Ariior & Nortn Michigan R'y Time Table Rolng into effect Runday. Jan. S. 'Si. Going North. uuiuk suuiii. 32 . Ik STATIONS. 1. S. 31. Pass. Pass. Mail Southern D, visión. MaI) Paag A. M. P. M. A. M. LV'Bl f AER P. M. P. M. A. M. 3 25 6 3ó .Toledo. 1 10 U 00 4 06 6 19 Monroe Juncfn 12 24 10 20 15 6 27 Dundee 12 18 10 13 4 81 6 46 Milan 12 00 9 50 4 52 7 0 Pittsfleld .... 11 40 9 82 7 30 5 07 7 20 ..Ann Arbor... 11 25 9 20 9 30 8 00 5 27 7 35 Leland's 11 10 9 05 9 10 5 45 7 49 Whitmore Lake 10 55 8 50 5 52 7 5 .....Hamburr 10 48 8 45 6 34 8 45 Howel' 18 11 8 13 7 15 9 86 Durand 9 35 7 30 8 55 10 5 ...East Saginaw... 7 55 5 5 A. M P. M. A. M. A. M P. M. A. M. NORTHERN DIVISIÓN. 7"30i 9 35 Durand 9 35 7 15 10 is 12 45 ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 48 4 35 12 55 3 30 Cadillac 4 15 2 00 a. m. p. M a w. p. m All passenger train run daily excpt Sunday. ConnectlonB at Toledo witn rallroadsclivergiLg, At Manhattan JunctionwithWheeling& Lake Krle K. S. At Alexis Junctiw with M. O R R.. L. S. K'y acd F & P M R. li A Monroe Janctlon wiin L. 8. iï. M. 8. K'y. At Dundee with L B A M. S.. and M. 4 O. Ry . At Milan with W., St L. 4 P. Ry. At Pittüfleld with L. S. & M. 8. K'j. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Ianslng and Northern R. R-, and (i. T. Ry. H. W. ASHLEY, A. J. PAISLEY, Superintendent. Gen. Passenger Agent. QBO. H. HAZLEWOOD, W. W. BETTS, Agent, Ana Arbor. Tra veling Pass. Ag't. At Ashley with the Toiedo iagiuaw & Muskegon railway. HINSEY SSAB0L7 3STO3. e jsrxj s 'Washington Street, Ann Arbcr Michigan. Hve alwavs on. hand a complete stock of erro thing In the GROCERÏ LINE' Teas, Coffees and ugars AU prime Artioe bougki tor Casa ana can nei atlow figures. Our frequent large invoice o Teas is a mire sign that we give bargains In QUALITY AND PRIOB. Weroastour uwn ooflMn evcry week, alwaj fresb and goorj. Our bakory tiirnn out the ver; best of Bread, Cake and cracxer?. Cali an eeeus. OLL O2ST G. H. WILD BEFORB PLAQNQ YOUR OBDKR FOR A Fine Dress Suit ! If you want a Nice Suit, tlie lateet Style, see G. H. WILD, THE TAILOR. o. a WitMliInstuii Mt. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS1 Tlie i.ri'lll EllKliKll lrosfPlition wlll restore that Irwt Vitality and a Rugged, Healthy Cenditiovi follow its use. Buy at youi drugg'sr' packuge.Sl; six tor $5. KL' REK A CHEMICAL CO., Detroit. Mich Solri ly JOHH 91OWKE. LOOSE'S EXTRACT LOVER DLOSSOM iHEGRÈArBHpSE. L " TRAD2 llHK IT (JUK33 Caneen, Hnmors, Sore, Ulcers, Swellingr, Tumors, Abtceasea, Blood Poiscning, Salt Rbeum, Catarrh, Erysipeias, Rbeumatism, and all Blood and Skin Discases. Prioe, tl per Pint Bottle, or 6 Bottlos for $5. 1 lb. eau Solld Extract $2.50 J. M. LOO8K BED CLOVER CO.. Detroit, Mioh. Koll li.v KlxTlinctl A Non. Iany custom-made corset I MAYER, STROUSE & CO. L MTTtS.-4.l2 BROADWAY. Af.V.j


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Ann Arbor Register