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1)0 V)U ? Wbicr) ie 'O LD HOJJESTY q Qequineasa r(ED H tintagon eVery plug. OLD HONESTYis acKnowledqed to be the purest ana rnost lastinq piece of Standard Chewing Tobacco onthemarKet.Trxjjng t is a better test thanany talK aboat it. Giveita fair trial. Your dealer has it. JNO. FIMER & BROS., Louisïilie, Ky INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON OfBoea, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hsmilton Block. Pkrtlea desiring to buy or Hn Real Estáte win Ond lttotheir advantage to cali on me. I reprttent the followlng flratlass Flre Insurance Gompanies. havlng an aggregate capital of over Í8.000.000: The Orand Raplfl Ft re Ins. Co., The Otilo t'nrmcrH lus. Co., (limaren only dwelliiiKH). The Urrmnn Flre In. Co., The Concordia Flre Ins. Co., The -'Ulzens' Fire Ins. Co., Tne Wertchexter Flre In. Co., The Milwnukee Sfecbaiilc'H Hutunl Flre I ns. Co., The New Hninpshire Flre Ins. Co., The Aniaxon Fire Ins. Co. Rates Low. Lossen liber&Uy aJJusted i:;d oromptly pald. I aleo issue Life and Investment Policios In tbi Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Ccmpany. Aiiew $55,000,000. Persons desirlng Accident Insurance, can have yearly Policios written for them 01 Traveler'B Coupon Insurance Tickets lssued t Low Rates in the Standard Accident Insurance Compsny of North America. Money to Loan at Curreui Rates. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 12m. and 2 til . 9C. AX.BX. W. HAMILTON, Hamllton Bloei YÖU CAN GET IT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. FOUR NEW STATES. SOI Til DAKOTA, OUI1I 1IAKOTA, MIIVIAW, U 4SI1I NOTOÜT. On February 32 1SS9 the President signed the bill creating South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, and Washington slates of the Union. South Dakota.- The great Prairie State, to which the St Paul Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway has hree main lines, reaching Ellendale, Abcrdeen. Huron, Watertown, and ciioux Falla. Go to South Dakota via tht: St. Paul. Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway and pass through St. Paul and Minneapolis en route. North Dakota - Where is grown the No. 1 Hard Scotch Kife Wheat; whose healthiul climate nurtures the'most viorous and brainy civilization on earth ; where single counties raise more wheat. oats and barley than entire states; the soil of whose fertile prairies is richer than the valleyofthe Nile; where the Turtle Mounttin, Minot and Devtl's Lakc land districts invite the home seeker to secure a free home. Magnificent daiiy train service to Fargo Grand Forks, Grafton Devil's Lake, Bortineau, and all other important poiuts. Montana, the Golden. - Treasures in her mines of precious metáis; wealth in her 4000000 head of live stock; profit in her fertile fields, producing a larger yieldof crops than any other state orterritoryj the richest country per inhabitant on earth; where prosperity is universal; which has the best paid labor Ín the world; a balrny winter climate. caused by warm winds from the Pacific. The St Paul. Minneapoli & Manitoba KaUway is the only railroad passing thruugh a continuous agricultural country from St. Paul and Minneapoli to the Rocky Mountains. It runs through the Great Reservation of 1S000.000 acres of land, free to settlers, in the Milk River Valley. Wood, water and coal in abundance; no irrigation re quired; the only line passing through Great Falls, with its 1.000,000 horse-power cataracts ; immense coal veins, and surroundine iarming country of free land; through Helena the capital and commercial center of Montana, and Butte, the richest mining camp on earth to San Francisco by the Columbia Itiver Valley. Portland and Shasta Route, or Ogden, Utah to California points, Keinember this is the only line running dining cars, sleeping cars and tree colonist sleepers of its own from St. Paul and Minneapolis to Great Falls, Helena and Butte. Itis also the shortest line to Butte. Washington.- The country of tall timber. indented by Puget Sound, the Mediterranean of the Pacific. Do not forget that the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway is the only line which offers a choice of three routes to the Pacific Coast. The Manitoba-Pacific route is the only line by which passengers en route for Tacoma, Portlano, and San Francisco can pass through Port Townsend and Seattle. Free colonist sleepers run through without change or delay. Distance to the Pacitic Coast is the same as by other Unes, but prices of tickets are five and ten dollars less. Take the Sea; tic route. For further mformation maps, rates and publications in regard to the resources of the four new States, write or apply to F. I. Wiiitwey, Gen'I Pass. and Tkt. Agt., St P., M. & M. Ry., St. Paul, Mion,


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