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SCROFULA Is that lmpurlty of tho blood whlch produces unsightly lumps or Bwelllngs ia the ncck; which causc3 running sores on the arm, legs, or fcet; wliich dcvclops ulccrs in tlio eycs, ears, or nosc, oftcn causing blindness or dcafness; whlch is tho origin of pimples, canccrous growths, or "humors;" whlch, Jastening upon the lungs, causes consumptlon and dcath. It is the most ancient of all dlseases, and very few persons are eutirely Iree from it. TBcrCURED By taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, whlch, bjr the rcmarkable cures it has accomplished, has proTcn itself to bo a potent and peculiar medicino for this If you suffer from gcrofula, try Ilood's Sarsaparilla. "Every spring my wifo and cliildren haT8 tecu troubled with scrofula, my llttlo boy, thrce years oíd, belng a terrible suffercr. Last spring he was one mass of sores from her.d to f eet. Wo all took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and all havo been cured of the scrofula. Mjr litlle boy is cntircly free from sores, and all fonr of my chüdrcn look briglit and healthy." W. B. Athebton, Passaic City, N. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. fl;sixforg!j. Preparedonl I by C. I. IIOOD & CO., Apothecario, Lowell, Mas. ; 100 Doses One Dollar PURE arape wine frnm the best sorted grapps for e, 90 Broiidivay. Ana Arbor. J. C. COMPLETE OUTFITS WHillllUn'"" MurkiT!, tijji H i H FHBJT +n JtFK.1 coiuprisea everyvj Bi' IaxvW 11 tbing modern. TENNI CROQUET SETS And Guuifi ot all sorts Piinimer enjoyment of the best malee at lowe&t prices. TENTS and HAMMOCKS And every thine y mi want for camping or solid comfort at bome. CUNS AND ACCOUTRENIENTS. BOATS AND FISHINC TACKLE, At absolute!? Ie tban ninnufortnrers' cost. COME or SEND for CATALOGUE. JENNEY & GRAHAM GUN CO. 53 State St., Chicago. OSCAR 0. SORG, DEALER IN PAINTERS' SUPPLIES House Decoratirur and Sisrn Paiutiog a specialty. 70 S. Main-st, Ann Artor. PHHBMOUMir. Prof. T. Carty Plirenolouist and Leeturor, has vinited Ann Arbor. and expeets t reinaln for a It-w wtiks, and labor iu tue interest of Phrenolouy. Tlit Professorresp ctfully invites the altentlon of the eiiizens and Btudeutsof Aun Arbor to the se eme of Pbrenology. hich in hi judgmeut l tb ipott Important subj et leiative to hiiinau tilo : nnrt wishes to -ny ihat he leels competent to drmo'iBtiaUi lo the 11 tnlltee' re Mi I batisfaet ön of the mest skeptical. thai i'hrenologv emboriiex who'e science of human lile which a íorrect deline-tiou anp'ics throughout ail our every ilay affaire and leelings': and hs a Science furnishcs the best mcans 10 cffcvl personal and juvemle improvement possible. ak a ytein of mental pi.ilosophy it aimsto cxplnin the laculti 8 irf thmuht and feelitiK by t-ludyitte oigauizrttit'ii oí the brain dunng lie. If this be tnn , iiiamost linpur antlail; il' it be fulfv the qulcktr ibu public timl il out the b tter. II irue. teatherk, pnachers, leeislato 8 and administ ators of jnnice. and paiticuiarly parenix, ühould underMnnd it. and by applylng lts principies, derive ihe hentfii whicti iney miM all' rd: ann if It be false. tliat part of the muid whieh represe Iiitellitcence. inotluy. civil ftovemmetit ai d the dmetic training of ciiildicn. caunot llo boon in aMertainli'g It. The time hasüone by when a shniK ol the bhuuldtrs. a (-luikt1 of the head, a repulsive wave of the hainl. or the Mgot'a arvuineni, run tet a-ide a niijict that caiiiiK to innke citar the mobt irapor ant tact ihatcnn altrac the worldof thotight. Thehcieiiceorph'emiliigy teaches that ihe ctiar aiier, ano natural tálenla of the individual are in dicati-ii in ihu peculiar liirmatiun of Ihe hea1 ; mul that an iinpr.vement can be etícted by linici atteiitliiu Hinl perennal erfort, and hent e Ifae logical ooic1uk1om : - Thwl a correct phreiological t'XHniiiiHtiitii i indispen-ille lo ell-knowleige and ; lor by lu-adiueaurcment oftach mental laciiiiy it pofni uut ur own nd childre;i'n consii'iitional exceses. errors hik! de-, feel. etc, and sh huw toobvinte them ; r)Tesla the natural lalcnts. and tuert-by iu wliat business, sphere or puruils we. and they. unn (and caiiuiit) Miccei d, thus preventing failure and nnnraniepiin; success and hapiness; directa specilically jnst what physlcal functionl and menta', ia ulticseither may rvquirc to culiivate ir riEUnin. tlovs how lo make the most of whaievür inbnrn capacnies or vntues either may jioess. aa weil as 'liu best vu to influence and govern ech : and ii i'.s teat hings are tollowed nut in ] their lieatint:s a d leUiinns u:ou the Ui nd uil etlect a i-omplt-ie physital and mental rt-üeiifration iu the exierienceof iho individual. 1 he Pmfessor is prepared to furnish rtliable chans to parties desiring them at the very low fltiure of 1(1. On ; verbal rt-adingx. 50n Persons (iesiring these i hans will not beobliged to pay 'rr them unless they give eutire satisfactlon. The Prnfesir glves iree parlnr enterta nmmts where apprnpriav phrenologic il addresse willbemade; after which partie preent can pnicure c arm or verbxl rcadlngs ai the above prli es. Those wishin to consult the Professor !n do -o by calliug on h m at hi ronin. Ko. 4 Bowery-st.. Or by inviting him to their homcn, which invit ilion can be extende I by mil or by leaving a note at the abuve addrem. Prof. D. Cabty.


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