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Th lAueüt Word ia the Oiotionary Is inoompetent to commuuicate the inexpressible satisfaction and incomprehensible oongequences resulting from a judicious admimstration of Dí. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, a preparation designed especially to the speedy relief and permanent cure of all Female Weaknesse, Nervousness, and diseaseg peculiar to the female sex. The onljr reraedy for woman's peculiar illa, sold by druegists, under a positive guarantee, to give eatisfaction. See guarantee on wrapper of bottle. Tuis guarantee has beea faithfully carried out for many years by the proprietors. Oaida's first novel netted the authoress just $250. THAT HACKING COÜOH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Eberbach & Son. The average of the pulse in infancy ia 120 per minute; in manhood, eighty; at 60 years, 6ixty. The pulse of femalea is more frequent than that of males. Mío Blnataed awfnllr when I told her what to do for those horrid pimples with which her face in covered. She now says if you want a pink and white complexion with a nice clear smooth skin, you must uae that best of all blood purifiers, Sulphur Bitterg. Oae huadred and seventy-flve million cellg re in the lunge, wbich would cover a surface thirty times greater than the human body. tfioosands BuSerlng from Asthma, Con. snmption, CougUs, etc. Did yon ever try Acker's English Remedyï It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, aold OB a positivo guaranteo at 10c., ÖOc. 7 .John Moobk. Druggist. The heart sends nearly ten pounds of blood through the veins and arteries each beat, and makes four beats white we breathe once. DON'T SCOLD a man for groaning when he has Bheumatism or Neuralgia. The pain is simply avrful. No torture in the aneient times was more painftü than these twin diaeases. But - oughtn't a man to be blamed if, having ïtheumatism or Neuralgia, he wont use Ath-lo-pho-ros, when it has cured thousands who have suffered in the same way ? It has cured hundreds after physicians have pronounced them incurable. "The skin of five physicians conld not oure me of Rheamatism which liad settled fa) tiiehips. neckand Hhonlders. Sointenae was the pain that sleep was almost impos aible. The first drwe of Athluphoros eme me relief, and the third enabled me to sleep tor foor and a half hotirs without wakiug. I oontinued its use and am now well." Kev. 8. H. TROYER, New Albany, Ind. Wffiatd 6 cents for the beautiftil eolored picture, " Moo"nf jlaiden." ' THE HTHLOPHOtl L0. 112 Wall Si. N. Y. BUSINESS CARDS. ALKX. W. HAMILTON Attorney at Law. WiU practlce in botb State and United Ststci Ctourts. Office Rooms, one and two, Lst floorof the uew brick bloek. comer of Huron and Fourth Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (Office over First National Bank.) Hours: 10:30 to 12 m. and 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Can be reachexj at re6idonce. West Kuron-st., a the " Prof. Nichol place " ; by telephone No. 97 and will reply to calli in the evening. 1 E. WILLIAMS, Attornpy at Law, .Ulan, Mlrh. Uonejrloaned for onteide parties. All legal business given prompt attcn tion. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Court House Square. Teeth exlracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. WM. BIGOS. Contractor i Buildcr And all hlnils of rk In eonnMtton witu tbe abT prumplly so-cutvd. Rtiop Cnr. of Church-t and University ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box ma. " FOR SALEI PEAL ESTÁTE No. 34 Thompson, cor Jefferson-st, 2 3tory frame and barn. No. 117 West Huron-Bt, story aad a half frame, 2 lots. One acre ground northof observatory. Also lots and acre property on Miller avenue. Enauire Gotl Estáte, 48 South División Street. fh. PENNYROYAL WAFERS 1B5 Are OTCiafully usl nnthlr by over 1(1,(1(10 ■,IjileB. Are Safe, Bfftctuiü nml HmmjI 1 ilB" Tper box by malí, or at SeaUd F-urm 3T lioular '2 postiifíO Bt-anip. Addroes THE hfllKKKA CHEMIOAI. CoJlPiWY, Vtabw Block. UI Woodward ave, DetruiU Mich. Sold by JOHN HOOKR, MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Onlr Genuine System of Mtmorj Traioinc. Foor uk Learned in one reading. Hind wumlcrinf cured. Eery rhild and adule reatly benpfltted Oroat induoomtíota to Oorreepoudonco OUsaes, Prospectos, with Opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Hiimmoua, the world-famBd SpocUlbit in Mind Disease Daniel reenleaf Thompson, the ereat ParchoU og&t, J. M. Kacktey, U.U.,edttoro(the Chrutian XivoeaU. N. Y.. Richard Proctor, the ScientiM. Hons. W. W. Autor, .1 iidi ; ibt.on, J luluh P. Heaiamin and othera. eut post fte by


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