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JstfacoösOil VETERAN'S FRJEND. ■Iches and m Kr Pains Rheumatic, WÊ' Reuralglc Sciatic, íy PROMPTLY W And PERMANENTLY. ff AT DRUGGISTS AMD DKALERS THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltlmsn. MC The owner of this horse uses the 5, Ironsides Sheet for the stable. It keeps the horse clean and ready for driving and saves an hour's work each day. 5A Lap Dusters Mo2ïïM&... 5A Ironsides Sheet fsiriLs; in SUblt. 5ÍA Clipper Fly Nets &LLL S4UI tlutkr at H1I tl Cort. 100 other strle of 5Á Horse Sheets and Fly Nets, at pnce to snit evory body. For sale by all dealers. Ifyou can't getthem, writens. ARE THE STRGHGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THS 5'A LASF.L Manufd by Wm. atkjs & Som. i'hl!il:i . wiio make th famous Horse Braml Hak"r Blunkeii. LOOSE3S EXfÜACT CEED LOVER DLOSSOM "nsGÈÈArBnpüs. & THADE ILiBK - Cancera Humors, 8ores, Ulcera, 8weIllBge, Tumors, Abscesses, Blood Poisonlng, Balt Rbeum, Catarrh, Erysipeias, Rbeumatism, and all Blood and Skin Discases. Pkice, $1 per Pint Bottle. or 6 Bottles for $5. 1 Ib. can SolkJ Extract $2.50 J. IL LOO6E BED CLOVER CX)., Detroit, Mich. Ni.l by Kbrrlmrh ét Non. m fGUARANTEED TO TuJTwËaSI IaNY CUSTOM-MADE CORSET I MAYER, STROUSE CO. L nrrFS.-4-iz broadway. n. k J A Youmk Oirl'a Orler at peeing her charm oL face and form departing, and har hetlth imperiled by functionul irregularities, at her critical period of life, was turned to joy and gratkude after a brief eelf-treatment wilh Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It puriöed and enriched her blood, gave a healthy activity to the kidneys, Rtomnch, bowels, and other organi, and her return to robust heslth speedily tollo wed. It is the only medicine for romen, gold by drugt;istg, under a positive guaran let f rom the manufacturera, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or mnney will be refunded. ThiH guarantee ha.-, heen printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faiihfully carried out for many yearn. Japan wnin morn dn wori anddentists. A Oreitt Nnrprlse Ii in store for all who use Kemp'g Babam for the Throat and Lui rr, ihe great guaranteed remedy. Wou'd you beliere that it is old on its meriis and that any druggist is authoriied by the proprietor of thia wonderful remedy (o give you a sample bottle free ? It never ímIb to cure acute or chornic coughs. All draggigts geil Kemp'g BuUam. Laige Bottleg 50 cent aod $1. THE 'le same rm which NEW 31 years ag0 COm" VIRRATflR pletely revolutionVlDnAIUn. izeci the Threshing Machine trade by inventing a new THE Threshing Machine, NEW much better than VIBRATOR. any ra01"116 before known, - so that all builders of the oldTHE style Threshing MaNEW chines stopped mak - VIRRáTfiR ing them and pied ilDnAIUn. the new machine as closely as they dared -have now made anTHE other advance, and NEW in their New VibraVIBRATOR. tor Present a Threshing Machine contain- ing entirely new feaTHE tures in separation NEW and cleaning, whioh VlDnAIUn. of any other as the old Vibrator was ahead of the "EndTHE less Apron" maNE W chines. BveryFarmVIBRATOR er and Tnresliermain ' shonld at once get - full information regarding the NEW THE VIBRATOR, which NEW wjy[ be sent Free on VIBRATOR, applicationto CISTTLJ ou shouid ad The Chicat ir I il go Daily Nbws because it's a amily newspaper. This is an iyjA7" age when everybody reads.and 9%iiW f the paper you bring into your fa mi! y thould have something of value for all. The special interests of women are not over looked in Thi Daily Nbwb. And then you dn't want to a bring questionable reading mat ter intoyour family. Youdon't want to put indecent or immoral reading into the hands of your children. You will nevermake a mistake on this score if you take home The Daily News, The newspapers are the great cducators of this nation. The strengt h of the nation lies in the purity of its firesides. Rememher-lxs clrculation U 320,000 a day- over a nüllion a week - and it costs by mail 35 ets. a month. four months $1.00,-0 cent a day. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Berry Plante, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Pears and Grape vines a Specialty. Byrups and Home-Made Wines. Syrup of Rftpberry ; Bartlett Per Syrap, Bone iett. Dandellon and Raspberry Winee and Shraba for Liver and Kidny troubles; 8weet Red Conoord and Martha White Wiae8, especially prep&red lor Invalids. Order Trees and Plante early, a we get most of them from the best Nurserie eaet. V.. BA1TR. WMt II nrim Hl. LUMBEB ! LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building oall a' FERDON iffiïARD! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., are Set our figures for all kinds oi LUMBEB We manufaor.ure our own Lurabt : and ?uarantee VERY LOW PRICES i-Uivo ns a oallnnd we wlll mak ti (o jour uiterettt, im onr lnrfre nd wrl: graded lurk fully uHtniiiH oor awwr. tlon. JAÍIKN TOLBKKT, Pr,.. T J.HCBOH.Sapl. af &-■.. ijot See'the splendld Piano, Organ.Sewing Machine, Gultar, Banjo and Violln we offer as premiums to our customers. Largest stock of Pianos ever seen in Ann Arbor. Lowett prlces. 25 N. Koiirtli NI. Al. VIN WIIAEV. Eberbncli ék Soux, Ann Arbor, snpply AicentM lor Uk' (.r.iil l'rciirii Kernedy. int. I..IU 'S PLKIUDIC AI, PUJA trom Paris, France, act only upon the generativo organs in females and positively cure supresuíou of the menses (from whatever cause,) and all periodical troubles peculiar to women. A safe, reliable remedy wananted to prnmote menstruation or money refunded Shoald not be used daring presmancy. The large proportion of 11U to which ladies are liable ís ihe direct resnlt of a diirdered or irrcgu ar menstrualion. Ask any drngglst, Ann Arbor AMERITAN CO., Ppencer, Iowa. Kobert Stevehbom Si Co., Wholecale Agenta, Chicago. TrTTTQ T A ÜTPW raay Tte fonnfl on file at Qow X IlllS Jtr il Ir üiXt p. lluweu t C Newspnper Í dvertUtng Bureau ( 10 Sprnoe 8t_ V whfrn ndvrrt lutna ootwamu be nuda ter tt ÍE KH VUiUC


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