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,4?Ï5J& THe BESTWMITE-L0AFMW3E-M-AMERICfr 1 ÍlTüAS-5-KlRK & tV-"! Jr'j Wuitc V " m Clou d g WÖJ ■■'Wrappers & I 'ilj I',) ani Teceive 3 ■ Líl ' 1 1 %HAND50Mj i xLg: Acioas-nd-AcnüESSES Every Lnterprising Thresherman knows that the threshing machine that will work the most rapidly, clean perfectly, and save all the grain will bring him the best jobs and best prices, and so he will Write now to at once investígate our claim that beats anything heretofore made in all these and other points. The wide-awake Farmer will also get our circulars and satisfy himself whether he can afford to have his grain wasted by other threshers when he can make money by having his grain threshed with the New Vibrator. Our pamphlet giving full information about Threshing Machinery and Traction Engines sent on application. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' Specifics arescientlftcallyand carefully preparad preftcrlptkau ; used formany yearsln private pract ice wlthsuccess.and f or over thlrtyyearsusedby thepeople. Every single Spectflc Is a special cure for the disease named. These Specifica cure without drugging, purging or reduclng the system, and arein fact and deed the sovereieu remedies oftheWorld. LIST OF PRINCIPAL NOS. CL'RES. PRICES. 1 Fevers Congestión, lnüanmiatlon. .. ,'25 ii Worms Wotto Kever, Worm ('olie, . ,5 3 Cryins C'olic, orTeethlngof InfanU .'5 4 Diarrnea of Ciilldrenor Aüults ,J,5 !i DysenterVf tíriplng, BUlousColic... . .'25 6 Cholera Morbus, Vomltlng .'5 7 Cousbfl Cold, Bronchitis ,J5 8 Neuralgia, ïocthache, Faceache ,5 9 Headacbes; SickHeadaclie, Vértigo !5 10 DyNpfpsia, Bilious Stoniach .25 11 Bspvreued or Pu in lul Periods.'5 l-á Wbites, too Prof use Perlods í5 1 .'} Croan CoukIi, Difllcult Hreathing... ,!i.5 14 8alt ltheuin. I'.v símelas, Eruptlous. ,!5 15 Kbeuiiintiyin, Hl'cunititle l'atns ,t5 1 PeTeraud Aunr, ('hliu, -Malaria.... .50 17 Filew, Blind orBleeding .50 1 Oitnrrh, luñueuza. Cold in the Head .50 UO Wlioopiug ('oiiffhj Violent Coughs. .50 i I íírncrül DebllityPnysloalWealaiMi .50 i7 Kidury OiHi-nsr .50 28 NervovB Debility 1.00 30 Irinary Wpitknesn, WeitinK Pl. .50 3Z Diseuesof theHeart,Palpltattonl.Ov Sold by Drugfcists, or sentpostpaid on receipt of prlce. Dr. Humphreys' Manual, (144 pages) ricnly bound in i'loth and gold, malled free. Hamphreys' MedlctaeCo.lOB Faltón st. NY. SPECi FTcTsT THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ mTRUTHSFORTHESICK.n III l-.,r tliDsn (lrathlyl $l,(V(n will In: juiil I I riliiiisSpi'llsrle)eii(l foracasowliere m i. ljnSi;LPHi;uIiiTlEiti ï-mit Hittku willlll lUit will cure yon. notassist orcure. Il III n l)ov,1.KulT,Twiili"cvt'rf;lilaO IthattdredandaUgone the rltlatsdn ït will cure you. „irtliroush the skiiJ II Operatives whoare in l'imiH"3,Blofc'.h0B, I -.cloBCly confined in ;in'1 KY onJ Qthe milis aud work. ULPiif Bitterb.M pshopsjclerks.whodo nl bealth will fol-S2 lnot procure sufficlent low III lllexercisc.andallwho sriTiinirTrrTPRslll IWareconBnedlndoors, „„" "UK"1"11118 Hl IHrittfrs Thov will Piaint uon t ihï nis-lll gno'uheaix:wSInda5cll;1'wUlcllreö TfïmnóTnnvÏ8h SJ?HP Bitters[ III to suffer frotn Kheum w111 blllld F00 "P an1l I lllaUsm, use a bottle of make yu Btrongandill I 11 si [.lm ii Bitters ; l'falthy. lij 't ■"" f, Hls torurc. silpmiu IUitkrsHI W l"on't be without a will make yourbloodJS jL bottle. Try it; you pure, rlch and strong.íij Ijl will not regret ït. ind your flesh hard. III III Lames u deUcatl Try SüiThdr Bit- lllncalth, who are all teu to-night, nndl lrundown,shoiildusc you will sleep welllll UWIIMilWin. , ■ ■ ' :i. i '.., ,1 [ Do you want the liest Medical Work pubüshed? Send 3 2-ccnt atamps to A. P. Oriiwat & Co„ BBton, MaB8., and raceíva a copy, tren.


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