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Iiteroitpl Pcopte. .Advertisiuí; a patent medicine in the peculiar way in which the proprietor of Ketnp's Balsaru, t'or coughs and colds do?s, it is indeed wonderfuL lie u'.honze3 all drogglStl to give ihose who cali for it, a sample bottle ftve. thnt they may try it bffure purchaii.g. Ti-.e Urge boules are 50c and $1. We oertainly would advise a trial. It may save jvu frorn Consuiuption. Do not offend. Every oflfense a man commi s makes onu more defense for his enemy. Distress aft;r eatiog, heartburn, sick headachtí Bad ind gestión are cured by Hood's Sarsapar!!l;t II ale i creates a good acpeúte. You miijht rmar many strange things were it n t for ;he that you will teil. f'iishier VTm. E Durgin of ihe Loan Cj., 275 Wash'.nfttoo Strett, says: I recommend Sulphur Brters s the very best medicine I ever used. There s noihing like them to give an appetite, tone the system, nd do away with that languid feeling which is ao frequent among those confiued indo ors. The average man ntver looks up with out seeing something he hates. 2v rf"O v c Kiood Elixir is the only 1V.WV T b1oocj Remedy guaranteed. It is a positi ve cure for Ulcere, Eruptionsor Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifiesthe whole system, and banishes all Rheumatio and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it John Moorf. Druggjist. An enemy can iways do you harm, but a friend ctn not mIwhvs do yon good. SHILOH S COUGH and Consutiption Cure i gold by ih n a guarantee. Ir. fures con-umption. Swld by Eberbach & S&n. The worrn that turns isonly trodien on more heavüy than before. llenare l Iniltation. We find that in various parts of the country unscrupulous druggiMs for the purpose of making a large proflt, are palming off on a too-confiding public a worthlcss counterfeit of Pomeroy's Petroline Piasters, unrier the plea that it is " just as good," and in some cases that it is Pomeroy's Piaster. Trust no druggist who makes any such representations. Beware of all such imposition. Insist upon getting the genuine article, take nothingelse and see that the words "Pomeroy's Petroline Piaster" are upon each envelope. For Sale by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. for Aun Arbor. Talking never made a wise man; Hstenr,g may. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., ?as : "Both myself and wie owe onr lives to SHILOH'8 COXSUMPTION CURE " Sold by Eberbaoh & Son. LEGALS. Mor(ga(s;e Sale. Whereas, William Warner and Helen A. Warner, his wife, of the village of Dexter in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan on thefourteenthdayof October, in the year A. D. 1885, executed a mortgage to Lucy W. S. Morgau, of Ann Arbor, in said County, to secure the payment oí' certain principal and interest money therein menlioned; which mortgage was recorded on the 17ih day of October, A. D. 1885, in the office of the Register or Deeds for the County of Washtenaw, in liber 69 ot mortgaces, on page 60and whereas, default has been made for more than Sixty days in the paymeut of an installment of interest which feil due on the 14th day of October, 1886, as well as in the two following annual installments of interest : By reason whereof, and pursuant to the terms of said mortgage, the whole principal sum unpaid on said mortgage of Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy Dollarf, with all arrearages of interest therein at the option of said mortgagee, her executors or assigne, becarae due and psyable immediately thereafter, and the power of sale eontained Ín said mortgage became operative; and whereas the executors of said mortgagee do hereby declare it their option, and do hereby elect to have the principal sum of said mortgage, with all arrearage of interest therein, become now due and payable; and whereas, there 's claimed to be now due and payable as aforesaid upon said mortgage and the note aecompanying the same, at the date of thisnotice, the sum of Nine Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Dollars and Seventy -one cents in addition to all other costs, including an Attorney fee of thirty five dollars; and no suit or proeedings having been iuttituted either at law or in equity, torecover the aforesaid sum orany part thereof: Notioe is therefore hereby giveu, Ihat taid mortgage will be foredosed on Friday üie tnenty-flrst day of June. A. D. 1889, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, by a sale at public auction at the South front door of the Court House lu the city of Aim Arbor (said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said County of Washtenaw) of the premisesdescribed in said mortgage or so much thereof, as niay be necessary to satisfy the amount of principal and interest due and unpaid upon sala mortgage. together with reasonable costs and expenses, Inclndlne an Attorney fee of Thirtyflve Dollars, which premises are described in said mortgage as follows, All those certain pieces or pareéis of land, sitúate and being in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and described as follows: towit: All of the following described land, situated in thatownship of Dexler, in said County viz: The North West Quarter of the North East Quarter and the West Half of the South West Quarter of the North East Quarter, aud the East Half of the North West Quarter; and the South West Quarter of the Nortti West Quarter, and the West Half of the North Wet Quarter of' the Bouth East Quarter; and the North Half of the South West Quarter; all of the above lands being on Section Number Twenty in township number One South ín range number Four East. Also all of the foHowing described land. situated in the township of Lima, in said County ,viz: The West Half of the South West Quarter and the South Kast Quarter of the South West Quarter and the West Half of the South East Quarter, all upon Section Four; and the East Half of the North West Quarter of section number Nine (9) all in township number two South in Range number Four East. Said mortgage conveyed an undivided two-thirds interest in the premises above named, situated in the township of Dexter aforesaid, and an entire interest in the lands situated in the township of Lima aforesaid, and will be thus sold. Otis C. JOHNSON, Franklin L. Parker, EdwardD. Kinnk. Executors of the Will of Lucy W. S. Morgan. Dated, March 25, 1889. Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, j COUKTY OF WASHTENAW, i At a se&sion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the third day of June in the year one theusand eight hundred and eighty-nine. Present, J. WILLARD BABBITT. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomai S. Sanford, deceased. Benjamin Brown, executor of the last will and testament of said deceased, comes into court and represente that he U no prepared to render his annual account as s%ch executor. Thereupon lt Is ÖTdered, that Monday, the flrat day of July ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for examinlng and allowine such account, and that the devisees, lcgatees. and heirsat law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at & session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, In said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said executor give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by cauBing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Register, a newspaper prlnted and clrculated ín said county, three suceessive weeks prevlous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT. [A true copy.] Judga of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Retdater.


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Ann Arbor Register