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CAPITAL NEWS. Washington, June 19. -The President has lssued an order extending the time within which veterana dismissed from the service of the Government may be reinstated without civil service examination. The limit under the oíd rules was one year from the date of dismissaL Under the new rule this limit is increased to four years. Washington, June 19.- General Lucius M. Fatrchild, of Wisconsin, ex-Commander-lnChlef of the Grand Ariny of the Republic, has been appointed a member of the Sioux Oommission. Washington, June 21.- The President has made the f ollowlng Consular appointmenta : OUver H. Simons, of Colorado, Consul to Hong Kong; William Honaghan, of Ohio, Consul to Chatham, Ont ; William T. Rice, ot Hassachusetts, Consul to Leghorn; Lyoll T. Adams, of New York, Consul to Horgen, Switzerland; Henry W. Diedricu, of Indiana, Consul to Nuremberg; Kolaud J. Hemmick, of Bennsylvania, Consul to Geneva. Washington, June 21. - Ex-Governor Eartranft bas accepted the appointment on the Cherokee commtssion. He takcs the place of J. Otls Huinphrey, of Illinois, who resigned Thursday. Washington, June 21. - General A_ C. Myers, late Quartermaster-General of the Confedérate ariny, died at hls residence here Thursday niorning. He was a natlTe of South Carolina, graduated at West Point In 1833, and served with distinction In the Seminóle and Mexican wars. He married the daughter of General David E. Twiggs. Washington, June ti.'. - President Harrison hae appointed Frank Mason,of be Consul-General at Frankfort; Charles B. Trall, of Maryland, Consul at Marseilles, and H. G. Knowles, of Delaware, Consul at Bordeaux. Washington, June 24. - The flsh commisslon steamer Fish Hawk haa returned irom the Delaware river, where 23,000,000 shad fry were deposited during the last month. The commission reporta that during the month of Hay there were transferred to the rivers of Pennsylvania about 12,000,000 ehad fry, In New York rivera 4,213,000, la New Jersey riverB 3,147,000, and in Massachusetts xlvers 1,755,000. Washington, June 24. - The President tas appointed John L. Stevens, of Malne, Minister Resident to the Hawaüan islands; Oeorge Money, of Tennessee, Minister ReBident of Paraguay, and John Martin Crawiord, of Ohio, (Jonsul-General at St Petersburg. Washington, June 25. - Solicitor Hepburn, of the Treasury Department, has given an opinión that there Is nothing In the law to prohibit the landing of Chinese laborers who desire nierely to pass through the TJnited StateB In transit. Washington, June 25.- Hugo A. HarolBon, of Georgia, (a brother-in-law of exGovernor Gordon), Deputy Sixth Auditor Treasury Department, and Patrick Cunningham, of Ohio; Isaac C. Peetrey, of Ohio; W. E. Dougherty, of Pennsylvania; R W. Ellis, of Arkansas; T. 8. Farro w, of South Carolina; A. S. Howell, of New York; J. M. Leach, Jr., of North Carolina; C. T. IHtchell, of South Carolina, and R. S. Johneton, of Kentucky, Chlefs of División in jthe Sixth Audltor's otlice, have been intormed by Sixth Auditor Colter that thelr resignations were c.eBired, and that as oon as these were i eceived their succeBSors would be appointed.


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