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A new 10 pound boy at the borne of Chae. Meyers. Mrs. Matbew Dalton died at her residence on Spring-at. last night. A large excursión party from East Saginew spent yesterday in the city. A. J. Kelly will move bis truss business to Detroit about the middle of July. Bridge No. 3 is now open again and carriage8 can drive to Cedar Bend-ave. Vacation is here and our cititens can take a rest for the next three months. The meeting of the Pomological Society will be held in the court honse Saturday. A postoffice inspector was looking over the affairs of the Ann Arbor office Saturday. ____ About 200 went on the Germán Workingmen's excursión to East Saginaw Tueeday. The Fourth of July will be celebrated by the Ann Arbor Turnverein at their park. L. C. Lawrence will address the temperance meeting at Cropsey'g Hall, Sunday at three o'clock. The dead trees on the court house lawn have been cut down thia week under the direction oí the street eommiBsioner. Rose E. Murray died of congumption last Thureday, at the residence of her mother on Jefferson-st, aged 21 years. Supt. Ashley of the T. & A. A. gave the graduaticg clasR of the Toledo High School an excursión to this city Tuesday. Rev. W. H. Ryder is expected to occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church next Sunday morning. Eyening Bervices as usual. James Kelly epent three days in jail last week for being drunk, and his chuin, John Miller, was in jail two days. Pretty light puniehment. The Farmer's and Mechanic's bank declared a semi-annual three per cent. dividend at the meeting of the board of directors Tuesday evecing. The W. C. T. U. will meeting at Hobart Hall, Wednesday July 3, at 3 p. m. A large attendance desired to arrange for the visit to the county house. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kyer gave apleagant party Tuesday evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mills, of Chillicothe, Ohio, wLo are their guests. A. J. Heiser, the West Point cadet appointed from this district, has failed to pass the final examination for admission, and Congressman Allen will choose another in bis place. The barbers of the city have signed an agreement to do no more Sunday shaving, and the unfortunate one who forgets to get shaved oq Saturday will be obliged to wait until Monday. Ten pages in The Register again this week, required to accommodate the thirty-five columns of advertising by the enterprising business men of Ann Arbor. "Let your Iight shine," is good doctrine. After July 1 the Farmer's & Mechanic's bank will iollow the example of the Savingsbank and remain open Saturday evenings, from 7 until 8 o'clock, to accommodate depoeitors in the savings department. The Standard Oil Company has asked permipsion to build an oil warehouse on Miller-ave., and if it is granted this will be made a general distributing point for this section and on the line of the T. & A. A railroad. The amount to be invested here is from $7,000 to $10,000. The A. M. E. churoh of this city will hold a basket meeting in the grove near the Catholic cemetery uext Sunday. Preaching at 10:30 a. m., and 3 and 7:30 p. m. A praise meeting will be held at 2 o'olock. Rev. J. M. C. Smith will preach at the morning eervice. The officera of the A. A. H. S. Alumni Aesociation, elected at the annual meeting lastFriday night,are asfollows: President, Prof. Levi D. Wines; Vice President, Rev. Wm. Galpin; Secretary, May S. Breakey, Treasurer, Miss Alioe Treadwell; Executive Committee, Miss Anna Condón, H. M. Fro8t and J. R. Anejell. Miss Rose E. Murray, youngest daughter of Mrs. O. Murray, 14 Jefferson-st, died June 20th of consumption. Her iriends deeply mourn the loss of a dear one and a patiënt sufferer. A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled ; A place i vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. Sunday morning eleven coaches filled with excursionists from Detroit and Toledo, arrived in this city to spend the day. The party included six companies of the Landwehr, who after marching through the business portion of the city, proceeded to Relief park. They were addressed there by several citizens, the remainder of the day being spent at the park and driviog about the city. Officers were on the look-out here last night for a man who is wanted at Chicago in the great Cronin murder case. It was supposed that he was in this vicinity but if he is, he cannot be found. They thought they had the man this morning, in the shape of a tramp at the Michigan Central depot. He answered the description all right except in one particular, - he was about twoinches too tall. Tuesday evening Ann Arbor Commandery, K. T., celebrated St. John's day. They marched to the Methodist churcb where, after the solemn exeroises of the order, Rev. W. S. Studley delivered an address appropiiate to the occasion, the Apollo quartette furniehing delightful music. Rev. Studley having been a member oL the order and for many years prelate ol the grand commandery of Massachusetts, his remarks were thoroughly appreciated by his fraters. Maria Goodley Scotney, of Ypsilanti township, has filed a bilí for divorce against her huaband, James Scotney. The parties were married in 1852 and have lived together for nearly 37 years. They have Beven children living, the oldest being 33 years old and the youngest 18 years old. She claims that during the past five years he has struck her, kicked her out of bed and refused to give her proper maintainance, allowing her but two meáis a day. The parties are well known in the vicinity of Ypsilanti where they have resided for many years. Tueeday evening B. F. Watts was induced to Visit the Masonio Temple where he found a number of the members of Washtenaw Chapter, R. A. M., gathered. Before he could realizo what he was there for, W. G. Doty arose and presented him with a PaBt Grand High Priest's apron in behalf of a number of his companions. The apron is a handsome lambskin, trimmed with red satin and gold lace, and ornamented with jewels. Mr. Watts with his brother, J. C. Watts, leaves next Tuesday to visit his brother in England, whom he has never seen, sailing from New York on July 6. A Juvenile Temple has been organized with 21 memberg under the auspices of Ann Arbor Lodge of G. T. number 320, and tbe following officers enstalled : C. T., Charlea Crozier ; V. T., Iaa Woodmansee; S. R, Hattie Hill ; F. S., Clara Murphey ; T., Jennie Crozier; Chap., Benjamin Mummery ; M., Libbie Erlinger ; A. M., Myrtle Darrow ; I. G., Mabel Gage ; O. G Frankie Whitlark ; R. H. S., Gertie Gage ; L. H. S., Julia Easlinger ; P. C. T., Waker Hill; assistant superintendent, Miss Mary Sessions ; worthy superintendent, Mrs. Emma L. Scott. The Juvenile Temple will hold their meetings ia G. T. hall over Wines & Worden's store, Friday, at 3 p. m., of eack week. Nearly a year ago a warrant was ïasued for the arrest of a colored boy, named Arthur Crutnp, on the charge of burglarizing a house and stealiug a clock. Crump disappeared for some time but returned last week after nis clothes. Deputy sheriff8 Peterson and Gekle, hearing that he was in the city, itarted after him. They caught sight of him on Wall-gt Monday, and as Crump saw that they were omcers, he etarted on a run to escape. Having about twenty rods the start, Crump led them a hard race but was finally captured about two miles east of the city. He was exanained before Justice Frueauff, Monday, and was bound over to the circuit court for trial. County Clerk Howlett has a perfect manía for antique furniture which he was enabled to satiafy last Saturday. In passing to his office he discovered an auctioneer offering for sale articles which were a great bonanza to a relie hunter. An old arm chair and sofa of the reign of Queen Elizabeth attracted his attention and he decided to have them at any cost. After spirited bidding in which the articles were run up to many times their value, they were "knocked down to the eounty clerk for ninety cents and he became their proud owner. They were carried into his private office, which they now adorn, giving it the appearance of a junket shop. So proud is he of them that he will allow no one to use them, even if they would run the risk of breaking their necks by sitting on them. _______


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Ann Arbor Register