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Tö MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Steamehs. Low Rates. Fout Trip. por Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND PetMkey, Sault Ste. Marie, and Lake Hurou Way Ports. Every Week Day Bstween DETROIT ANO CLEVELAND Sptdal Sund.y Trip. during Jan, J„,y, Auiut ud Sept. Doublé Daily Linp Be'weon CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. OUH lLLUSTRATEDnpAMPHLET3 Batea and Exeuraion Tickets wijl b ■ furniahoi by your Ticket Agent, or address E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A., DïrnoiT, Micm. , ' Detroit and Cleveland Stcam Nav. Co. rife PENNYROYAL WAFERS K3 Are SHceessfully used mnthly by over 10,0111 ■JLadifH. Are Safe, Ktfeitucil and Puasant. (l ■Vfper boi br mail, or at dnigsü. Sealed Parm -T liculars 2 postage stanips. Address r THK KriiKKA CHIMICAL C'OMPáVT, l .. Flaher Block. 131 Woodward ye., Detroit, Mlch. Soltl by JOH HOOBE, "CHICAGO TRUSS." t New Splrnl Spring Trust, Hard Buhber Pad ; Clean, :%i' Durable, Cheap, Approved Q, oy the M(jheet Medical Au.horily. Wnrn day and night ny 8D Infanta week old or an Adult si) yeare. Easily ,:Ijusti-d. It rr.eete all forma of ócrota) . V rm nra!, Inguinal and Uml.ü Hernia, in both Influís and Adulta. Satisfacticnt ruaranteed ín all c&ses. Any desirable preasurti olitained. If your druggist does not keep Uii-s Tiuss, endose stanips and address, CB'CAOO TRlvx co„ ■ iii.uï. III. OFFICE AND FITTING Ui Kilt 122 E.RanxliilithSt., T. Y. KAYNE, Manager. Sold by Ann Arbor üruggis'.s. JFJADFIELDS SUL Regulator MENSTRUATION , On MONTHLV SICKNESS Ir TWÍ.N DVIRtNG CHANGÍ OY UïC GRtM.'DKHES.R'1 SUïURmGWILL BE M01DLQ JBOOK TO"yHOVikW-MMlLOtLff BRADFIELD REGUUTOR CO. ATLANTA GA. solo Muucnueasn. feil Drilling Machineny SOLD ON TRIAL a N'o Cash Paymentor settlement of any flfin kind-until after a i 'Ml SATISFACTORr TEST. M Machluery and Toola Ml ' Guaranteed to mako Wells ml I anywhere, ijl urn) at the rato of 3 ft. toevery2rt. II by any other machine, or no sale. Ijjf THE BESTiiway. -fBI THE CHEAPEST. , I P'send for Catalogneis)3 Empire Well Auger Co., ithaca. y. Is the oldest and most popular selentlfle and mechantcal paper publisbed and bas the largett ctrculation of any pnper of lts elasn in the world. Fully Illustrated. Best class of Wnod Enerar laffs. Pnbüshed weekly. 8end for peclmea copy. Prlce $3 a year. Foor month' trial, $L MÜNN i CO., Publishirs, 361 Brodw7, Ii,T, ARCHITECTS & BUÍLDERQ Editien of Scientific American. O A frreat Each Issue containt colorad lithoffraphic pi at es of country and city reaid enees or public bulidinKS. Numerous eDKraTingi and full plan? and pecifleations for the use ol Kuch as contémplate buil ding. Price $2.50 a rear. 25 ets. a copy. MUNN A CO., Püblisheks,. IIAl LM fSïsiiS ■ 40 years' experience ana have made orei H 100,000 applicaclons for American and For-. " elfen patent. 8end for Haiidbook. Corroa pondeuce strictly contídential. TRADE MARKS. In cae jour mark Is not reclstered in the Patent Office, apply to Mr.N i Co., anc procoxv Immedtate protectlon. Send for Bandbook. -- COPYRIGHTS for books, charta, map. to., quickly procured. Address , _ BIUNN fc CO., Patent Solicitan. ' ' Qesïhal Ojticï: SG1 Bboadwat, H, T.


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