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NORTH DAKOTA. Bismarck, ïi. D., July 15.- At Saturday's sessiou oí the Constitutional convention a large number of propoaed articles were presented. Messrs. Flemington, Eowe, Pollick aud Hager introduced articles providing for constitutional prohibition of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors. Mr. Johnson introduced a long article with nineteen sectiona relating to corporations. Amongother provisions in this proposed artiole is one prohibiting special legislation for the creation of any corporation orthe extensión of the charter of any that may exist, the general laws to cover all cases. Exclusive privileges not taken advantage of are declared in valid; property and franchises of corporations are made subject to public use; no stocks or bonds shall be issued by any corporations except for money, property or services actually rende red; the Legislatura is empowered to alter or annul charters if no injustice is therebydone; railwaya are declared to be common carriers and a subject to legislativo control; discrimination and extortion in rates shall be prevented by legislativo enactment and just compengation must be rendered for public use of private property. Bismakck, N. D., July 16.- A carefully managed fight is being waged in tha ConÉtitutlonal convention in favor oí One house. At Monday's session Mr. Stevens Introduced, by request, the following: "Hesolved, Ttaat the constitution provlde that the legislativa authority of this State sball rest in a singlo body, to be called legislativo asssmbly, which shall consist of not less than 100 members, to be eleoted by the people; proyided the legislative assembly may trom time to time increase the number of members as necessity may require." SOUTH DAKOTA. ' Sioux Falls, S. D., July 11.- The Constitutional convention of South Dakota disoussed on Wednesday its powers to change the constitutioja of 1885, and the matter went over Sñtil to-day. The question is re&arded as especially important, because iL any tbing be allowed looking toward Other changes than such as are presented in the enabling act the Presidencial proelamation of admission mijjht béput in jeopard and Statehood deferred, Mqjí5fAÍfí. Helena, M. T., July Í2.- A strong anti. Chinese rosolution was offered in the Constitutional convention Thursday. Helena, M. T., July 16.- The Constitutional conveution met at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. Á petition sígned by 143 cltlzensïyom a number of smaÏÏ towns in various parts of The Tefritory, asking that universal suffrage be granted, was referred to the suffrage committee. The committee recommended that the bill relatmg to compulsory education of children between 'the ages of 8 and 14 do not pass. A preamble ia regard to a bill of rights and prorision for the publication of all general ,laws as passed in the Legislatura was reported without recommendatipn. The committee on labor asked for mofé time to consjder the propositions relating to Chinese labor, laborera under contract and discharjyed employés. Secretary Wylie, of the National Reform Association, presented an article in regard to a moral principie in civil government. A proposition for the establishment of a bureau of labor and the appointment of a superintendent was submitted by ftie committee. A bill was submitted providing that no ofücers except Senators and Kepresentatjves, under the law of the uew State, should hold office more than two years. A resolution was passed that the accounts of all officials should be inveRtigated at least once a year and that a State examiner be appointed for that puipose. WASHINGTON. Oltmpia, W. T., July 13. - Friday's session of the Constitutional convention was taken up principally by the reception of petitions and resolutlons. Among them were petitions favoring témale suffrage and prohibition. Resolutions were introduced forbidding the Legislature to graut divorces; iavoring an eight-hour law; providing for a State civil-service commission and a soldiers' home; making it a penal offense for bankers to receive money af ter the bank ia insolvent; diviüiug the State into threo mining districts, and establlshing the office of superintendent of mining. Oltmpia, W. T., July 15.- In the Constttational convention Saturday among other propositions introduced were the following: All rivers may be used for irrigatlon purposes; if the supply of water is limited lt shall be used first for domestio purposes, then for agricultural, then for manufacturing. No child under 14 Bhall be employed jri business dangerous to healtn or life. The Governor shall have no veto power. Each Senatorial district shall include three legislative distrlcts, and the election to tha lower house shall be by minority reprasentation af ter the plan of Illinois. IDAHO. Boise Citt, I, T., July 15.- The bill of rights reported Saturday strikes at the Mormon question in g-uaranteeing rellgious freedom, but providing that religión shall not excuse acts of licentiousness or justify polygamous or other pernicious praoticea inconsistent with morality or the peace and safety of the State. The bill f orbids any person, organization or association to aid or sbet, counsel or advise any person to cptnmit bigamy, polygamy or other crime. So property qualification is permissible for voting or holding office. All males between 18 and 45 are subject to military duty. The Legislature is to meet annually and to ba composed of one Senator from each county, with twice that number of Representatives. Senators are to serve tour years, Representatives two. Corporations receive much attention in the way of reBtrictions preventing railroads from pooling, from diecrimraating or consolidating with parallel lines. wroimts. Cheyexne, Wy. T., July 10.- Wyoming is moving on toward Statehood. The election of delégate to the Constitutional convention, held Monday, resuited in the choica Of S8 Republicans, 16 Democrats and 3 Independent. The convention will meet September 2.


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