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ID THE CREAT g Germán Remedy J mTRUTHS FORTHE SICK.m ■II Kur thosi! deathlyl $1,000 will tio pald H Bilioas Spellsdepend fnr a case where III lllonSULPHUBBlTTEBS PHÜB BITTERS Will Hl MJit wlll cure you. not assist or cure. Il III W h„.„,. .,.,l,OTer falla. W Ithattiredamlallgone cicanse the vitiatedljl 11 cure you. injrthrougb. the sklnlll Operativeswhoare n Pimples, Blotehes,! n shops; clerks.vho do nd tealül 1-B III not procure snfficlent 2mmmmi 1 Illexercise, amï all who o.r, ,,,„.„ yít1,,.d, are conflned in doorn, „mrnHvèTcm II I [should use Sl'LFHl'R niiininoit bedS'lH fl Bitters. TherwillPlloS0.?',.!! q not then be weai and J80"' " wlU 55 ]l If you do not wisl] SfI.LP,IÍFR BlTTEB2BI l]to suffer from will build you up andl Iflatism, use a bottle of make you Btrongandl II iH Sülphür Bitters ; nealtny. III jltnrver falla toruro. s,:I,PIIlm iuttkrsBJ M jDonTbewitnouta will make yourbloodJH 1Mbottïe. Try lt: you pure, rich and strong.US will not regrst lt. and yonrfleah hard. Hl Ladiea In aeïïcate Try Sulphur itiT-[ health, who are all reus to-nlght, and Hl rundown, shouM use you will sleep wellMI Sülphdr BrrrERg. and feel hetter forit.lll Do you want the best Medical Work published? Send 3 2-cent skunps to A. I OttDWAT ï Co Boston, Mass., and receive "onv, free. ■■■HllllliaaMHHHBWltèMHIiHHBk THE-BtSrWHITE-amWDE-IH-AMERltt wf?dAS-5-lIRK flliÖr Y CLOUDg 1 W If Wrappers DE U M (UR6E 3IZE) 3, Hl MM y „niTeceive a i l!-l j , egO,HANJ)50HE r the Threshing Mach:n;-. then in use were almost !i ,._, . the class knova as the " Endicyj Apron" style. Then it was t'.:;:.; Nichcis a Shepard, o; lawiie Creek,Mich.,inventedandbegan to develop an entirely new and novel style of Grain Thresher and Separator,which they veryappropriatel named the "Vibrator." jlt was a revolution in Threshing Machines, and from a small beginning of five machines in 1858 they soon reached a product of 1,000 yearly. ' TheirVibratordrovethe"Endless Apron" machine out of market, and all other makers copied it as closely as they dared. Today all Threshing Machines of any reputation or merit use the principies of the old Vibrator. Nichols & Shepard have continued in the business without chang:of name, location, or management; and during the past three years have brought out and developed anothernew Threshing Machine for grain and seeds, as superior to all existing machines as their former was to the ' Endless Apron.' They name this new and improved Thresher and predict as great a revolution in the trade, and as complete success over all rivals as they had thirty-one years ago. If you are nterested as a Farmer or Thresherman, write for particulars, which they send free. Addre # NICHOLS & SHEPARD, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. HUMPHREYS' De. Humphiieys' SPEClFics are nclentlflcally and carefully prepared preecrlptlons ; uaed for many yearelnprivatepractlcewlthsuccees.andfororer Ihü-ty yeare used by the people. Every single Speeinc 1 a special cure for the dlsease named These Speclflos cure without druKKing, nurirtog or reducing the system, and areln fftct and deed the OTerelgn remedies of the World. ijst or PEracn?AL nos. cures. frices Fever, Congestión, . . ,2 , '■ Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Collc .'2, Crylng CoIlc.orTeethlngof Infanta ,'J, ■ Dlarrhea, of Chlldren or Adulta ,'ïj Dygenterr, Grlping.BlllousColic... ,'J, Cholera fttorbUB, Vomltuig II j Coughs. Cold, Bronchitis i, NeuralÉla, Toothache. Faoeache ,-ii - ' t JJeadaches. SickHeadache, Vértigo .'i', i . .1 ' Uyspepsia, BlUous Stomach .5, . tsuppressedor Paintiil Perlods. ,-2 : ' White, too Prof use Periods . .'2, . Cronp, Cough, Dlfflcult Breathlng '2; . 4 Halt Khouiii, EryBlpelas, Eruptlons. .': HheumatiHin, Kheumatic PaliiH tiï ( o r ever and A me, Chillo, Halarla 50 17 Pile, Blind or Bloculng .51 19 í'atarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .51 aü Vhoopins ('ouith. Violent Coughs. .50 24 Grnerol Itrbllily .Physlcal Weakneas .50 SÍ7 Kidupy Dixense .50 28 NervouaDrbility l.Oll O trinary V rakiicss, Wettlng Peí. .50 ait Pleageof theHeart.Palpltatlonl.OO Sold by Drugglata, or sentpoatpald on receipt cf prlce. D. Humpukeys' Manual, (144 pages) rlcMy bound in cloth and gold, malled free. Hnmphreyg'.tledlcl n e Co. 109 Fulton St. N Y. SPECI Fl CS. Michigan (Tentrai; "Tht Niágara Fallí Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. GOING EAST. I M 2 ■ I STATIONS. d J I". II SE a í"S ; 3a JfS. LíiñiMriM A H. A. M. P. M. A. U. P. M. P. K, Chicago Lt. 7 55 10 3ft 3 10 10 10 9 10 P. X. P. M. A. M Kalamazooo 1 12 2 45 6 M 7 10 3 85 2 21 Jackaon Ar. 3 25 115 8 49' 9 Sí) 8 15 4 45 Aun Arbor.... 4 43 5 45 9 41 10 43 7 50 6 00 Detroit Ar. 6 10 650 10 451150 920 730 A. M. A. H. P. H. P. M. BuBalo Ar. 2 30 3 25 6 15 4 551 8 05 GOIMO WKST. d ■ o . s 3 S i o a STATIONS. a .EtliS Sí OÍSg AMMMMM A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. P. X. Buffalo Lt. 1125 5 Só 8 35 12 30 P. K. P. M Detroit Lv. 9 10 800 400 120 800 10 15 Ann Arbor.... 10 25 8 59 5 20 2 20 9 15 11 35 Jackson Ar. 11 45 10 00 6 60 í 18 10 45 12 49 P. H. P. K. A. M. A. M. Kalamazoo 245 12 13 945 507 120307 Chicago -.Ar. 7 55 4 36 9 0 7 00 7 45 W7SM. t8aturáayw"SL.tDaUyG. P. & T. A., Chicago. Ann Arbor. Tálelo, Aun Arbor & MÍMliiiÍH'y Time Table going lnto effect Sunday, Jan. 8, '89. Going North. Oolng Sonh. 82. ■. a. STATIONS. 1. i. i i Pass. Pass. Malí Southern División. Maií Pa8S ■LLL A. H. P. M. A. M. Lv'Kl [ABE P. M. FÜ. 7"7 3 25 6 35 .Toledo 1 10 11 00 4 06 6 19 Monroe Juaet'n 12 24 10 20 "" 4 55 6 27 Dundee 12 18 10 13 "" 4 31 6 46 Milán 12 00 9 50 ..... 4 52 7 08 Pittefield 11 40 9 82 I m f V, - -Aun Arbor... 11 25 9 20 S 8 00 6 t 1 Sn Lelands 11 10 9 05 9 10 5 45 7 49 Whitmore Lake 10 55 8 50 5 52 7 5f Hamburg 10 48 8 46 f g J4 8 45 Howel' 10 11 8 13 I 15 9 86 Duraod....„. 9 35 7 80. 8 55 10 55 ...East Saginaw... 7 55 5 55 1 A. M ,P. M. A. M. A. M. P. .',"ü; NORTHERN DIVI3ION. 7 30 9 35 Durand 9 35 7 15 '0 IB 12 45 ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 48 4 35 12 55 8 30 Cadillac 4 15 2 00 ..""" A. M.P. M. A M. P. M. AU paenger traína run daily except Sunday. i ÍS1"1?1??118 at Toledo with rallroadsdiventliig, AtManhatonJunction with WheelingA LakeBrie E. R. At Alexis JunctioD witb & C H R L. 8 y ?■ P a. K A. Monro JunoSoí wim L. 8. 4. MU. K'y. At Dundee wlth USA M. S.. and M. A O. Ry . At Milán with W., 8t L. i P. Ry. At Pittefleld with L. 8. & M. 8. R'j fi a ?kArrbor witn MlcnUan Central R. R.. t at 8outh Lyon with Detroit, lAusing and NÓrth ern R. B.,and (1. T. B. H. W. A8HLKT. ' A. J. PAI8LEY, Supenntendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD Agent, Ann Arbor. At Ashley with the Toledo, Saginaw & Mus kegon railway. Send 25c forself-inking pocket stamp (Retail price, 50c,) and full directions for making ROBBER 8TAMPS, with description of apparatus used and compound for making the moulds. An Improved procesa. All kinds of fetamps, Seáis, &c, made to order atreasonable rates. Wnte at once, it will pay you. Boardman Stamp Worksjoledo, Ohio Lberbach A San, Ann Arbor, snpply for he Ctreat French Rem. LeDIIC's PEBIODICAI. from Paris. France, act only upon the generativo organs in females and positively cure supression of the mensos (from whatever cause,) and all periodical troubles peculiar to women. A safe rehable remedy warranted to promote menstruation or money refunded. Should not be used during pregnaney. The laree proportion of ills to which ladles are Hable Is the direct result of a dlsordered or irregular menstruation. Ask any druggist, Ann Arbor. AMERICAN PILL CO Spencer Iowa. Robert Stevknson & "Co ' Wholesale Agenta, Chicago. D. I DOWD'S " HOM F. EXEBCIRER." IVHJJHMB For BrainWorkers and Seden I 'AWa I Gentlemen, Ladies and Youthsi Jfml I üle Athlete or Invalid. A comtLH ■ flete gymnasium. Takes up fjPS I but six inches square floor■ room ; eomething new, scien■ tifle, durable, comprehensive ""■ cheap. Indorsed by twenty housand Physicians, Lawyers, Clergymen Editora and others now using it. Send for Henry Richards, HO 9 DETROIT ST. Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LTTMBBR, FBNOB POSTS, etc., also all kinds of STOVE AM CORD WOOD I am also Agent for the celebrated CSAKF10N linill AND KOWERS, And Keep a Full Line of Repairs for the Same. TeUphone No. 5. lümbM? LUMBERI LÜMBER! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON LUMBËRYARD! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and gret our figures for all kinds oí LUMBEE We manufacture our ovn Lumbei and gruarantee VERY LOW PRIOBS #-iive as a cali nt we wlll mak e 11 i i onr 111 irrosl. as oar larKe and ) ïloïf 9tockfniy nstsinsoar assèr. JAMF.N TOLBEKT, Prop T. i. KÜKCB. Sap. Fairbanks' Scales, WIND MILLS, HAY PRESSES. Superior Goods! Favorable Pnces1 FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., 7 vr -- iBÜÉ L_KbNJ Jf-jE: Qevers of OÜD H0NE3TY TOBACCO VILL SOOf4 FlflD JhyT IJ LySTS LOflGEfy 'TASJES SWEETER THjAJl OJEI TOBCCOS, AflD WILL pLEASE _. f ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT, U AND INSIST ON CETTINC IT. eVl pLJG SJAIpED LIIE aboVe cJj. JNO. FINZER & BROS., LooisvlUe, Ky. P fin Christiao and Princesa Lausie sometimes drive about Londoa in haneotn cabs. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS ' The Great Enarllsh Prescrlptlon wlll restore tha.t lost Vitality and a Rugged Healthy Csnditlon follow lts use. Buy at youi dragilst's , one packte,l ; eix for $5. ' EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich Sold py JOIiy MOOBE. CV qo TÍTA+ 1 WITHOUT ANY EXCEPÖXieeU Metal TION the best in the - - - - world. Absolutely rain ■ wm storm and flre proof. EasSHINGLES g&jfgftt asstis. in many parts of the country, compete successfully with wood shingles. Illustrated catalogue and prices free. The National Sheet Metal Roofing Co., 510 East 201 h St. , York City. MmrW I The largest, fastest and ünest in the world. I Passenger accommodations unezcelled. Jïeti ïork to Liverpool Tía QdmiiIh. The Celebrated I The Finest 1 Ang. Sist, City ofltnmt Bhip in the World. I Sept.l8tta. New Tork to Glasgow vla Condónderry. Ethlopia. Anif. 31; Anchorin, Sept. 7, Devonla, Anj. 17, Fornessla, ■luit . lotli. Saloon to Glasgow, Liverpool, Derry, Belfast or Queenstown éoO to $60 by Glasgow steamers, 860 and upwards by " City of Rome.' 8econd Class $30. Steerage Í20. Excursión rates reduced available for either route, thus giving prlvüege of seeine in one trip the RiTer Mersey, Picturesque Clyde, North and South of Ireland. Escarióos to Paris or Continental Toara on lo we ■ t ternts. Tra velera' Circular Lettere of Credit and Drafts for any amount at lowest current rates. Apply to any of our local agente or to lli:.M)KKS BROS., Chicago, 111. C. W. nellor. _ ook' Cottoa Root f'oraponnd.- Con. faZSte? posed of Cotton Root, Tansj and Penny■ QBHBP rovaL Stu-eessfully uxe-A monthly. Safe, ■ yA Efïectual, Pleasant. f 1 by mail, ordrngfl f plats. Pealert partlrnlars2stampfl. Ladles 7 Yaddress POND LILY COMPANY. 131 Woodward ave.. Detroit Hich. Sold in Ann Arbor by all drugglsta. Why Should I Go to Montana ? Great K sorvation. Because i8,ooo,ooo acres of free Government land, with a delightful dimite, and equally suited for general farming and stock raising, have just been opened to the homeseeker. in the Milk River Valley and near Benton and Great Falls. Stock Ralslng. Because the favorable climate and superior grasses of Montana make it the natural home of horses, cattle, shecp and other domeitic animal ; and because winter feeding is not lequired, as stock grazes at large the year round. ' General Farming. Because a riek soil and abundant summer rains produce wheat, oats, rye barley and the grasses and vegetables of a quklítv' size and yield unsurpassed. Mlnlnsr. Because Montana produces more of the precious metáis than any other state or territory, and abundant opportunities remain to secure valuable properties at nominal cost. Iiiimlicration. Because the Great Reserva. tion is the meeting point of settlers from the Pacific Coast and from the Kastern States, and is the only extensive tract of good land left, suitable for settlement Business. Because the rapidly growing towns along the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry. offer splendid opportunities to engage in business. Mamifacturer. Because the 1,000000 horsepower water-power at Great Falls, the extensive coal veins, the wool, mineral and grain raising resources ol Montana offer exceptional opportunitie to the manufacturar. Tonrlst. Because the canon of the Gates of the Mountains, the Great Falls of the Missouri the Giant Fountain and Continental Divide offer the most sublime and diversified sceneryto be found on the Continent. Take a summer tour. Wny Travel by the St. P., M. M.? Because only by it can you travel through the hu-gest body of free land left for settlement. Because it reaches the Great Falls, with the largest waterpower on the Continent. Because it reaches Helena, the richest city of its size in the and because it is the shortest and best route to Butte, the largest miningcamp on earth. Special tourists' and landseekers' rates. Daily trains through solid to Montana. Choice of three routes to the Pacific Cost. Find out all about it by writing ior " The Great Reservation," and "Tonrists' Summer Guide." For further information, rates, mans etc. apply to F. I. WHITNEY, G. P. & T. A„ St! Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry., St. Paul, Mino.


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