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The fall term of school commenced Monday. Steamer Lizzie Payne will bi entirely remodled before anctherseason. Rev. R. D. Robinson will preach at a camp meeting at Brighton and at the north Hamburg Sunday school institute next Sundav. The T. & A. A. Ry. Co. will sell tickets to the L'ike and return for one fare on thedayof the farmers' picnic. Nopains will be spared to make Whitmore a greater attraction that day than ever before. A large company from the 5th ward, Ann Arbor, carne to the Lake on hay racks last Friday evening, and they came for the so!e purpose of enjoying themselves to the extent of possibility. They chartered steamer Oceola and took a trip upon the water. The boat was beautiful lighted and tireworks were not sparingly used. The Lake house and grove were made the places of attraction bytorch lights and chínese lanterns. After their ride the company danced at the Lake house. Sunday last seemsto have been a day for accidents in this vicinity. Fred. M. Dodge and mother were driving on the east side when their horse became rightened and turning qniekly tbreatcned to throw them down the steep lake bank. This was avoided but the horse ran aprainst a tree, throwing Mr. Dodge and hia mother from the buggy slightly injuring both of them, and demolishing the bugay. When returning from church, John McMahon and his sister were thrown from their bugy and the former quite severely injured. Gen. Sleaven, city missionary, J. Cooper Price, superintendent, and the teachers of the Adams street mission scnooi.togeUierwitn öoU ol thecnildren of the mission, look advantage of Mr. Ashley's generosity and visited the Lake Monday. All ages, si zes and races were represented, and everybody by his appearance showed that such treats are not numerous among these people. Some of the people brought their lunches with them, but at least half of the in were more that abundantly supplied by the liberal people of this vicinity. General Sleaven publicly expressed thegratitude of the excursionista for the favor shown them, and made the extraordinary offer to our young people, and espeeially to our barber, that if they would come to Toledo he would marry them free of charge. miau. Dr. Raymund has located in Detroit. The M. D. P. A. are billed for races Aug. 24. Miss Allie Harper will leave in a days tor the north. Mr. and Mrs. Armitage have returned 'rom their visit. Miss May Reynolds has returned frcm aer Saginaw visit. There are several fine troting horses owned near Milan. Mrs. L. Clark has returned from her eastern trip much refreshed. Died, Aug. 20, Marie, infant daughter of Harry II. and Belle Zimmerman. Clarence Reynolds has returned to Campbell City after a short visit home. Several of the young people of Milan ook in the excursión to Whitmore Lake Sunday. Miss Lena Blinn left for Unadilla Tuesday evening to visit her sister, Mrs. Dhas. Case. The I. O. O. F. of Milan turned out in goodly number to attend the excursión to Presque Isle. The agricultural society elected a new manager this week, Mr. L. Allen succeeding Joel Marble. The most noticable in the Milan wants is the want of rain. Vegetation is all drying up for the want of it. Mason Long preached to a large andience Sunday evening. His talk was ;ood and we wish him God-speed. Died, Wednesday, Aug. 13, of cholera nfantum.Hazel Eugenie, infant daughter of Alvo W. and Leofie Reynolds. Married, by Rev. John Caster, Aug. 13, Mr. James Pawline of Newago Co. and Mrs. Clara McLanahan of Milan. The Milan band left Tuesday to take Dart in the tournament at Monroe. They looked well and played well and taking all in all they are an honor to our village. The reunión of the 16th Michigan infantry takes place in our progressive village the 24th. The G. A. R. and W. R. C. and the S. of V. will treat them to a free dinner. An interestingcamp fire will be held in the evening. Mills Brothers contémplate exhibiting fifteen or twenty head of Holstein cattle at the state fair and the Detroit exposition.


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