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James Means & Co's

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BOOTS AND SHOES. The best testimonia! we ever had.-" James Means & Co. are the bears of the boot and shoe market. They have revolutloniztal the business by making high priced goods unsalable. '- Iraae paper. fréi JAMES MEANS' JAMES MEANS' f rfh l56 ■jem $3 SHOE $4 SHOE Jli WP LhVAUonteCelleckIN CANNOTFAIL ƒ?■ II Mún DURABILITY "ATI S FYV ■ '■' m. PÍ4!fLERFECTIOM THE J Wjlhi JAMES MEANS' BOOTS and SHOES flfcJM Rfl Are Unexcelled in Morit. fttillMUU Posiliyely none genuine unless having our name and price ÍlSÍLj!WTnrIfci stampcil plataly on the soles. Your retaUer wlll Bupply you vrltli ' H Boots and Shoés bo stamped If you Insist upon hls dolng so; lf you do IiÍÍiÍiÍlÍlHffllSÍÍil nottosist, some retailers wlll coax you into buylng Inferior goods upon whk'h they make alarger proflt. OurB are the original $3 and Íii3ÜÍ9lKLÍÜiS $4 Shoes, and those who imítate our system of business are unable ÏÜIgüSÜtiB to compete with us in quallty of factory producís. In OUT Unes lHtSSsïis we are the largest manufacturera In tfce United States. lsgS5gg=J How your boy does wear out his Bhoes ! BpÜaï$LLKBï . i _ M lamen Mean' 8'i Shoes for Boys will outwear any otlier KÉ5ÍAf"SííllMO boys' shoe ever made. You can have lace or button. IIÍMlgEaJlliU3aUi31 íÜj $2,50 Buys the Beat Farmers' Thici Boot. SfilltÉll mjQUARTER EACLE BOOT jj sêzs" A Reliable Kip Boot for Farmers. ffcfi raBfj 10 ('cuta make one Dlmei 10 Dluie make one Oollnr; J 10 Dollars make one Eaglc. jP And with a Quarter Eagle any Farmer in the yip Country can uow buy a bont thal will satlsfy liim. .SS - 1 Farmers have been looking for such a boot for S -;s Boot"nnd Shoea from ou'r rflebrnted dB{gÉ Sfc factory nr; .!! by wlde-awake ïfiailei HH in all parli ot country. W " ïll place JBÜsskB p=lSlL=sd thom e;iily wittiin your reach in any State or M JS'IÍÉÉmBmBS ir ='. Terrll-Ty Ifyii wlll luveat oncenl lua ial " _ j l . _, icard and wrlte to us. wKï Special Offer on the James Means Quarter Eagle Kip Boots for Farmers. In order to immediately dlstribute samples of these Boota all over the country, we will send them transportaron prenaiü, to any man in any place where there is a post-oftice or railroau in auy State or Territory of the United States. We wlll send them by expresa or by mail. with all charges for transportation tudestinatlon prepaid by ourselves, on reoefpt of regular price, S'i.5O. Send moncy by postofflce order or registred letter. We will accept United States postage stamps for the odd half dollar. In order to get a perfect nt, take a piece of naper and place your foot upon it, then mark out the shaue of your foot, keeping your pencll close to the foot all the wayaround. Then (ake the last boot which you wore, and mark out the shape of that in the same way. We win till your order on the same lfcy we receive it. Take ireat care to be very accurate, and be sure to give us your f uil address, town, county and State or Territory. If we have a dealer liandling our goods in your town we want you to buy of him, we do not want you to send to us as we will not mterfere with the dealers who sell our goods. but we are glad to supply you lf your dealer will not. Any boot and shoe retailer or any country Btore-keeper can supply you with our goods if he wants to. but some dealers will try to sell you inferior goods on whlch they make a larger proflt than they ought to ask for. In that case, stnd to us. JAMES MEANS & CO., 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. FULL, LINE OP THE ABOVh) GOODS FOR SALE BY LTaO'irTTWTP13 8 SOUTH MAIN ST. ly JliL U IT MJS&1 A axiioii. mh il.


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Ann Arbor Register